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Results 32251-32300 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have received your letter of the eleventh of February— It does not appear to me that your...
Letter not found: from Col. Elias Dayton, 19 July 1777. In his letter to Dayton of 19 July, GW...
322537th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Hilliard preach’d all day; pretty much in the common stile. Dined at Judge Dana’s; and...
32254[Diary entry: 3 March 1798] (Washington Papers)
3. Cloudy with appearances of Snow. Wind at No. a little Easterly. Mer. 29 & ground frozen in the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Will you my Dear Sir excuse the liberty I hereby take to...
Your pathetic Letter of the 2d. has filled my heart with Sympathy and Grief. Your Son, by all...
It is now determined what the President has to depend on after the 4 th March. The Committee...
Since the lamented death of the venerable Mr Jefferson, with whom I anticipated, once more to...
This Sodality has given rise to the following Speculation of my own, which I commit to writing,...
Copy: Library of Congress Un Corsaire nommé l’union de l’Amerique, qui a été expedié de Dunkerque...
I did not receive until the 5 th ins t your favor of the 22 nd Ult o annexing your view, of the...
I thank you for your agreable Letter of the Twenty fourth of March. I rejoice with you that our...
This is to certify that James Madison has been duly elected an honorary Member of the Columbian...
to obtain the altitude a.b. from 2. stations c. & d. each in the plane of the axis of a mountain...
Translation: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Je suis arrivé ici à bord du Reprisal,...
I have this Moment received your Application to me requestg Liberty to join the combined Armies...
While at Monticello I am so much engrossed by business or society that I can only write on...
I am Just Setting off for Fort Laurens with about two hundred men I have Collected of the Militia...
In obedience to the Law, I now present to both Houses of Congress, my annual account of...
Your favour of Yesterday I have received this morning. As Genl Greene is gone down, with an...
about three weeks ago I received a letter from a Gentleman , residing amongst the Indians,...
Not knowing, my dear Sir, how certain Things now in agitation may this day be terminated here, I...
I send you by Mr Peirce Bayly the Deeds made by me, and my wife to Mr Chichester, and Likewise...
I return You my warmest thanks for the Honour You have done me —If the situation of my health...
I have had the Honor to receive your favor of the 9th. Ult:, and this day I have sent the model...
22 May 1804, Antwerp. “I have the honor to send you enclosed duplicate of the Table of the Colis...
I received your favour of June 26 th , and rejoice with you in the Birth of an other son, and in...
I have the honor to send you a Brochure “on the principles, and laws of armed neutrality,” of...
I had the honor of receiveing your note last evening, and in reply to the enquiries of Mr. Peale...
Herewith you will receive a specimen of Kenawha salt, received by me from Judge Summers with a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg once more leave to trouble you with a Letter to my...
Your two favors of Jany. 14. & May 2. came duly to hand; the former accompanied by 3 Vols. of...
I have received your letter of 22d. Inst., in which you inform me that Lt. Rogers had declined...
[ Paris, 15 Dec. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mr. Barclay. Receipt of letter Nov. 19.—paiment of...
DS : American Philosophical Society J’ai recu de Monsieur Franklin ministre plenipotentiaire des...
After a residence in Russia of fourteen Years, I have returned to the United States .   Permit me...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress <London, September 1, 1773: Has received Colden’s of...
I was Informed yeasterday that you had some of the morino sheep a Stock I have for some time...
32289[Diary entry: 17 August 1771] (Washington Papers)
17. Rid by Muddy hole to Doeg Run—from thence to the Mill & so home by the Ferry Plantn.
32290Cash Accounts, May 1772 (Washington Papers)
Cash May  1— To Ditto [cash] receivd for Ditto [Fish] £  0.18.0 11— To Ditto for Fish 3 M...
Both the Ganges, and the Warren, have been driven from their station at the Havanna, by the...
I hope the Length of Time since I had the Honor of paying my Respects to you, will be no...
After returning home last week, the difficulties of your situation presenting themselves very...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You my dear Sir by your most flattering attention have...
32295General Orders, 8 February 1776 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
The money granted by his Excellency the Presidents Warrant in July last being appropriated for...
Since you left us we have no further intelligence from N. Orleans, except a letter dated Jany 20...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Thomas, with his acknowledgments for the copy of the...
Agreeable to your desire, I have the honour of forwarding to you one of the best copies of the...
I have just recieved your favor of the 3 d and not doubting the value of a paper which shall be...