Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Grenville, [22 June 1782]

From Thomas Grenville

AL: Library of Congress

rue de Richelieu. Saturday. [June 22, 1782]

Mr. Grenville presents his Compliments to Mr Franklin, and had proposed to himself the pleasure of calling at Passy yesterday, but was so much occupied at Versailles that he had not time to stop in returning, & has been much occupied ever since. Mr de Vergennes will doubtless shew to Mr Franklin the copy of the Power he is desirous of seeing;3 and Mr Grenville learnt with great pleasure yesterday that Mr Franklin is enough recovered4 to propose to go to Versailles.

Endorsed: June 22

Notation: June 22. 1782

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

3Grenville’s powers to negotiate, which on June 15 he had promised to provide BF; see BF’s journal of the peace negotiations.

4From the flu-like illness mentioned in the entry of June 18 in BF’s journal of the peace negotiations.

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