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Results 32651-32700 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
32651 Thoüin, André Jefferson, Thomas André Thoüin to Thomas Jefferson, 7 December 1811 1811-12-07 Permettez moi d’avoir l’honneur de vous présenter M. Correa de Serra , naturaliste portugais, mon...
32652 Washington, George Jay, John From George Washington to John Jay, 18 December 1794 1794-12-18 Since writing to you by Mr Bayard—about the first of November —I have been favored with your...
32653 Cathcart, James Leander Madison, James To James Madison from James Leander Cathcart, 18 … 1803-09-18 The enclosed detail will inform you of our actual position at Tunis, in addition to which I have...
32654 Knyphausen, Wilhelm von Washington, George To George Washington from Wilhelm von Knyphausen, 17 … 1781-05-17 The enclosed Papers, express the treatment which Lieutenant Sobbe received in Philadelphia,...
32655 Lincoln, Benjamin Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Benjamin Lincoln, 25 … 1791-02-25 I have completed the business you assigned me and purchased up so much of the public debt as...
32656 Huntington, Jedediah Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Jedediah … 1780-09-09 I find it impossible to form an Opinion, with Satisfaction to myself, upon the Subjects laid by...
32657 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Adams, John To John Adams from C. W. F. Dumas, 2 April 1781 1781-04-02 Vous voudrez bien avoir la bonté de joindre le Postcrit ci joint à ma derniere Lettre pour le...
32658 Washington, George Stirling, Lord (né William Alexander) From George Washington to Major General Stirling, 7 … 1778-11-07 I have to acknowledge your favors of the 31st Ulto the 1st 3d & 4th Inst. with their several...
32659 Adams, John 1780 January 8. Saturday. 1780-01-08 Rode from San Juan Segun, to Paredese de Nava. We have passed thro a Village every League. The...
32660 Trumbull, Jonathan Sr. Washington, George To George Washington from Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 12 … 1777-01-12 This will be delivered you by Lt Fellows who comes to Obtain the Release of his Brother Capt....
32661 Johnson, Josiah Washington, George To George Washington from Josiah Johnson, 20 December … 1769-12-20 It is with great Pleasure I sit down to inform you, that it is ⟨now⟩ in my Power to contribute my...
32662 Madison, Robert Lewis Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Lewis Madison, 27 December … 1813-12-27 Your letter has just come to hand and I was surprised to find that my letter to my Father,...
32663 Stokely, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Stokely, 3 February 1808 1808-02-03 I know my long stay from home has an Impudent appearance: but Sir the extraodinary late...
32664 Duer, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Duer, 23 June 1788 1788-06-23 As it is probable you may not hear by this Post from our Mutual Frend Colo. Hamilton, I take the...
32665 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Vergennes, 29 July 1783 1783-07-29 LS and transcript: National Archives; L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères...
32666 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 2 [August] 1811 1811-08-02 I just find by the letters from W. that you had at length been liberated from your detention...
32667 Madison, James Cutts, Richard From James Madison to Richard Cutts, 27 July 1818 1818-07-27 Be so good as to obtain for two letters inclosed a conveyance from the Department of State. We...
32668 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 21 … 1813-09-21 Never Shall be obliterated the few days, which I enjoy’d at Quincÿ—I fostered allways indeed a...
32669 Washington, George [Diary entry: 14 April 1787] 1787-04-14 Saturday 14th. Mercury at 62 in the Morning—74 at Noon and 68 at Night. Cloudy in the Morning...
32670 Washington, George [Diary entry: 28 May 1773] 1773-05-28 28. Much such a day as yesterday—in all respects.
32671 Digges, Thomas Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Digges, 4 September … 1779-09-04 ALS : American Philosophical Society I have risqued two letters to you very lately, and having an...
32672 Minor, Lancelot Jefferson, Thomas Lancelot Minor to Thomas Jefferson, 25 July 1817 1817-07-25 I have been prevented for sometime acknowledging your letter of the 7 th of last month enclosing...
32673 Morris, Gouverneur Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Gouverneur Morris, 17 … 1793-10-17 Mr. Moscow Livingston delivered to me yours of the 25th. of July. He says that you alone gave him...
32674 Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, Elizabeth From Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Hamilton, [12 … 1781-10-12 I wrote you two days since My Dear Betsey, but as I am informed by one of the Gentlemen at Head...
32675 Coles, Edward Madison, James Edward Coles to James Madison, 12 June 1831 1831-06-12 I send you enclosed two communications of the Governor, & a report of a Committee of the...
32676 Franklin, Benjamin An Infallible Method to Restore Peace and Harmony, 8 … 1773-09-08 Printed in The Public Advertiser , September 8, 1773. Franklin had long believed that the method...
32677 Jefferson, Thomas Foronda, Valentín de Thomas Jefferson to Valentín de Foronda, 4 October 1809 1809-10-04 Your favor of Aug. 26. came to hand in the succeeding month and I have now to thank you for the...
32678 Galloway, Joseph Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Joseph Galloway, 21 June 1770 1770-06-21 ALS : American Philosophical Society A number of new Engagements occasioned by the Death of Mr....
32679 Walmsley, Philip Washington, George To George Washington from Philip Walmsley, 16 April … 1782-04-16 I acknowledge to have received from Genl Washington in part of my wages—Four Guineas in...
32680 Washington, George [Diary entry: 21 August 1771] 1771-08-21 21. At Court all day. In the Evening returnd home.
32681 Delany, Sharp Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Sharp Delany, 31 October … 1789-10-31 [ Philadelphia ] October 31, 1789 . Proposes the use of boats to prevent smuggling in Delaware...
32682 Huntington, Jedediah Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Jedediah … 1780-04-17 The Connecticut Line becomes weaker every Day by the three Years Men leaving us, besides two...
32683 Washington, George [Diary entry: 7 March 1768] 1768-03-07 7. Rather better. Doctr. went home after breakfast. Mr. Ramsay staid to Dinner.
32684 Washington, George General Orders, 30 May 1778 1778-05-30 Commanding officers of Brigades are to appoint a sufficient number of proper Officers to be left...
32685 Madison, James Woods, Benjamin From James Madison to Benjamin Woods, 18 June 1807 1807-06-18 In answer to your letter on the subject of Mr: West, I have to observe that the President was led...
32686 Washington, George General Orders, 17 July 1776 1776-07-17 A working party of fifty Men properly officered to parade to morrow morning, Six OClock, with...
32687 Washington, George March 1785 1785-03-01 Tuesday 1st. Mercury at 34 in the morning 38 at Noon and 42 at Night. Wind at No. West all day, &...
32688 Ward, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Ward, with Jeffferson’s … 1793-08-29 I forward the enclosed at the desire of Mr. Adair—the Jays Cargo was shipd by Saml. Ward &...
32689 Stoddert, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Benjamin Stoddert, 21 June … 1785-06-21 I am honored with your favor of yesterday, inclosing an order on Col. Hooe for £70:8:6, for the...
32690 Eustis, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Eustis, 6 April 1812 … 1812-04-06 6 April 1812, War Department. Lists proposed “alterations and appointments in the Army of the...
32691 Coxe, Charles D. Madison, James To James Madison from Charles D. Coxe, 20 October 1820 1820-10-20 On the dismissal of Lieut Col. Gale from the Marine Corps, The officers have alledged to me,...
32692 Gibault, Pierre St. Clair, Arthur Enclosure IV: Memorial of Pierre Gibault to Arthur St. … 1790-05-01 Kahokia 1 May 1790. The undersigned Memorialist has the Honor to represent to your Excellency....
32693 Humphrey, Hosea Jefferson, Thomas Hosea Humphrey to Thomas Jefferson, 31 December 1815 1815-12-31 Although you enjoy in retirement the warmest approbation and esteem of every honest American yet...
32694 Hamilton, Alexander Seton, William From Alexander Hamilton to William Seton, 17 March 1794 1794-03-17 I thank you much for your friendly & expeditious attention to my late requests. All the papers...
32695 Bancroft, Edward Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Edward Bancroft, 23 June 1788 1788-06-23 During the last twelve months I have from time to time, constantly flattered myself with the hope...
32696 Williams, Otho H. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Otho H. Williams, 25 January … 1790-01-25 Baltimore, January 25, 1790. Discusses the official value of the rix-dollars of Denmark, Sweden,...
32697 Washington, George Trumbull, Jonathan Sr. From George Washington to Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 26 … 1780-05-26 It is with infinite pain I inform You, that we are reduced to a situation of extremity for want...
32698 Adams, John Guest, Henry From John Adams to Henry Guest, 5 September 1809 1809-09-05 Your Grand Daughter writes so beautiful a hand that you need not be at a loss for an Amanuensis....
32699 Chinowitz (Chenoweth), Samuel Enclosure I: Account with Henry Brinker, 24–25 July … 1758-07-24 Corl George Washington Dr To Henry Brinker one the Acct of the Election. To Thirtey Galls. of...
32700 Jefferson, Thomas Board of Trade From Thomas Jefferson to the Board of Trade, 6 November … 1779-11-06 The Board of trade are requested to direct that Major Martin be furnished at the big island with...