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Results 32251-32300 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
32251 Washington, George Scott, Charles From George Washington to Brigadier General Charles … 1778-10-11 I am glad to find by yours of yesterday that Capt. Leavensworth is safe. I hope that the Officer...
32252 Scott, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Charles … 1778-10-11 Late last night I recd a letter from Colo. Gist informing me that the enemy wear leaving their...
32253 Stirling, Lord (né William Alexander) Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Stirling, 11 … 1778-10-11 I omitted writeing to your Excellency yesterday as I was in hourly expectation of receiveing...
32254 Stirling, Lord (né William Alexander) Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Stirling, 11 … 1778-10-11 I wrote your Excellency at three oClock this day, I have Since received the enclosed letters and...
32255 Washington, George Sullivan, John From George Washington to Major General John Sullivan … 1778-10-11 I have just recd advice that on the evening of the 9th about forty sail of Vessels were seen off...
32256 Sullivan, John Washington, George To George Washington from Major General John Sullivan … 1778-10-11 I have the honor to acknowledge your Excellency<s> Favor of the 4th Instant, and shall invariably...
32257 Washington, George Trumbull, Jonathan Sr. From George Washington to Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 11 … 1778-10-11 I am honored with yours of the 9th—inclosing a resolution of your legislature—directing two...
32258 La Rochefoucauld, Louis-Alexandre, duc de La … Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Duc de La Rochefoucauld … 1778-10-12 AL : American Philosophical Society Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld a l’honneur de faire ses...
32259 American Commissioners Sartine, Antoine-Raymond-Gualbert-Gabriel de The American Commissioners to Sartine, 12[–15] October … 1778-10-12 AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, October...
32260 Adams, John Monday. Oct. 12. 1778-10-12 Samuel Harding of Welfleet Cape Cod says that Mr. Robert Bartholomew or Bartlemé, and Incleby of...
32261 Franklin, Benjamin Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de The Commissioners to Gabriel de Sartine, 12 October … 1778-10-12 The Letter which your Excellency did Us the Honour to write to Us on the Seventh of this Month,...
32262 Lee, Arthur Adams, John To John Adams from Arthur Lee, 12 October 1778 1778-10-12 I have hoped for Leisure to answer your favor as fully as, in my own Vindication, it demands....
32263 McNeill, Daniel Franklin, Benjamin Daniel McNeill to the Commissioners, 12 October 1778 1778-10-12 After my Arrivall here I applyed to the Agent to recive the prisoners who promised he would the...
32264 Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Franklin, Benjamin Gabriel de Sartine to the Commissioners, 12 October … 1778-10-12 Je n’ay point oublié, Messieurs, L’Intéret que vous prenez a M. Jones et la Demande que vous avez...
32265 Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Franklin, Benjamin Gabriel de Sartine to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation … 1778-10-12 I have not forgotten, gentlemen, the interest you took in Mr. Jones and your request that he be...
32266 Whitmarsh, William Jr. Adams, John To John Adams from William Whitmarsh Jr., 12 October … 1778-10-12 Being a Townsman of yours and having suffered in the Grand Cause I have Made my Aplication To Mr....
32267 Knox, Henry Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Brigadier General Henry … 1778-10-12 [ Fredericksburg, New York ] October 12, 1778 . States desire of Captain-Lieutenant Daniel Gano,...
32268 Lovell, James American Commissioners James Lovell to the American Commissioners, 12 October … 1778-10-12 ALS and copy: American Philosophical Society; copies: National Archives (two), Library of...
32269 McNeill, Daniel American Commissioners Daniel McNeill to the American Commissioners, 12 … 1778-10-12 ALS : American Philosophical Society <Lorient, October 12, 1778: After my arrival I applied to...
32270 Moylan, James American Commissioners James Moylan to the American Commissioners, 12 October … 1778-10-12 ALS : American Philosophical Society Since the receipt of your favors 22d. and 31st. Augst....
32271 Sartine, Antoine-Raymond-Gualbert-Gabriel de American Commissioners Sartine to the American Commissioners, 12 October 1778 1778-10-12 Copies: Library of Congress (two), National Archives Je n’ai point oublié, Messieurs, l’intérêt...
32272 Cabanis, Pierre-Jean-Georges Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from [Pierre-Georges Cabanis], 12 … 1778-10-12 L : American Philosophical Society Made. helvetius demande de la part de mr. hebert à mr....
32273 Lemon, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Lemon, Edward Driver and … 1778-10-12 L : American Philosophical Society Not doubting but your goodness will pardon our Presumption in...
32274 Necker, Jacques Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Necker, 12 October 1778 1778-10-12 Copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, avec la Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de...
32275 Pattulo, Henry Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from [Henry] Pattulo, 12 October … 1778-10-12 ALS : American Philosophical Society <St. Germain en Laye, October 12, 1778: Your reputation for...
32276 Washington, George General Orders, 12 October 1778 1778-10-12 Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
32277 Washington, George Custis, John Parke From George Washington to John Parke Custis, 12 October … 1778-10-12 I have now—at your request—given my full consent to the Sale of the Lands wch I hold in right of...
32278 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1778-10-12 I have been honored with the receipt of yours of the 29th Ulto per Brigr Genl Portail, and since,...
32279 Washington, George McWhorter, Alexander From George Washington to Alexander McWhorter, 12 … 1778-10-12 There are now under sentance of death, in the provost, a Farnsworth and Blair, convicted of being...
32280 Washington, George Malcom, William From George Washington to Colonel William Malcom, 12 … 1778-10-12 I have received your Letter of yesterdays date and its several inclosures. No such act of...
32281 Muhlenberg, Peter Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Peter … 1778-10-12 Lieut. Colo. Ball informs me that a Number of Men belonging to the 9th Regt who receivd furlows...
32282 Washington, George Pendleton, Edmund From George Washington to Edmund Pendleton, 12 October … 1778-10-12 Letter not found: to Edmund Pendleton, 12 Oct. 1778. Pendleton wrote GW on 22 Dec. 1778 : “I...
32283 Pettit, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Charles Pettit, 12 October … 1778-10-12 Pursuant to Your Excellency’s Desire, signified to me on Saturday last, I send inclosed a Return...
32284 Scott, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Charles … 1778-10-12 I this moment Recd a letter from Majr Lee who I sent Yesterday to Learn with Certainty Whether...
32285 Washington, George Stirling, Lord (né William Alexander) From George Washington to Major General Stirling, 12 … 1778-10-12 I have recd your Lordships favs. of the 6th 7th 8th and 9th instants and thank you for the...
32286 Bondfield, John Franklin, Benjamin John Bondfield to the Commissioners, 13 October 1778 1778-10-13 By Letters this day from Couronna we have advice that the 30th Ultimo arrived at that Port an...
32287 Washington, George Estaing, Charles-Hector, comte d’ George Washington to Comte d’Estaing, 13 October 1778 1778-10-13 Fredericksburg [ New York ] October 13, 1778 . Sends British account of naval battle in which...
32288 American Commissioners Izard, Ralph The American Commissioners to Ralph Izard, 13 October … 1778-10-13 AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives We have the Honour of...
32289 American Commissioners Sartine, Antoine-Raymond-Gualbert-Gabriel de The American Commissioners to Sartine, [13] October … 1778-10-13 AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; three copies: National Archives We had the Honour...
32290 Bondfield, John American Commissioners John Bondfield to the American Commissioners, 13 … 1778-10-13 ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, October 13, 1778: We learn from an American...
32291 Barnard, Tristram Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Tristram Barnard: Oath, 13 … 1778-10-13 AD : American Philosophical Society <Passy, October 13, 1778: I, Tristram Barnard of Nantucket,...
32292 Washington, George General Orders, 13 October 1778 1778-10-13 The General Court Martial whereof Coll Patten was appointed President will sit tomorrow morning...
32293 Bigelow, John Washington, George To George Washington from Major John Bigelow, 13 … 1778-10-13 Last Evening I Received a Letter from Colo. Hamilton directing me to make an Exact Return of what...
32294 Washington, George Estaing, Charles-Hector Théodat, comte d’ From George Washington to Vice Admiral d’Estaing, 13 … 1778-10-13 Inclosed I have the honor to send your Excellency the British account of the late engagement...
32295 Gates, Horatio Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Horatio Gates … 1778-10-13 in obedience to your Excellencys directions I send the within Letter to The president of...
32296 Laurens, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Laurens, 13 October … 1778-10-13 My last trouble to your Excellency was dated the 9th by Messenger Dodd who was detained by bad...
32297 Livingston, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Livingston, 13 … 1778-10-13 I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency’s Letter relative to the Quarter master...
32298 Scott, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Charles … 1778-10-13 Your Excellencys letter inclosing a Warrant For the Execution of Elisha Smith, was this day...
32299 Scott, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Charles … 1778-10-13 I am informd by Capt. Virmiller a Very good Man who has been in New York in Quest of his Stock...
32300 Ward, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Joseph Ward, 13 … 1778-10-13 In compliance with your Excellency’s Directions, I have endeavoured to ascertain the number of...