Thomas Jefferson Papers

Monies Expended on the President’s House, 1807, 31 December 1807

Abstract of Monies expended on Account of the Presidents House in the Year 1807 per Report No. 20,567—

 To whom paid & for what purpose N. of Voucher Dolls   Cts
Ephraim Haines 1 54 95
Michael Shaffner for clearing out the well 2 6
Alexander Cochrane  " Nails and other articles of hardware 3 19 80
Peter Lenox  " hire of as Labourer for 5 days 4 3 75
Roll Carpenters  " Work during October 1806 5 97 16
 ditto  "  ditto Novr. & Decr. 1806 6 91 25
 ditto  "  ditto January & February 1806 7 21 50
Peter Lenox  " Labour & Carting 8 17 62
 do.  " do—   do. 9 22 12
Robert Clarke  " painting & Colours for ditto 10 585
Henry Ingle  " Hardware 11 42  4
James C. King  " Lumber 12 12 64
Robert Brown  " 7½ day Labour 13 9 87
Francis Clarke  " Nails 14 10 48
Lewis Clephan  " Linseed Oil & spanish Whiting 15 5 50
George King & Co.  " 1600 feet heart 5/4 Plank a 3 ¾ 16 60
Shaw & Birth  " Mason– work, drayage & Labour as hire 17 696 94
N & D. Sellars  " 135 feet lattice–wire a 50 Cts & puting door frame 18 72 58
Thomas Whelan & Pat. Connelly for removing the Old Bricks from Gantts Kiln and laying them along the road in front of the house} 19 71
John Maffit for Nails & Spanish whiting 20 9 75
Edgar Patterson  " 20 Quires paper & 25 pens 21 1 12
Roll Carpenters  " work during March & April 1807 22 169
Peter Lenox  " Labourer’s hire and Cartage 23 5 87
Daniel Maddin  " digging a ditch 65¾ perches a 50 Cts 24 32 87
Henry Ingle  " 7 Spades 25 8 83
Harvey & Owens  " removing 787½ Cubic yards earth from presdts sqr. & levelling 2401. s. yd.} 26 325 57
Peter Lenox  " hauling Sundries 27 7 24
Roll Carpenters  " Work during May 1807 28 118 75
 " Labourers  "  do. do. do 29 12 18
Whelan & Connelly  " levelling & dressing 7.666½ sq: yards ground in Presd. gdn 30 459 69
George King & Co.  " Lumber 31 44  8
Timothy Caldwell  " 20.617 hard bricks a $7.50 for two drains 32 154 62
Roll Carpenters  " work during June 1807 33 123 25
Owen McGlue  " 96½ barrels sand a 20 Cts 34 19 30
Benjamin Burch  " levelling 14.639½ square yds. ground on Presdts. square 35 1.024 76
Harvey & Owens for levelling 13,772¼ sq. Yards ground and Presdts. square 36 658 26
Thomas Williams for Smith-work 37 24  4
Matthias Hart  "  do. 38 13 24
Alexander Cochrane  " Nails, brads & Screws 39 13 62
Thomas Whelan  " digging 20 drains, 220 Cubic Yards 40 44
John McClelland  " 11,500 hard bricks a $7.75 41 89 12
Henry Ingle  " hardware 42 28 18
Roll Labourers  " work during June 1807 43 25 86
Peter Lenox  " Carting sundries 44 10 86
Roll Labourers  " labour during July 1807 45 19 12
 " Carpenters  " Work during do. 46 124 83
Owen McGlue  " 54 barrels Sand a 200 Cts 47 10 80
Benjamin Burch  " digging, removing & levelling earth in difft. parts of Prsdts. sq. 48 1885 23
Toby Simpson  " Labourers work 49 10 50
Harvey & Owens  " digging & removing 3.031 Cubic Yards of earth a 23 Cts sq. 50 479 96
James C. King  " Lumber 51 10 63
Richard Parrott  " 80℔ white rope 52 20
John Evans  " 8550 hard bricks a $7.50 53 64 12
Owen McGlue  " 72 blls sand a 20 Cts 54 14 40
Basil Scott  " labourers work 55 2 25
Roll Carpenters  " Work during August 56 123 50
Peter Lenox  " Carting sundries 57 5 12
Roll Labourers  " labour during July & August 1807 58 263 38
George Andrews  " Ornamental Composition work 59 34 11
Griffith Coombe  " Lumber & hauling do 60 44 43
William Yates  " Repairing a Pump 61 2 50
Roll Carpenters  " labour during September 1807 62 111
George Spunaugle  " Smith work 63 9 76
John C. Shindle  " New water pipes & Repairs to the Offices of the Presdts House—.— 64 12 75
Thomas Williams  " Smith work 65 5 99
Joseph Dougherty  " Manure purchased for the Presdts. Square 66 100
Roll Labourers  " Labour during Septr. 1807 67 122 16
7,920 80

DNA: RG 53--Register of the Treasury’s Estimates and Statements.

Index Entries