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May it please your Excellency We the Commissioners for the Collection of the Taxes in this County think it our duty to inform your Excellency of the disorders and confusion which at this time prevail here which impedes if not totally prevents the collection of the said Taxes, which we do as well to justify ourselves and to make it appear that we have not been remiss in our duty, as to give...
Your Excellency’s Letter of the 28th covering the Acts of Congress of the 17th & 22d we had the Honor to receive Yesterday. The Line of Conduct which your Excellency points out as necessary to be observed with the Indians meets our entire Approbation. We shall immediately try to engage the Onondagas to bring off Brandt and Butler. If any Exchange of prisoners should take place your Directions...
General Knox will of course lay before you our Communications of this date. We address you that we may literally comply with our promise to the Deputies of the Western Indians, “that we would desire you to issue fresh orders to General Wayne, not only to abstain from hostilities, but to remain quietly at his Posts, untill the event of the treaty should be known.” Our sentiments on this subject...
To His Excellency George Washington Esquire General and Commander in Chief of the Forces of the United States of America. We the Commissioners appointed by Your Excellency, “to confer, determine and agree upon a Treaty and Convention for the exchange of Prisoners of War, and for all matters whatsoever which may be properly contained therein” beg leave to report— That, agreeable to Your...
We, the Commissioners appointed by Your Excellency, “to confer, determine and agree upon a Treaty and Convention, for the exchange of Prisoners of War, and for all matters whatsoever, which may be properly contained therein” beg leave to report. That in pursuance of Your Excellency’s orders, on the 31st day of March, we met at German Town, the Comissioners appointed by General Sir William...
The time limited by the Ordinance of Congress of the 7th May 1787 for settling the accounts between the United States and individual States having expired. We conceive it to be our duty to give this information, that such disposition may be made of the accounts and vouchers of the several States as you shall be pleased to direct. With profound respect We are Sir yr most Obt Servts LS , DNA :...
There are some points relative to the finishing of our business which we suppose will occasion you less trouble in giving us directions about in conversation than by letters the principal are respecting the person to whom you think it will be most proper to make our report and into whose custody we shall deliver the Books & papers belonging to the office —if agreeable we shall be glad to know...
The Commissioners appointed to execute the several Acts of Congress, to provide more effectually for the settlement of the Accounts between the United States, and the Individual States, Report, That they have maturely considered the claims of the several States against the United States, and the charges of the United States against the individual States. That they have gone through the process...
The two points we had the honor to submit to your consideration this morning are those on which we wish your direction—there are none other that are material—those points are We consider the custody of these documents of consequence and conceive that they ought not to be subject to any derangement but by proper authority. We Supposed that a conversation would more readily adjust these points...
We enclose you a list of the Squares actually devided, of those certified ready for division, and a Copy of Majr Ellicott’s Return of those marked out but not yet certified for Division, as well as a Copy of Majr Ellicott’s Letter to us—From the Two last you will perceive that there is at least an Uncertainty whether we shall much longer have Majr Ellicott’s services, he has however shewn such...
Major Ellicott’s, Briggs’s and Benjamin Ellicott’s Letters of the 29th of June, and 28th of February which you inclosed to Us assert so many untruths, artfully combined that an unusual lengthiness is required to draw the Circumstances into view which have happened for two or three years past. We certainly best know the real State of our own minds with regard to this Corps and Dermott, and of...
We have this day, the honor of your Letter of the 22nd of this month, which was detained on the road by the late heavy rains—The Duplicate of the powers to Mesrs Wilhem & Jan Willink, we should not fail to forward by the next post, but as the original was signed by Mr White, it will be more in order to have his signature to the Copy—It shall be our first business, on his arrival, which we...
Since our last to you, we have been obliged to abandon all hopes of seeing Mr Morris here; in consequence of which, we forwarded to him, on the 15th a Letter of which, the enclosed is a Copy—We certainly mean to pursue the measures intimated in our Letter. A second Letter from Mr Wolcott of the 13th Inst. gives us no hopes of any aid from the Bank of the United States—We are proceeding to...
We had your favor of the 26th Inst. inclosing your approbation of the proposed alterations in the manner of improving in the City of Washington—We have given the necessary Instructions for their publication in the public prints of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, City, George Town, Alexandria, Richmond and Charleston; if you think the publication ought to be more general, we shall...
In the course of business, a circumstance has occurred, which appears to us of sufficient importance to justify a reference to the executive—Messrs Morris & Nicholson having made payments to an amount sufficient to entitle them to a conveyance of the property sold by them to Mr Law, requested the Commissrs to convey the same to him —Upon a view of the Several Instruments of writing executed by...
After seeing things settled here as we thought the 10th of this Month, we left this place the Eleventh, we were again summoned by express and brought together last Tuesday. for Mr Roberdeau had the day after we left George Town collected hands, resumed digging of the Foundation of the Capitol—The severity of the season has prevented our visiting the spot more than once: when Mr Roberdeau...
We forgot the other day to apply to you for your permission to make sales of the publick property in the City of Washington —We therefore transmit to you a Couple of Instruments for your signature similar to those given at former times —Considering it as a mere matter of form, we shall commence tomorrow, agreeable to advertizement, and expect you will favour us with the return of them by the...
We had the honor of your favor of the 5th Inst. some Days since covering several Letters from Mrs Hallet. Your letter to her was immediately forwarded. Mr Hallet was discharged by the old board from the public service some time in June last; but he appearing to be much dissatisfied the new Board indulged him some time last winter with a full hearing in the presence of such of his friends as he...
We have just received a Letter from Mr Law, of which a Copy is inclosed at his Request, as you will observe & We think it unnecessary to trouble you with any Remarks. We are with sentiments of the greatest Respect sir Yr obt servts LS , DLC:GW ; LB , DNA : RG 42, Records of the Commissioners for the District of Columbia, Letters Sent. The copy of Thomas Law’s letter to the commissioners,...
The Board have had under Consideration for some days past the Subject of regulating the building of wharves; according to the Powers delegated to them by the Act of the Maryland Legislature passed in 1791: An Abstract of which is herewith inclosed. On a Subject so extensive, it is not to be wondered at that considerable difficulties have occurred: and it is not probable that all will be...
We do ourselves the pleasure of enclosing you the number of square feet contained in your two purchases made of the public and Mr Carroll. We received Mr Carroll’s answer in writing, on the monday after you left the City, giving his full consent to confirm the Sale of the Lot on the terms proposed, and promising to execute the proper conveyance in the course of the present Week. It may be well...
The State of our funds will not admit of delay in disposing of some part of the Stock borrowed of the State of Maryland —Our Labourers and Mechanics will have a month’s wages due, on monday next; and, also, there will then be one quarter’s Salary due to all the Officers, who are paid by the Year —The Rules of the public Offices do not permit any transfer of Stock until the first of January,...
We do ourselves the honor of inclosing, a Letter received from Mr Covachichi, one of the partners of Messrs Lynch & Sands in the late purchase from Bailey—Wishing, ardently, to preserve harmony among all city proprietors, we have paid the earliest attention to this gentleman’s Letter —A copy of our Letter to him, and an Extract from the contract of Morris & Greenleaf, alluded to, by Mr...
Your favor of the 24th Ulto with the inclosure came to hand —We take the liberty of enclosing our letters to Mr Trumbull and his Brother for your perusal. We embrace this occasion to say that it is our intention to send for your information a statement of the business of the City as far as may be in our power, and Materials for that purpose can be collected together. We are &c. LB , DNA : RG...
Colo. Hooe and Majr Ross’s report, which they have inclosed you will inform you of the result of their examination of our accounts; that with the Treasurer stands in the place of a cash account, is accurate and authorized by our warrants, which are justified by Vouchers—these were all compared and did not take up two days—The Gentlemen went farther and have given a general state of Funds, this...
You will receive inclosed a copy of an Agreement we have entered into with Messrs Morris and Greenleaf for the Sale of three thousand Lots farther, at 35£ a Lot, somewhat modifying the old and stating the whole in this new Contract —A consideration of the uncertainty of Settled Times, and an unembarrassed Commerce, weighed much with us: as well as Mr Morris’s Capital, Influence, and...
As we have not yet received your order for the Sales and the Time is near at hand, we think it proper (least it should have escaped you) to remind you of it —A few of the Plans executed, in Boston have Arrived, which we have dispersed, we have some expectation, that tomorrows Post may bring us some of those executed in Philaa—We take the liberty to send you one of the former. We are Sir &c. LB...
Our Principal surveyor Mr Freeman has applied to us to recommend him to an Appointment for laying out the Lines under the direction of General Knox: His good Conduct whilst in public Employment entitles him to our Recommendation & We with pleasure give it. Mr Freeman wou’d be usefull to us in the City for some Months yet, but We cannot blame his seeking a just Occasion to advance his fortune....
We have come to an agreement with Mr Greenleaf by which he will be accomodated, and the public participate in a Loan negociating in Holland in his name—the inclosed copy will let you into the particulars, one of which, that the paper which gives the legal title in the 1000 Lots the public part of the Mortgage, is to remain till Bills are drawn and the money deposited agreeable to our Order, on...
Letter not found : to the Commissioners for the District of Columbia, 30 Dec. 1796 . The commissioners’ minutes for 4 Jan. 1797 read: “Letter of the 30th Ulto received from the Prest of the U. S. enclosing his approbation endorsed on the Resolutions approving the Loan made of the State of Maryland” ( DNA : RG 42, Records of the Commissioners for the District of Columbia, Proceedings, 1791–1802).
Your Instructions to Messrs Beall & Gantt to convey to us all the Lands in the City of Washington, vested in them, in trust, by the original proprietors, have been duly considered, with a reference to carrying the same into effect; in which some difficulties occur—That part of the Land which is held for the use of the United States, we consider, as in a very different predicament from those...
We do ourselves the honor of inclosing to you a Sketch of such description of the public appropriations, as will, we think, be sufficient to identify them in the Deed from the Trustees—It is submitted for consideration. We also inclose a plan of the proposed two buildings for the Executive Departments. One will be sufficient for the Treasury Department, and the other for the Department of...
We enclose a copy of a Letter from Messrs Morris & Nicholson respecting the completion of their titles; and supposing that the most eligible mode of accommodating those gentlemen, as well as all others similarly circumstanced, will be, to obtain a conveyance from the Trustees to the Commissioners, agreeably to a clause in the Deeds of Trust, authorising such conveyance; we also enclose a form...
We were this morning favored with your letter of yesterday—Your check has been paid, and the Balance of your Dividend being 93 53/100 Dolls. is enclosed in a post note of the Bank of Columbia —We are, with Sentiments &c., LB , DNA : RG 42, Records of the Commissioners for the District of Columbia, Letters Sent. In his letter to the commissioners of 18 Nov., GW enclosed a check “on the Bank of...
We have before had occasion to inform you, that we had contracted with Mr Fendall, for the delivery of rough foundation Stones, from the falls to the amount of £1200, to be delivered by next and the money to be paid at different periods during the delivery, our attention has since been directed to the securing some of the Quarries on Acquia. Before doing any thing final however, it was...
We had the pleasure of your favor by Mr Lear Covering Mr Morriss Letter of the 21t instant —finding that Mr Morris is of Opinion that we have no power to sell his property we think it highly necessary to assure him that we are impress’d with very Different sentiments and shall if Compelled by him take the advice of able Counsel on the point—We enclose a Copy of our letter to Mr Morris with his...
We have to acknowledge the receipt of your several dispatches to us by the last Post —We regret you should have had any occasion to experience the untowardness of Majr LEnfants Temper—But without it, you could not have been so sensible of the very great disquietude which he has given us—As we were sincerely desirous, of retaining him as long as it was practiable, we cannot but lament the...
We take the Liberty to inclose you a Letter for Messrs Richard Harrison and George Taylor Jr, which we beg you to read and send to them: it will apprize you of our very difficult Situation with Mr Blodget, who has come hither without any Thing nearly, but evasions and excuses—we have past by the Secretary, because we imagine his time will not allow this to be a first object to him as it is...
we have now before us your Letters of the 13th & 29th of last month, the surveyor will be informed of your direction, in consequence of our Letter of the first of august and of the result of our views with him of the two short avenues on the spot which we intend this morning —we have so good an opinion of the probity and disinterestedness of Capn Conway and Mr David Ross of Bladensburgh, whose...
Our affairs with Messrs Morris & Nicholson bearing something like an appearance of drawing to a crisis; we beg leave to enclose you our two last letters to those gentlemen, with their Answers —We hope and believe that things are now in a train to raise some money from that unfortunate Contract, and we think it not prudent to let the breaches of Contract respecting the buildings until after the...
Your favor of the 20th would have been sooner attended to, but the mails have lately come in, very irregularly, & always late at night —mr Davidson’s will be taken up as soon as we have a full board, which will be the last of this or beginning of next week —what mr Davidson alludes to in his memorial, where he says, deviations have been made since the publication of the engraved plan, we know...
We inclose you a copy of the return of the 29th of July, from the surveyors office, which will give an Idea of the progress and state of the work of that department and a copy of Mr Briggs and B. Ellicotts letter of the 31st. You will be pleased to observe that they propose, three small alterations, which will be understood on referring to the printed plan. 1st stopping S. carolina Avenue west...
Since closing our letter of this date we have had conversation with Mr Blodget on the Subject of another letter The avidity which the Ticketts of the present have been bought up, the probability of the sale of Ticketts in the time of the drawing and the Sale of lots, and our being restrained by an Act of the Assembly of Maryland from raising a Lottery after the first of June, have induced us...
Your Letter of the 20th of January relates to one of the most engaging subjects with which the human mind can be impressed. The Legislators of all enlightened Countries have thought the education of youth so important to the welfare of Society that it has been a primary object of their attention. It is a theme which merits the most serious Consideration of United America at this time; for, as...
The numbers 3 in Square 107 at £20 No. 8 in Square 87, at 55 No. 15 in Square 105 at 92, and No. 16 in the same Square at 76£ fall again to the public those bids were to protect its Interest so that the real Sales are of Thirty one Lots averaging 96 . . 7 . . 9. To accomodate some Strangers we were obliged after the payment of the ¼ Deposit to agree that the Land should stand as Security,...
Desirous of answering your letters on particular subjects, we think it best to do it separately. With a view to settle all accounts to the first of this month and to form, as far as we might be able, a scheme of the business for the ensuing year, we met here the day before yesterday. many accounts are presented for our examination, the aggregate of which, exceeds our expectation, and many of...
We were favored, by last Mail, with the two inclosed Letters, which are forwarded by the earliest conveyance since their arrival; not having been received until the Saturday’s Mail had been closed—The prospects held out by Messrs Willinks are by no means flattering —We inclose an answer to their letter which we presume will readily meet with a conveyance to Amsterdam or Hamburgh; a copy of...
Yesterday the Commissrs Contracted with Mr Hoben for his services by the year at 300 Guineas, his Draft and Attention may, be confined to the Palace or extended to other objects they may chuse. Doctor Stewart’s uneasiness at the State of his Family occasioned his leaving us as soon as the most material of our Business was finished—This morning we went with Mr Hoben to the Seite of the Palace...
We had the honor of your favor of the 28 th ulto enclosing two Checks on the Bank of Alexandria; the one for D. Carroll for $428 40/100 the other for the Commissioners $178 57/100, and have directed the proper conveyances to be prepared for your purchases of the public; the deed from Mr Carroll was executed this day. Mr Blagdin delivered in his estimate yesterday amounting to $12,982 29/100....
The Board have for some time contemplated a statement of the affairs of the City, to be laid before you; which has been hitherto delayed by the difficulty of collecting the several Documents necessary to accompany it; and which even yet are very far from being perfect. Independent of the present circumstances of Affairs, there are strong reasons why our proceedings at certain stated periods...