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Results 32701-32750 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
32701 Hand, Edward Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Edward … 1778-10-29 I think it my duty to Acquaint your Excy that I arived here on the 24th & Communicated my...
32702 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to Major General William Heath … 1778-10-29 I last evening received your favor of the 25th copy of which I have transmitted to Congress to...
32703 Washington, George Laurens, Henry From George Washington to Henry Laurens, 29 October … 1778-10-29 Yesterday forenoon I had the honor to receive your favor of the 23d Instant, with a Resolution of...
32704 Malcom, William Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel William Malcom, 29 … 1778-10-29 This Accompanys the weekly return of the Garrison —My information from York are that the Enemy...
32705 Peters, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Peters, 29 October … 1778-10-29 Letter not found: from Richard Peters, 29 Oct. 1778. GW wrote Peters on 11 Nov. : “I have been...
32706 Phillips, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William … 1778-10-29 Having obtained permission, th< illegible > Major General Reidesel and Brigadier General...
32707 Scott, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Charles … 1778-10-29 Your Excellencys favour of the 27th came to hand the Same evening. it did not Surprise me atall...
32708 Stirling, Lord (né William Alexander) Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Stirling, 29 … 1778-10-29 I have to Acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency’s two letters of the 24th and one of the...
32709 Washington, George Sullivan, John From George Washington to Major General John Sullivan … 1778-10-29 I last night received your favour of the 26th with the inclosed paper of intelligence—Every thing...
32710 Adams, John 1778 Octr. 30. Fryday. 1778-10-30 Last Saturday I dined with Mr. Grand in Company with Mr. Gebelin Author of the Monde Primitif....
32711 Franklin, Benjamin Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Benjamin Franklin and John Adams to Gabriel de Sartine … 1778-10-30 We have been honoured with your Letter of the 26th. October, and We request your thank your...
32712 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Franklin, Benjamin C. W. F. Dumas to the Commissioners, 30 October 1778 1778-10-30 J’eus l’honneur de vous écrire Mardi 27 une Lettre très intéressante. L’adresse dont elle vous...
32713 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Franklin, Benjamin C. W. F. Dumas to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 30 … 1778-10-30 On Tuesday, the 27th, I had the honor to send you a very interesting letter. Already the address,...
32714 American Commissioners Sartine, Antoine-Raymond-Gualbert-Gabriel de The American Commissioners to Sartine, 30 October 1778 … 1778-10-30 AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: National Archives (two); incomplete copy:...
32715 Dumas, Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric American Commissioners Dumas to the American Commissioners, 30 October 1778 … 1778-10-30 AL : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief <The Hague, October 30,...
32716 Fairholme & Luther American Commissioners Fairholme & Luther to the American Commissioners, 30 … 1778-10-30 ALS : American Philosophical Society Inclos’d we make bold to send you a copy of what we wrote...
32717 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de American Commissioners Vergennes to the American Commissioners, 30 October … 1778-10-30 L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copies: Library of Congress (two),...
32718 Carmichael, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Carmichael, 30 … 1778-10-30 ALS : American Philosophical Society The return of the Marquis de la Fayette gives me an...
32719 Williams, Griffith Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Griffith Williams, 30 October … 1778-10-30 ALS : American Philosophical Society By the way of Havre de Grace I have taken the Liberty to...
32720 Washington, George General Orders, 30 October 1778 1778-10-30 Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
32721 Washington, George Bassett, Burwell From George Washington to Burwell Bassett, 30 October … 1778-10-30 By Mr Custis I took the liberty of requesting the favor of you to set a value upon the Stock of...
32722 Washington, George Custis, John Parke From George Washington to John Parke Custis, 30 October … 1778-10-30 The Letter herewith sent for Mr Hill is left open for your perusal; after reading which, Seal &...
32723 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1778-10-30 At the pressing request of Brigadier General Hamilton, I have given permission to Captain Masters...
32724 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1778-10-30 I am still makeing every preparation for the march of the Troops of the Convention, on wednesday...
32725 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Lafayette, 30 … 1778-10-30 Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Lafayette, c.30 Oct. 1778. GW wrote Vice Admiral d’Estaing on 31...
32726 La Neuville, René-Hippolyte Penot Lombart de … Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General La … 1778-10-30 The Congress has granted me just now the brevate of Brigadier général dated from the fourteenth...
32727 Laurens, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Laurens, 30 October … 1778-10-30 Since my last Letter under the 25th by Van Court I have had the honor of presenting to Congress...
32728 Measam, George Washington, George To George Washington from George Measam, 30 October … 1778-10-30 I have the honour of Your two favours of the 27th Instant; their contents shall be particularly...
32729 Scott, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Charles … 1778-10-30 I this moment recd a letter from Majr Lee who has been on the Lines for several days in order To...
32730 Stirling, Lord (né William Alexander) Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Stirling, 30 … 1778-10-30 The Sixteen Sail of Ships I mentioned to be at the hook in my letter of Yesterday, were...
32731 Stirling, Lord (né William Alexander) Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Stirling, 30 … 1778-10-30 I have this Moment seen a Man from Staten Island, he Assures me the Ships have for Several days...
32732 Genet, Edmé Jacques Adams, John From John Adams to Edmé Jacques Genet, 31 October 1778 1778-10-31 Your obliging Letter of the 29 is now before me. It would ill become me born and educated in the...
32733 Hamilton, Alexander Examination of a Hessian Deserter, [31 October 1778] 1778-10-31 Trech—from the Corps of yagers —deserted ye 30th—yagers lie between the second and third redoubt...
32734 Washington, George Estaing, Charles-Hector, comte d’ George Washington to Comte d’Estaing, 31 October 1778 1778-10-31 Fredericksburg [ New York ] October 31, 1778 . Acknowledges receipt of news of sailing of British...
32735 Washington, George Du Portail, Louis Le Bèque George Washington to Brigadier General Louis Le Beque … 1778-10-31 Fredericksburg [ New York ] October 31, 1778 . Acknowledges receipt of plan for fortification of...
32736 Washington, George Scott, Charles George Washington to Brigadier General Charles Scott … 1778-10-31 [ Fredericksburg New York ] October 31, 1778 . Is doubtful about plans of the British. Asks Scott...
32737 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de American Commissioners Vergennes to the American Commissioners, 31 October … 1778-10-31 Copies: Library of Congress, National Archives, Massachusetts Historical Society Vous me...
32738 Babut, Veuve, & Labouchere Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Veuve Babut & Labouchere, 31 … 1778-10-31 ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous avons l’honneur de remettre a votre Excellence deux...
32739 Sausset & Masson Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Sausset & Masson, 31 October … 1778-10-31 ALS : American Philosophical Society L’opinion où nous sommes que vous pouvez faire usage des...
32740 Washington, George General Orders, 31 October 1778 1778-10-31 At a General Court-Martial held at Fort-Clinton October 23rd 1778—Coll Poor President[,] Nathan...
32741 Washington, George Duportail, Antoine-Jean-Louis Le Bègue de Presle From George Washington to Brigadier General Duportail … 1778-10-31 I have received your favour of the 20th, inclosing your remarks on the state of the...
32742 Washington, George Estaing, Charles-Hector Théodat, comte d’ From George Washington to Vice Admiral d’Estaing, 31 … 1778-10-31 I have had the happiness of receiveing your Excellencys letters of the 23 and 26th. I thank you...
32743 Washington, George Gray, Ebenezer From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Ebenezer … 1778-10-31 It has been intimated to me that several persons, have gone over to Long Island, under the...
32744 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1778-10-31 I now do myself the honor to inclose copies of several Letters which have passed between Major...
32745 Washington, George Laurens, Henry From George Washington to Henry Laurens, 31 October … 1778-10-31 Your Excellency’s favor of the 23d Instant, was delivered me yesterday, with the Resolution...
32746 Washington, George Malcom, William From George Washington to Colonel William Malcom, 31 … 1778-10-31 I have been favd with yours of the 22d 24th and 29th with the several weekly Returns inclosed....
32747 Washington, George Scott, Charles From George Washington to Brigadier General Charles … 1778-10-31 I have received your two favours of the 29th and 30th with their inclosures. All the intelligence...
32748 Scott, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Charles … 1778-10-31 I have recent intelligence by deserters (who are Numerous) that all the New Corps are under...
32749 Stirling, Lord (né William Alexander) Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Stirling, 31 … 1778-10-31 My last went Yesterday afternoon by Colonel Cox. The Ships at the Hook and those at the Narrows...
32750 Sullivan, John Washington, George To George Washington from Major General John Sullivan … 1778-10-31 Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. John Sullivan, 31 Oct. 1778. GW wrote Sullivan on 3 Nov. : “I...