George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Brigadier General Charles Scott, 12 October 1778

From Brigadier General Charles Scott

Near Bedford [N.Y.] October 12th <177>8.


I this moment Recd a letter from Majr Lee who I sent Yesterday to Learn with Certainty Whether the enemy had Actually Imbarked. For Your Excellencys better Information I Inclose his Letter.1 I am Your Excellencys Obt Servant

Chs Scott


1Maj. Henry Lee wrote Scott on this date: “I am sorry to acquaint you, that the intelligence received yesterday from the Colos. Armand & Gist has turned out premature.

“The enemy have retired from their advanced encampment, & re-assumed their old position about Kingsbridge.

“This movement, & the preparations in the City for the embarkation of the troops, have given reason for the supposition that they were really in the act of evacuating the town.

“Two deserters from Kingsbridge last evening, mention that three brigades are in readiness to take shipping, that one brigade is actually on board. They do not understand that New-york will be altogather abandoned.

“The camp opinion is that a sufficient garrison will be left in it.

“This intelligence is literally corroborated by the examination of two other deserters, who left the City yesterday morning.

“They are now with me, and will be sent under guard to your quarters” (DLC:GW). For Armand’s earlier intelligence suggesting that the British were about to evacuate New York, see his letters to Scott of 10 and 11 Oct., in Scott to GW, 11 Oct., n.2.

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