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Results 32251-32300 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
After struggling for four years & an half with a complication of difficulties in supporting my...
The following case has arisen upon the representation of different Collectors. There have arrived...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] November 11, 1793 . “On friday last the Surveyor for the Port of...
Inclosed in a letter which I have just received from poor Fenno. It speaks for itself. If you can...
Your letters of the 23d, 28th, 30th of September and 12th of October have been duly received....
The Commissioners for settling the accounts between the united States and the Individual States...
Treasury Department, November 15, 1793. Requests “amount of the last quarters dividend paid by...
[ November 15, 1793. On November 19, 1793, Hamilton wrote to George Washington and enclosed “a...
Your letter of the 9th instant was delivered to me yesterday. It is a desireable thing, for the...
November 16, 1793. “Permit me to offer my services for a clerkship in your Office vacant by the...
The mail which brought your favor of the 8th Instant, had already returned before I received your...
I take the liberty to remind you of the afair of Segroves Bills in favor of my Brother...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully submits to the consideration of the President of the...
Confirming our last Respects of 14 Ultimo, we have now but to announce to you, that immediately...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully submits to the consideration of the President of the...
Some embarrassment has arisen on the subject of a fit person for District Attorney of Rhode...
The Surveyor of this District having some time ago sent in his resignation to the President and a...
Providence, November 21, 1793. “I have received your Letter of the 7th instant. As soon as I have...
The Bearer Mr. David Maitland is a partner in my House of Commerce & my particular friend he...
It appears from accounts depending in the Treasury & unsettled, that very considerable Supplies...
[ November 23, 1793. “The Secretary of the Treasury by letter of the 23d Novr. 1793, informed...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the President. He regrets extremely that...
The Secretary of the Treasury upon two Letters from the Minister plenipotentiary of France to the...
[ Savannah, November 25, 1793. On January 16, 1794, Habersham wrote to Hamilton : “In my letter...
Our Brass Founder, Richard Wittingham, is now on his road to Wilmington to recover of Mr Hall and...
[ Savannah, November 25, 1793. On January 23, 1794, Hamilton wrote to Sheftall : “I have received...
By the President’s command I have the honor to enclose herewith two proposals made for repairing...
[ Newport, Rhode Island, November 26, 1793. On January 14, 1794, Ellery wrote to Hamilton and...
It appears indespensable to adjust disagreeing Ideas with regard to the State of the Account...
You will recieve herewith enclosed a Publication by Mr Genet denying his having declared that he...
Mr King & I have written this Day to you & General Knox. To that Letter and its Enclosures I...
About a Fortnight since I wrote to you intimating the probability that Mr. Jay & I should call on...
I took the liberty of writing you a few lines by my friend Mr. Maitland—who this day informs me...
Baltimore, November 26, 1793. “… Inclosed is a copy of a letter received from the Captain of the...
[ November 26, 1793. On February 24, 1794, Willink, Van Staphorst, and Hubbard wrote to Hamilton...
We have received your Letter of the 26th instant. We take to day to revise it and tomorrow or the...
[ November 27, 1793. “The Secretary of the Treasury sent for my information a letter to him from...
I am Ashamed I have not before this performed my promise in proposing some Amendments to the...
Poor Fenno is ruined by his Patriotism. His weekly paper is at an end—and he cannot begin again...
We the subscribers, certify that we did severally communicate to the abovementioned John Jay and...
Notwithstanding the information of this Morning respecting the Insertion in Dunlap’s Paper on...
Various circumstances have prevented an earlier answer to your letter of the 22d of August last....
I have the Honor to Enclose my Certificate in Relation to the Payment of the Claim of the Baron...
Papers furnished the Secretary of the Treasury, in Relation to the Payment of Baron Glaubecks...
J’ai reçu la lettre que vous m’avés fait l’honneur de m’ecrire Le 26. de Ce mois et Je me Suis...
I have taken the opinion of the Attorney General on the case of the St Domingo Vessels, mentioned...
I have the honor to enclose a Certificate of the Sums issuable from the Treasury of the United...
Treasury Department, November 30, 1793. Encloses “a letter … received from General Stewart on the...
[ Baltimore, November 30, 1793. On January 22, 1794, Hamilton wrote to Williams : “I have before...
In the period immediately preceding George Washington’s Fifth Annual Address to Congress on...