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Results 32251-32300 of 184,431 sorted by author
We are this morning favoured with thy letter inclosing five dollars, and requesting us to send...
I had been inflicted with the disentary piles and Sore legs for five years in the year 1808 local...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am fearfull, that my very honorable Friend, Sir Edward...
Permettés à un Soldat de la Liberté qui met Toute sa gloire au Bonheur d’avoir Servi Sous Le plus...
We have the honor of informing your Excellency that the Ship Bowman, Captn. D. Butler, arrived...
Le Havre, 19 Mch. 1788 . The ship Portsmouth , Capt. Oldner, arrived with tobacco from Virginia...
Le Havre, 12 Mch. 1788 . Acknowledging TJ’s letter of 15 Feb. and expressing the hope that the...
Le Havre, 1 Sep. 1789 . Their W. Collow and J. Carmichael, lately in Paris, join in thanking TJ...
Le Havre, 20 Mch. 1788 . Patrick Parker, a passenger on the Portsmouth , has just delivered the...
LS : American Philosophical Society I have had the Honor already to apply for a Commission of War...
Having Informashion that I am under Sentens of Death. I was Born and Broght up In old England and...
I am much obliged by your favorable reception of the "Hints to the Essex Farmers." Humbly as you...
I have made repeated appointments and attempts to visit you, since you did us the favour of your...
Mr Colman presents his respectful compliments to James Madison Esqr; and asks the honor of his...
I fear you must have thought me inattentive to your request that I would ascertain the...
I have just learnt by this morning’s mail, with heartfelt grief, the death of Mrs Adams. I have...
You know my vanity and therefore are probably surprized that I have not before this transmitted...
I fear that you must have thought me unmindful of my engagement to forward you a copy of a most...
I regret very much that the enclosed is not more worthy of your acceptance by being more worthy...
I intend to begin my journey on monday next and as my object is not less to see men than things,...
I have a brother, who wishes to obtain a commission in the army of the United States. He has...
Herewith are enclosed the two letters of Mr Jefferson, which you were kind enough to entrust to...
I take the liberty of sending you my Election Sermon; your silent approbation of which, if I felt...
I rely upon your candour to forgive my taking your time and your patience, while I thank you for...
I received from Messrs Gales & Seaton the enclosed bill due for your Subn. to the National...
[ Paris ], 29 Aug . 1787. Has received TJ’s letter informing her that the value of paper money in...
[ Paris, 23 Aug. 1787 ]. Holds a “Billet de banque de Philadelphie” which she wishes to redeem,...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mde de Cologan est bien fachée de ne pouvoir pas avoir...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr & Mrs. Cologan present their kindest Compliments to Dr....
Sont invitées de la part de Mme Colombi et de celle de Mr. François Colombi à assister aux...
LS : American Philosophical Society Voila deux ans et demy d’Ecoulés depuis mon depart de...
Printed in The Gazetteer and New Daily Advertiser , May 2, 1765. During April 1765 the pending...
Printed in The Public Advertiser , January 25, 1770 In my last Paper I shewed, from authentic and...
Printed in The Public Advertiser , February 1, 1770 Walpole, who declared in the House of Commons...
Printed in The Public Advertiser , January 29, 1770 I have shewn, that our Gains by our Colonies...
Printed in The Public Advertiser , February 5, 1770 Lord Chatham, in his Speech on the Repeal of...
Printed in The Public Advertiser , February 12, 1770 The Grenvillians labour to persuade us, that...
Printed in The Public Advertiser , February 19, 1770 The Grenvillians have endeavoured, by...
Reprinted from Verner W. Crane, Benjamin Franklin’s Letters to the Press, 1758–1775 (Chapel Hill,...
Reprinted from Verner W. Crane, Benjamin Franklin’s Letters to the Press , 1758–1775 (Chapel...
Printed in The Public Advertiser , January 8, 1770 The Absurdity of taxing the Colonies without...
Printed in The Public Advertiser , January 11, 1770 Suppose some long-headed Minister should...
Printed in The Public Advertiser , January 15, 1770 To assume the Title of the Colonist’s...
Printed invitation with ms insertions: American Philosophical Society JE suis chargé par la...
I had the honour of writing your Excellency on the 5th of October last by one Mr Ireland on the...
Presuming that your State may Stand in need of cloathing for the Soldiers, I take the liberty of...
When I had the pleasure of conversing with you the last summer on the subject of the land...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The bearer Major Du Bouchett, who has acquired the most...
Inclosed you have a letter I lately received from Mr Thomas Marshall junr of Kentucky, who wrote...
Letter not found: from Rawleigh Colston, 5 Oct. 1786. On 10 Nov. Colston wrote GW : “I had the...