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Results 32351-32400 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have this Moment recd., by Lieut. Gibbon, your official Letter of Sepr. 9th. & your private...
I am this far on my way to Richmd. where I am unfortunately call’d by having heavy appearance...
The supreme central Junta of government having gotten into full activity; tho it had not...
I came late in the office, & having only verbal alterations to propose of no importance, do not...
We forwarded yesterday & the day before by Mr. Randolph’s & Mr. Wood’s boats, the sheet iron; bar...
Th: Jefferson presents his respectful & friendly salutations to mrs Smith, and recollecting her...
I have the pleasure of transcribing for you the recipe given me by Mrs Erskine, & sincerely hope...
I had the honor to write to you on the 17th. September. A while past it was generally expected...
The Enclosed documents & Letter are forwarded to the Secretary of State his Consideration. I am...
By the Ship Charleston Packet Capt. Connell I have sent home eighteen distressed mariners as per...
A severe indisposition which has confined me to my bed for several days scarcely leaves me...
an other of the Quakers who visited the western Indians the last Spring has arrived and has...
Indiana lead mines On application of John Brown, D. Gano, & Shultz of Kentucky, the President...
As the period is approaching when the great National Council is to assemble for the purpose of...
To his Excellency Thomas Jefferson Esquire President of the United States— The Petition of the...
Since my last to you, I have Received Complete Returns from All the Election Districts in this...
I omitted in my last letter to state to you that in the publication of our late correspondence,...
View of the State of the Gun Boats built under the Act of last Session—Nov. 1. 1808....
Mr. Bacon delivered your letter & every thing else safely. I had ordered a gross of bottles to be...
This Government cannot, in honor or in respect to the permanent interests of the U. States,...
8th. Sect— The Blank to be filled up with 103 —of which three are for the lakes—The State as set...
The Subscriber desirous of communicating something to the President which he concieves of benefit...
The presumption I have thus dared in writing you, will I hope be compensated in the following...
Tengo la honra de anunciar à V S, que acabo de recibir cartas muy atrasadas, del Señor Virrey de...
As you are now very busily employed in your official duties; which increases as Congress...
The Revd. Dr. Contee wishing to dispel any sensations in the mind of Mr. Secretary Madison which...
I had the honor of receiving your favour of the 2nd. ultimo under cover to my friend Colonel G....
When I saw you at Washington, I mentioned my intention, of establishing a new paper here. I have...
On the 2d. of Sep. messrs. Jones & Howell sent from Philadelphia for me some sheet iron, & some...
On Saturday I recd. a letter from an Old friend of mine now in France. I know him to be a man of...
Duly honored with your esteemed favor of the 19th., have only to return my sincere thanks for...
The mail of saturday brought me judge Johnson’s apology for his opinion which you were so good as...
For the first time in my life, I now take the liberty of addressing, the Cheif Majistrate of the...
The inclosed Paper has been annonymously communicated to our Society.—I have had it transcribed...
J. M. is obliged to send back the papers wanted by the P. witht. having executed the task of...
Should you want a messenger for another dispatch to Europe I am desired to mention to you William...
The accounts of the reciepts and expenditures during the year ending on the 30th. day of Sep....
I inclose you the financial paragraph with your amendments. I shall insert one on the militia,...
J M. is obliged to send back the papers wanted by the P. witht. having executed the task of...
The Crisis has now arived which must determine our fate as a nation Independant and free Common...
In behalf of the committee of Young Republican citizens, appointed at a numerous and respectable...
(1) to exercise the authority in such a manner as would withdraw the pretext on which the...
Mr Madison presents his Compliments to Mr Gallatin and returns Dr. Shaws Letter. Mr Anderson had...
(1) to exercise the authority in such a manner as would withdraw the pretext on which the...
I have only time by a Vessel bound to Norfolk to enclose you the Aurora of the 26 & 29: Instant,...
I know not in what manner I could better conform to a request made of me, in a letter from...
Although it is more than probable that some of your friends have sent the inclosed paper to you...
Estimate for the service of the year 1809. Foreign Intercourse. Salaries of three Ministers,...
Permit me sir, to introduce to your notice the bearer hereof, my worthy friend Doctor Benjamin...
I send the inclosed letter under the benefit of your cover, & open, because I wish you to know...