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Results 3251-3300 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have intended for some weeks past to trouble you with a little matter of self-concern, but have...
I recieved yesterday the joint letter of our colleagues of Jan. 26. and your separate one of the...
Your letter of the 31 st was recieved yesterday and gave me a fine night’s rest which I had not...
It is not in my power to give you any certain information of the issue of Commodore Jones’s claim...
Excuse if you please my taking the liberty of introducing to your family & self my second Son...
Your intended application to the Legislature has excited much discussion in private circles in...
You will be disappointed in hearing your bill is not yet before the Legislature. Upon the being...
I hope you will pardon my requesting you to remit me Five Dolls. for the Vol Philol. Transactions...
Feb. 1. 26 old stock on hand now rec d total vin rouge de Bergasse 142. 142 Red Ledanon 37 150...
Finding that the gallows would not shut down on the Ink holders I therefore cut some of it away,...
It was as natural for me to think, that there never had been, but one James Madison, as it is for...
I hastened upon my first arrival here to deliver your letters and commune with your friends upon...
At the request of Col l Peyton, I hereby advise you that I have received from him thirty nine...
I herewith inclose to you a letter addressed to me from Mr. Shaw written at my request—I can only...
I herewith inclose to you a letter addressed to me from Mr Shaw written at my request. I can only...
I recd. by yesterday’s mail yours of the 26 inst: enclosing a Copy of the amendment to the...
Your circular to M r Johnson, M r Loyall & myself relative to the appointment of a successor to M...
John Lowdon ; a merchant, residing in Charleston S.C. and a Nephew of your old and esteemed...
The office of librarian to the University of Virginia having become vacant by the resignation of...
It is some time my dear George since I wrote but much sickness and trouble have kept my mind in a...
Since my last letter the whole family have been suffering from violent colds. I did not escape...
I regret very much that our Law chair is likely again to be vacant & think with you, that the...
We herewith send you Invoices of Books from France, from case no. 10 to 14, inclusive. These were...
[GRAPHIC IN MANUSCRIPT] s. the sun. it’s altitude being about 23° h.h. the horizon t.u. a...
Your favor of the 24 th was not recieved till the afternoon before your sons and nephew set out...
The copy of your address before the Columbian Institute, kindly sent me, was duly recd. I find...
I have just recd. your favour of the 24th and am much obliged by the friendly attention of which...
I have received several letters making enquiery relative to the law professorship, in order to...
THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, TO THE SHERIFF OF Albemarle COUNTY,— Greeting , We command you to...
I have too long neglected to acknowledge my thanks for your volume of Biography. I am well...
I take the liberty to inclose you a resolution from the Senate for amending the Constitution of...
Since my return from Richmond I have seen a letter from the Postmaster General to M r Winn...
Again I am constrained to trouble you on a subject concerning which I wrote you about the 12 th...
Your circular, on the subject of the law professor has been received, and we have had a meeting...
I have just recd. from Mr. Jefferson a letter (Circular) on the foreseen vacancy in the Law...
I have duly recd. your letter of the 19th. inst. and am very sorry that instead of the pleasure I...
Your Circular of the 20. postmark 23. inst. was recd. last evening; and the letter from Mr....
In the Richmond Enquirer of the 21st. is an Extract from the Report of Secretary Hamilton, on the...
Your Circular of the 20 th instn post marked 23 rd was rec d last evening, and the letter from M...
My Father, in a late letter, desired me in case there appeared no chance of my soon presenting...
The Books relative to unclaim’d dividends on the Stock of the U S. having been plac’d in my hands...
We should be very glad to see you, whether you can bear the march you alone can judge. We are all...
I am glad to hear you are so well. My health is such that I can only say I have denied every...
Your esteem d of the 21 st has been rec d , covering bill lading for 11 Cases &c: from New York,...
I have recd. your favor of the 17th. instant & thank you for the Extract you took the trouble of...
I have been anxious to visit you and think I could do it; but D r Dunglison protests against it....
In my letter of the day before yesterday I committed a quid pro quo which just now occurs to me...
Your favor of Jan. 15. is recieved, and I am entirely sensible of the kindness of the motives...
I inclose you a bill of lading for 11. cases from Marseilles arrived at N. York and now on their...
Your favor of the 12 th is just now recieved and by this mail I have desired Col o Peyton to...