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Results 32301-32350 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
The Enemys Rear left the New Bridge this morning after seting Fire to their Redouts & Hutts, they...
The importunity of my Friends at Braintree, though my inclination is strong, is not sufficient to...
Fredericksburg [ New York ] October 14, 1778 . Discusses Oswald’s rank and regrets Oswald’s...
Fredericksburg [ New York ] October 14, 1778 . Asks for opinions on winter quarters for Army. Df...
LS and AL draft: American Philosophical Society I have considered the Note you put into my Hands,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Apprehensive, by Your Excellency’s Silence to my last...
32307General Orders, 14 October 1778 (Washington Papers)
The General Court Martial whereof Coll Patten is President will assemble at the Yellow House next...
I have been waiting impatiently for the movements of the enemy to come to an issue that might...
Letter not found: to Benjamin Harrison, c.14 Oct. 1778. In an undated letter to GW, probably...
Your favr of the 31st July only reached me by yesterdays post —If Mr White returns to the Army I...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Johann Kalb, 14 Oct. 1778. GW wrote Kalb on 18 Oct. : “I have...
Since I had the Honor of addressing you on the 6th Instant, by favor of the Marquiss Fayette, I...
The weekly returns of the Garrison are inclosed herewith —The Commissary & the Quarter master,...
I recd yours of the 10th by Major Nicholas and was very glad to hear that so large a quantity of...
I received your letter of the 4th at Fish Kill —On my return to this place, I immediately sent...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Charles Scott, 14 Oct. 1778. Scott wrote in his second letter to...
I received your Excellency’s letter of the 12th yesterday Evening, I deferred writeing ’till the...
I was yesterday honoured with your Exceellenceys favor of the 11th Instant I have as yet heard...
From various Accounts as well as the Concuring Testimony of a number of Credable Persons I lern...
Whereas the Taxes Collected by virtue of the Act intituled “an Act for raising a supply of money...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society That Dr. F. has spoken to Mr. Lee in his Behalf, whose...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society I received the Copies of the Charter, and the Tickets...
A long abscence from your Native shore would insure a Welcome to a line from me had I no other...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives We have received a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society La Société Royale de medecine Monsieur, m’a chargé de vous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Count Sarsfield having obligingly offered to take Charge of...
32327General Orders, 15 October 1778 (Washington Papers)
A Court of Enquiry whereof Lieutt Coll Carrington is appointed President will sit at one oClock...
I am honoured with your two letters of the 26th Ulto & 8th Inst. The former, Inclosing that of Mr...
I am unhappy in being again obliged to trouble your Excellency with the further disagreable...
The Glass your Excelly desired to be procured for you, was in the Pocket of Major Clough when he...
Letter not found: from Patrick Henry, 15 Oct. 1778. GW wrote Henry on 3 Nov. : “Your favor of the...
Your favor of the 8th of Augt came safe to my hands, tho delayed in the conveyance. I am very...
I this morning received your application, and I can assure that I am sorry any individual of the...
As General Stark’s Complaint against Col. Lewis, Depy Q. Mr General at Albany, was addressed to...
Imediately after writing to Genl McDugle the 9th Instant I Sat out for Major Grovenors Party on...
The magistrates and select men of Norwalk have entered a complaint against two privates of Capt....
As a Considerable Number of the Carolina Mens times of Inlistment is now expierd and others that...
I am informd by an officer who is exchanged, and this moment from York, that on Satterday Night...
In addition to the questions which I have already proposed for the consideration of the General...
I wrote your Excellency yesterday from Hackensack, the parties of horse which followed the Enemy...
The very unhappy Situation of Elisha Smith now under Sentence of Death for Desertion &c. renders...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. William Woodford, 15 Oct. 1778. GW’s aide-de-camp John Laurens...
Fredericksburg [ New York ] October 16, 1778 . Describes “Preparations made and making for the...
There are abuses in the State, which demand an immediate remedy. Important political characters...
32345Council of War, 16 October 1778 (Hamilton Papers)
Fredericksburg [ New York ] October 16, 1778 . Describes state of American forces and of those of...
Copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, Library of Congress (two) J’ai l’honneur de vous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief De retour, et un peu...
32348General Orders, 16 October 1778 (Washington Papers)
Tomorrow being the glorious Anniversary of the surrender of General Burgoyne and his troops to...
32349Council of War, 16 October 1778 (Washington Papers)
Present Major Generals Gates[,] Green[,] De Kalb[,] McDougall[,] Steuben[,] Brigadier Generals...
I am favd with yours of the 15th containing the disagreeable account of the further ravages...