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Results 32351-32400 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur, Monsieur, de m’adresser à vous avec confiance, pour vous prier de vouloir bien me faire la grace de me confirmer, s’il est vrai, comme il m’est revenu de plusieurs côtés, que M. le chevalier de Mauduit duplessis, officier d’artillerie, aujourd’hui au service des Etats unis de l’Amérique, se soit distingué dans les avantages que les...
AL : American Philosophical Society Accept my Dear Doctor of my best Compliments and Send me word whether you will have a game at Chess This evining. Be So good to Send me for some moments The Volue [Volume] of The Dictionary of Physicks, I lent you, where is the article of The fire Engine. Be so good My Dear Doctor to add The courier de LEurope received last. Addressed: M. Le Dr Franklin The...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer of this, Mr. Benjamin Morris, is the youngest Son of your old Friend Mr. Samuel Morris, lately deceased; he visits Europe upon a plan of Business; I believe him to be a deserving young Man; as such, and from the regard I have for his Family Connections here, I beg leave to introduce him to your Friendship & Civilities,—I am ever Dear Sir Your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have receiv’d the 24 May your kind letter dated the 2 and Mme Montgomery’s which was inclosed in it, By Mr Ridley Conductor of the young Morris’s as well as the medal you please to Send me you Refuse me a wacth I dont Insist on asking it no more. I thought that I could obtain one for 2 reasons 1° Every Boy of my Society has one or gold or at lest Silver...
Transcript: Library of Congress I send you for fear of accidents copies of two letters wch I have lately writ to you. I told you in my last that I hoped that our negotiation had done some good upon at least the minds of Men they had not been immediately as effectual as I cd have wished. Perhaps you may incline to the same opinion when you see the last paragraph of the King’s Speech viz that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettez vous Mon Illustre Docteur que Je profite de L Occasion du Voyage de Me. [Madame] Le Roy à Passy pour vous Solliciter de nouveau en faveur de la personne de Bayonne qui désire d’avoir l’honneur d’être Le Consul de Messieurs Les Amèricains dans cette Ville et dont j’ai eu Lhonneur de vous envoyer le mémoire qui m’a èté fortement recommandé comme Je...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have recvd a Letter for Mr Moylan relative to the Bills payable to Mr Dennie, & therefore request you to make no opposition to the Payment of them.— It is said that a Cartel with the american Prisoners on board is arrived in the River— I am not sure of it, but have no reason to doubt it.— The american Gentlemen are almost all of them near their Departure—...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Virginia Historical Society The trunk that is the subject of this letter was coming to resemble Pandora’s box. Thomas Morris had jumbled his papers as he had jumbled his two roles, as agent for the secret committee and for Willing & Morris. The commissioners were interested only in his public papers, but the official order that Lee took to Nantes was...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Notre Bonne amie, mon digne et respectable ami, vous donnera avec le plus grand plaisir la journee du Samedi 23e, et voit avec impatience le moment ou elle pourra vous dire combien elle vous respecte, vous estime et vous aime: je l’imite autant que je le peux, vous ne devés donc pas douter de la tendre vénération avec laquelle je vous suis devoú pour la...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous vous rappellerés que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous parler d’un négociant de Brest, qui se proposoit pour être Le correspondant du congrés dans ce port: j’ai celui de vous adresser Le mémoire qu’il m’a fait parvenir. Je ne le connois pas, mais on m’a assuré qu’il avoit autant de probité que d’intelligence c’est ce dont il ne vous sera pas difficile de vous...
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai lu, Monsieur, avec beaucoup d’attention la Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 20. mars dernier au Sujet de l’Enquête que vous avez fait faire sur ce qui s’est passé entre le Commodore Jones et le Capne. Landais. Puisque vous avez trouvé beaucoup de Contradiction dans les Declarations des parties, et dans les preuves Ecrites qu’elles ont...
Copy: American Philosophical Society We take this oppertunity of accuainting your honour of our Cituations at present, we have ben in Irons since Wednesday last and likewise on half Allowance, set side Grog & that we have none. Not withstanding it our determine to remain prisoners untill we go to America— Excepting your Honour will git us out of this unhappy situation but we depend upon your...
AL : American Philosophical Society L’Ambassadeur de Hollande a L’honneur d’assurer Monsieur Francklin de Ses tres humbles Civilités, et celui de Le remercier du Cadeau qu’il à bien voulu lui faire, en lui envoiant Les Constitutions des treize Etats Unis de L’Amerique./
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Take the Liberty of informing you of my arrivall hear yesterday I left philadla the 12 of april in a vessell for ostend but Got put ashore at hasting I Expect to purches a ship hear and proceed to philadelphia if you have aney Commands hear that I Can Excute please to Let hear from you Mr Beach [Bache] was at Newyork when I Came away Mrs Beach was well Mr...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am truly sorry that an unhappy occasion compels me to intrude at this time upon your more important concerns, and beg the circumstance may have sufficient weight to apologize therefor. My son William Davies, was lately taken in the ship General Washington, from this Port on a Cruize, by the British ship of War, Chatham and he with other Officers of the...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai abandonné patrie, parents, Fortune, tout, pour voler, a l’exemple de tant de braves guerriers, en Amerique venger la liberté opprimée, & punir l’Orgueil Anglois. Couvert de Onze blessures, J’ai été pris, & n’ai eu rien de plus pressé, au Sortir des prisons, que de venir rendre compte a Votre Excellence, de ma triste Situation actuelle. Je brule d’un...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As Mr. Newland has the honour of being known to you, I have taken the liberty of asking the favour, whether you have heard, any thing of him, sence he Embark from New York for Quebec. From the deferent reports of the Success of our Troops, at that place, I am under the greatest uneasiness for his Welfare. Sir from the thousand Amiable qualities of your...
LS : American Philosophical Society Je suis bien reconnoissant de la peine que votre excellence a bien voulu prendre de m’envoyer la Brochure de m. Torcia avec les reflections instructives que vous y avez jointes je le feliciterai d’avoir pû mettre sous vos yeux un fait de Physique qui meritat un instant votre attention et je me felicite moi meme d’avoir cette occasion de me rappeller a votre...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I should think it wrong to let any opportunity slip without informing you of the Welfare of my little Family, they are well and lovely the Youngest, one Year old this day, and as an infant she is perfect, I have just weaned her, Willy a fine tall straight Lad, this week he began to go to dancing School, Betsy and Lous go to my Old Madam Marsh, how happy...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I duly recd yours of the 8th August, I forgot in my foregoing to inform you that Mr Trumbull had been discharged, indeed I concluded you must have known it from himself as he has left this Country— he repaid me the £10. 10 I let him have. Immediately on receipt of yours I made it my business to find out Mess. Gouverneur & Curson, I went to new Prison to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Begging is the common theme of a number of undated letters like this one. The writers run the gamut of occupation and social status, from unemployed sailors to gentlefolk; most want a donation, but a few offer to sell some remaining treasure. None of these appeals seems to have received a response; those that elicited anything, even a few livres, we handle...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am sure my dear Sir you will be much surprised at receiving a letter with my name at the bottom; but when you cast your eye on the Place from whence its dated, I think it will bring to your mind a Place at which, and friends with whom, you have passed some pleasant hours. We often think & talk of em and long for their return. Mrs. Baldwin, from the...
Copies: American Philosophical Society Hillsborough, as mentioned before, was insisting that colonial agents be appointed by the governor and both houses of the legislature. On this basis he had denied Franklin’s credentials from Massachusetts in January, and in June had forbidden the Governor of New Jersey to assent to any support bill that asserted the Assembly’s sole right to appoint an...
ALS : Historical Society of Delaware I had the honour of your Letter, with Copies of the Intercepted Letters from Lord George Germain, and could wish that he was this moment Acquainted with the Real State of Affairs on this Continent, he would from thence be fully Convinc’d that all his plans & prospects as to America are at an End— I most heartily Congratulate you on the Success of our Arms &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We were honored yesterday by your recommendatory Letter of 22d. February last, of Torris & Wante’s house of Dunkirk; their Brig Franklin with a supercargo on board, is safe arrived; but to a bad Market, as our Port is glutted with every species of Goods; we shall however do every thing in our power to serve the interest of this House, and we trust, not...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Sience the prisoners, who were detain’d on board the patience brig in Brest road, receiv’d the honour of your oblidging Answer to their Memorial. persuant to your Excellency’s desire I did meself the honour of sending you an account of the provisions which were served us, and have not been so happy, as to know whether you receiv’d said account.—or a letter...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The opera interfering [ torn ] Mrs. French to put off her Music till Saturday 6th. June When she hopes to have [the] favor of seeing Docr. Frank[lin.] May 30, fell on a Saturday in 1767 and 1772 during BF ’s second mission; according to editorial practice this note is printed here at the earlier of the two dates.
(I) ALS : American Philosophical Society; (II) Copy: University of South Carolina Library Permit me to introduce at Passy, Mr. Parker a young Gentleman of an exceeding good character Son of John Parker Esquire a respectable & valuable Citizen of the State of South Carolina. Mr. Parker who is studying the Law, means to improve the next vacation by a Visit to Paris & is, as all the World are,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the pleasure of informing you of my safe arrival here last Friday. The Letters you intrusted to my care have been delivered. Dr: Fothergill, & Mr: Barclay are very happy in hearing of your good state of health. The latter who has the care of my affairs, thinks they may be settled in about four or five weeks, but wishes me to return to America by a...
ALS : Public Record Office I send you a copy of the petition from the County of Berks for lenient measures with America, which my Brother and I have signed with about a thousand others. Some time ago the ministerial agents began to move for vindictive addresses, and got many from boroughs, several of them by surprize and management, as I have been informed by public newspapers. All these...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Fearing least you should be uneasy about me, as the Weather has been very Stormy; I think it well to inform you, that we are still kept here by contrary Winds:— There is Hopes of our sailing at high Water this Afternoon, but there is no certainty: The Weather is become fair—& the Wind much abated but still contrary.— The Post is near setting off, & this...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. D’amezaga fait ses très humble compliment a Monsieur de franklin, et luy fait demander sil dinne chés luy aujourd’huy dimanche, et au cas qu’il n’y dinne Pas S’il vouloit venir dinner demain lundi chés Mr. amelot á Paris.
Reprinted from “Memoir of Thomas Gilpin,” Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography , XLIX (1925), 311–12. By letters received here yesterday by Falconer, Sparks and Friend the inclination of altering the non importation agreement is discouraged tho I still think some regulations will be made on the 5th of June and if wisely done I believe it will be for the best for then it may be...
I. MS not found; reprinted from Pennsylvania History , VI (1939), 15; II. ADS : Yale University Library The minutes of the Society of Arts (see above, VI , 186–9 n) for the meeting of Sept. 7, 1757, note that Franklin attended and read the extract of a letter from John Hughes printed as No. I below; that Franklin paid in the donation; and that the Society voted their thanks to Hughes for his...
L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères J’ai reçu, M, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’hr de m’ecrire le 27. de ce mois, et à laquelle étoit jointe celle que vous a addressée M. Hartley. Je vois que cet anglais à le desir de venir en france pour avoir des entretiens politiques avec vous, et vous voulez bien me consulter sur la réponse que vous avez à lui faire. Vous êtes trop...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have Shown to Capt. Dowlin the Letter your Excellency did me the Honnor to write me concerning the Peter & Friendship, his Truely British Prises. Your entertained suspicions grieved him to the Soul; He is no Pirate & wishes, for the amazing Suspicion, he never had a Commission from the Congress. Your Excellency is witness he made an honnorable use of it,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It being rather late when I got to Mr. Duffields and the Road from there to Mr. Galloways being very bad; by the kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Duffield I staid that Night and waited on Mr. Galloway in the Morning, and proceeded on my way to this place where I arrived yesterday afternoon with out any accident. Let Mrs. Bache know that her Son William has...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Your favour of the 7 June 81 was handed me a few days ago. I understand the Gentleman Mr: Beyerle you recommended Landed at Rhod Island & went to the southward had he Come to Boston your Letter would have intitled him to every Assistance in my power & Given me pleasure. Aunt Mecom paid us a Visit in the Spring & was so fourtunate as to receive your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I got at last an account of Pere Barletti’s pamphlet in an italian journal et will peruse it for the farther elucidation of the notes you was so good as to send me. Mr. le Begue acquaintd me that you begin to make experiments with air. I am glad of it. But have you laid aside the reflexions you were making two or 3 years ago on fire places principaly in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This Letter will be delivered to you by Coll. Dubuysson, an Officer of distinguished Merit and who has bled freely in the cause of America and wishes to return to it. I shall be obliged to you for your friendship and Attention to him. Enclosed you have a Letter from me to your old friend & acquaintance Governer Sharpe, which I beg you will Seal and forward...
AL : American Philosophical Society This undated note, lost in our files under the wrong year, has just come to light. We should otherwise have published it in Volume XXIII under the conjectural date of January 23, 1777, where we believe it belongs. The Duke was curious about Franklin, who he had heard was difficult to see, and took the direct approach of calling at his hotel and announcing...
ALS : Library of Congress As short days & winter weather approach I have sent you the 12 yards of Scarlet Welsh flannel wch you requested me to bring with me at my return, because as the meeting of Parlt. is now so near at hand, I imagine that my return to Paris will be postponed till after that time. I wd not make you wait during Cold weather for the confortable scarlet waistcoat. Mr Jay is...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Tho the difference of our pursuits has for so long a time enstrangd us from Each other I trust if ever peace should return that philosophy & your old Friends would resume that share of your time which when in their possession they so much valued. Not doubting but that if I was within your reach I still should enjoy a part of your time & some share of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je viens de recevoir une Lettre de Me. La Comtesse de Conway d’auxerre, qui est dans les inquietudes les plus cruelles sur le sort de son mari, dont elle n’a aucune nouvelle, et que la Gazette de divers endroits No 61 du 4 7bre dit avoir été blessé dans une affaire qu’il a eu avec le Collonel Cadwallader. Daignés Monsieur au nom de Dieu lui aprendre ce que...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I See you do not forgit me tho I have So Long mourned the want of a line from your own hand to convince me of it. March—79 being the date of the Last I have recd. from you, but I have Just now recved a large Package from cousen Jonathan Williams by your order of considerable Valeu but have not yet time to know Exactly, they are things much saught for by our...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Captain John Green arrived here the 23d Inst. to which port he had been carried by a privateer that took him on his passage from Philadelphia, he destroy’d all his Letters & papers these miscarriages cruelly suspend the execution of the proposed Operations of our friends on the other side whose disapointments as well as Loss’s come heavy. A Courier from...
(I) and (II) Copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire par laquelle vous me demandéz un Passeport pour un Batiment Anglois destiné a transporter de Plimouth ou Portsmouth des Prisonniers Americains, qui doivent etre debarqués à Morlaix; Je l’ai fait expedier sur le champ, et j’ai l’honneur de vous l’envoyer ci joint. J’ai l’honneur...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I arriv’d here the 12th Jany., after a Voyage, & Journey, exceedingly laborious, & disagreeable.— Fourteen Days sooner, I could have had the Satisfaction, of seeing my Grandpappa.— Why did I arrive later?— I acknowledge the Fault. It will not bear Reflection:— May the Lesson prove as useful, as ’tis severe. I really deserv’d a harder Stroke, than Your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <From La Breteche, near Tours, August 25, 1778, in French: Rumor has it that some Americans have been so taken with the beauty of Tours and surroundings that they would like to own or rent property near the river. The lovely house I have to offer will soon be connected by a new bridge to the center of town. It was lived in for a year by the Ogilvie family,...
Draft: New-York Historical Society I receiv’d by the last opportunity from New York the Proposals relating to the Education of Youth in Pensylvania. I have read it with much pleasure and heartily wish the Gentlemen success that are endeavouring to promote so usefull a Design. I have no objection to any thing in the proposals. I am pleased with every part of them. Tho I do not pretend to have...