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Results 32161-32210 of 184,264 sorted by recipient
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Tho the difference of our pursuits has for so long a time enstrangd us from Each other I trust if ever peace should return that philosophy & your old Friends would resume that share of your time which when in their possession they so much valued. Not doubting but that if I was within your reach I still should enjoy a part of your time & some share of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je viens de recevoir une Lettre de Me. La Comtesse de Conway d’auxerre, qui est dans les inquietudes les plus cruelles sur le sort de son mari, dont elle n’a aucune nouvelle, et que la Gazette de divers endroits No 61 du 4 7bre dit avoir été blessé dans une affaire qu’il a eu avec le Collonel Cadwallader. Daignés Monsieur au nom de Dieu lui aprendre ce que...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I See you do not forgit me tho I have So Long mourned the want of a line from your own hand to convince me of it. March—79 being the date of the Last I have recd. from you, but I have Just now recved a large Package from cousen Jonathan Williams by your order of considerable Valeu but have not yet time to know Exactly, they are things much saught for by our...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Captain John Green arrived here the 23d Inst. to which port he had been carried by a privateer that took him on his passage from Philadelphia, he destroy’d all his Letters & papers these miscarriages cruelly suspend the execution of the proposed Operations of our friends on the other side whose disapointments as well as Loss’s come heavy. A Courier from...
(I) and (II) Copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire par laquelle vous me demandéz un Passeport pour un Batiment Anglois destiné a transporter de Plimouth ou Portsmouth des Prisonniers Americains, qui doivent etre debarqués à Morlaix; Je l’ai fait expedier sur le champ, et j’ai l’honneur de vous l’envoyer ci joint. J’ai l’honneur...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I arriv’d here the 12th Jany., after a Voyage, & Journey, exceedingly laborious, & disagreeable.— Fourteen Days sooner, I could have had the Satisfaction, of seeing my Grandpappa.— Why did I arrive later?— I acknowledge the Fault. It will not bear Reflection:— May the Lesson prove as useful, as ’tis severe. I really deserv’d a harder Stroke, than Your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <From La Breteche, near Tours, August 25, 1778, in French: Rumor has it that some Americans have been so taken with the beauty of Tours and surroundings that they would like to own or rent property near the river. The lovely house I have to offer will soon be connected by a new bridge to the center of town. It was lived in for a year by the Ogilvie family,...
Draft: New-York Historical Society I receiv’d by the last opportunity from New York the Proposals relating to the Education of Youth in Pensylvania. I have read it with much pleasure and heartily wish the Gentlemen success that are endeavouring to promote so usefull a Design. I have no objection to any thing in the proposals. I am pleased with every part of them. Tho I do not pretend to have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer hereof is Mr. Robert Mease of Alexandria in Virginia, Who proposes to visit several Places in France on a mercantile Plan, and to pass some Time in paris. You are so well acquainted with the Devotion of his Family to the great Cause of our Country, That it is unnecessary for me to say,— Mr. Mease has zealously exerted Himself, during the present...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’aurois eu l’honneur de vous Rendre mes devoirs depuis longtems si l’on ne m’avoit pas assuré que vous ne demeuriez plus a passy. Permeté moy de vous demender quel jours nous pourons vous voir. Mr. delaffaye mon amy seroit charmé de vous presenter Le memoire qu’il a fait imprimer sur la maniere de bâtir des Romain et leur facon d’employer la chaux pour en...
ALS : The Royal Society We experienced a much greater degree of Cold at derby, in the late Frost, than perhaps was ever observed in England, and the quick transitions, were no less remarkable. On Sunday the 18 of last month, at 7 o Clock in the evening. My thermometer stood at 20. At half an hour after Nine, nearly one degree below 0. At seven the next Morning 30. External Air. I hope to hear...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld fait bien des Complimens à Monsieur Franklyn et à L’honneur de lui présenter la traduction de ses remarques sur les Sauvages qu’il a cherché a rendre le moins imparfaite qui lui a été possible; il est bien faché que le mauvais tems l’empêche d’aller la lui présenter lui même et savoir de ses nouvelles dont il demande souvent à...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library I have received your kind Favour of the 9th Inst. and thank you for the Employ you are pleased to give me. I will endeavour by my Conduct to do honour to your obliging preference. I shall conform to your Orders in drawing for Funds, I would observe however that Bills at 15 Days sight lose in general half Per Cent on the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copies: Library of Congress, National Archives By the annex’d list you will perceive the present disposition of the Continental Navy in North america. The detachment of four Ships to gaurd the Harbour of Charles Town has subjected our Coasts to the depredations of the enemys armed vessels from New York who of late have frequently appeared in our Bays and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Cooper having given me Mr. Hancocks Letter to you in his favor for my perusal in virtue and on the strength of the Contents I have and shall advance to the young Gentleman the Nessessaries he stands in need off which I hope will meet with your approbation. I am most respectfully Your honors Most Obedient Servant Addressed: The Honble. Benjamin Franklin...
LS : American Philosophical Society You will give me leave to congratulate you or at least the province of New Jersey, upon your late appointment to be our Agent also. Such an event cannot fail of promoting the best interests of the Colony, while it may suit you to remain on the other side of the water; and even after you retire to your native country (if that should ever happen) the...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library Rulhiere est venu pour avoir l’honneur de voir Monsieur franklin. D’après de nouveaux memoires très surs qu’il a recus de turquie, il est forcé de réformer en grande partie ce qu’il a dit de cet empire dans son histoire de l’anarchie de Pologne. Comme il part demain pour la campagne où il passera deux mois dans la solitude, il compte y travailler à...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am yet here about the Jersey Laws: I sent up to New York 8 Days ago, a Letter for you with the first of the inclosed Bill of Exchange for £200, Wats and Mc Evers on Harley and Drummond which I had of Mr. Colden: but the Weather has been so extreme severe, that I have not learnt whether it could be sent by a Merchantship, or by this Packet; but lest that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, April 9, 1777, in French: Sends a letter from M. Arrenberg of Rotterdam, entrusted to his care and addressed to Franklin; please acknowledge its receipt.> For the writer, academician, and censor of the theatre (1733–1817) see Larousse, Dictionnaire universel . The letter he was forwarding is above, March 31.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr Greene Writes you in the Greatest hurry a Person waiting for his letter and Several Persons waiting to Do Business. I wrote you by Capt Jenkins two letter not expeckting the first to go hope they will both Come Safe and hope you will favor us with a line. When will you Come home we long to See you Exceedingly we have not had a line from you this year...
ALS : Library of Congress To prevent your trouble in writing over the Memorial in vain, I thought proper to let you know that Since I had the honour to speak to you I refected that, tho’ the Secretaire of State for the affaires of the Kingdom is Suppos’d, with us, to be the Prime Minister, all the foreigner applications ought to be made to the Secretaire of State for the foreigner affairs. The...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr: Nesbitt’s most respectful Compliments wait on Doctor Franklin, & requests that he will grant a Pasport for a Gentleman (a Mr. Bacon) who goes for England tomorrow. If Dr. Franklin has any Commands for England, Mr Bacon may be depended upon. Possibly the Bacon who received a passport the previous June: XXXVI , 379.
AL : American Philosophical Society Dr. Bancroft presents his most respectful Compliments to Dr Franklin & sends him inclosed the desired Passport. Addressed: To the Hon’ble / Dr. Franklin / Passy On March 24, a Wednesday, BF had issued an American passport for the vessel London Packet . See Bancroft’s letters to WTF , one of March 20 and the second printed under March 21. The present letter...
AL : American Philosophical Society Dr. Hunter’s Compliments to Dr. Franklin. He has some preparations which he intends giving away, and if they would be acceptable to Dr. Franklin, he should be glad to see him any morning (except tuesday) from 8 to 10 or 11. for a few minutes. Addressed: To Dr Franklin / Craven Street For the background of this letter see Dr. Hunter’s stipulations about his...
ALS : American Philosophical Society There is a Gentleman here who longs to write to you himself, but his Friends forbid it, and tell him, while the American Habeas Corpus bill is in force, it is not safe, and they will not consent to his trusting himself to such wretched Vindictive Animals as our Ministry is chiefly composed of. Wherefore I your Humble Servant, who defy them all to make...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society We are honord with yours of the 17th February and made happy in being acquainted by it of the Alliance lately formed between his most Christian Majesty and the united States of America, in which, considering our Scituation, that young Monarch hath evidenced a dignity of Mind, which will be of more lasting honor than can be conferrd by a Crown....
ALS : American Philosophical Society; press copy of copy: Library of Congress I have long been seeking an oportunity of doing what I have long desired to do. The Sending you on the poor Widow Barry’s Account. Mr Almon’s Acct of the Publication & Sale of my Topographical Description of America with the enlarged & corrected Map annexed— The Following is Copy of the Account deliverd to me by him....
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous remettre la lettre du Dr. Samuel Cooper que vous avés bien voulu me communiquer et a laquelle je joins quelque gazettes angloises arrivées aujourdhui. Le no. 50. doit paroitre après demain. Je suis avec respect Monsieur Votre très humble et très obéissant Serviteur Notation: M Genet 16. Août 1778 We discuss this cahier in Genet’s...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. De marbois Secretaire de L’ambassade de france en Amerique, me mande que mr Le cher. de La Luzerne désire des Graines potageres et me prie de Luy en envoyer un assortiment de choix. Il m’ajouté que Le Vaisseau le Vashington Caine. Barcley aborde au havre, que Ce navire est à vôtre disposition que Son Séjour ne Sera pas Long. Et que C’est une occasion...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Fox’s most respectful compliments wait upon Dr. Franklin—takes the Liberty of informing him that he leaves Paris for Nantes on Thursday, and will do himself the honor of waiting upon him on the morning of that day to take his leave, & to request to be favored with his Commands for America, for which place he intends to embark in the Hannibal Capt...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copies: United States Naval Academy Museum, National Archives The within paper I have this moment recd.— It comes from some unfortunate Men who were made Prisoners when the Gallant Montgomery fell in his attack on Quebec.— I am so much indisposed to day that I am obliged to write to you in Bed— I have however Sent to ask if the Commandant if he can...
LS : Library of Congress J’ai reçu Monsieur, le bel exemplaire des Constitutions des Etats unis de L’Amérique, que vous avez bien voulu m’envoyer. Je vous prie d’agréer le témoignage de ma reconnoissance, et les nouvelles assurances du respectueux attachement, avec lequel j’ai L’honneur d’être Monsieur, votre très humble et très obéissant Serviteur. This French edition of the American state...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Dumas left us last week, as he told us his presence should be required at the Hague from whence we gott his advice how to supply Mr Landay with money for his voyage to Paris, agreable to the orders of Your Excellency. At the same time our homme d’affaires at the Helder mentiond some matters to us we thought best to look into ourSelfs, and have arranged...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I importuned you some time since with a Letter which I am fearful may have miscarried, & shall therefore trouble you with a recapitulation.— Therein I mentioned the safe arrival of Mr. Jay, & the satisfaction his presence afforded not only to me, but to his Countrymen in General. I Likewise mentioned to you the joyful information I received from him, that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief En vous confirmant mes Lettres des 5 & 8 du court., je me hâte de vous rendre compte d’un entretien que je viens d’avoir avec N. A. Mrs. du College de l’Amte. d’Amst. sont venus ce soir chez Mrs. les Dep. de la Ville d’Amst., leur témoigner l’extrême embarras où ils se trouvent, quant au préavis que l’Amté. d’Hollde. doit...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Daignez excuser La liberté que je prens de vous écrire, en faveur du motif qui m’y engage. L’univers vous doit des autels pour votre sublime découverte des paratonnerres; l’amérique qui vous doit sa liberté aquitera cette dette, et au bas de votre statue sera gravé ce vers devenu immortel: Eripuit coelo fulmen, sceptrum que tyrannis Je vois cette nouvelle...
Last Evening, was brought to me, the Proposals of the owners of the Ships, in the following Words. “To take from the owners of the Vessells the Liberty and the Aurora, at the Rate they shall be found to amount, not only of purchase Money, but also of all other Expences made thereon till the day of taking over the Said Vessells. Further to pay the half of the Freight Money, that are agreed, and...
ALS (draft): Yale University Library This acknowledges the Receipt of your Collection of philosophical Letters, and Dissertations in a quarto Volume which with your Letter came safe to hand last Summer. For which please to accept my Thanks. They have given me great Pleasure and Instruction. I have desired Capt. Peck, by whom you receive this, to procure me in London Relands Collection from the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Yale University Library I am obliged to you for mentioning the welfare of my Friends which gives me great satisfaction. The many Instances you give me of your friendship demand my warmest gratitude and lay me under indispensable obligations to endeavour to merit your Favour by my conduct, which is the only return I can make. The...
ALS : National Archives Vous verrez par l’incluse, ce qui s’est passé ici depuis ma derniere de hier 8 jours, que j’avois laissée, pour vous être expédiée, en bonnes mains, mais, à ce que j’ai lieu de craindre, un peu négligentes; & si l’on m’a dit vrai, on doit avoir laissé passer au moins un ordinaire, avant de la mettre à la poste. Je ne fais que de revenir de Leide, où je crois avoir...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je viens De Comettre unne Etourderie Dont je vous prie De Recevoir mes Excuses. Mr. gatellier ma Envoyé trois Exemplaires De son ouvrage pour vous Les faire passer, jay Cru que La Lettre qui Etoit De Dans Etoit pour moy, & dans Cette idee je Lay ouvertte, jespere que vous voudres bien avoir De Lindulgence pour unne fautte involontaire je vous Le Demande Et...
AL : Dartmouth College Library Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld ignoroit, en faisant à Monsieur franklyn des propositions de diner pour Mercredi que Me. sa mere envoioit ce jour là sa maison à la campagne; elle est bien fâchée d’être privée par ce contretems du plaisir et de l’honneur de recevoir Monsieur franklyn; elle espere être plus heureuse à son retour de la campagne; le Duc de la...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania We have agreed to go to Purfleet on friday morning: we propose setting out a ½ an hour past 9; so that I suppose we shall be there about one at latest. I am sorry I could not send you notice sooner; but Dr. Watson was not able to fix on a day sooner. As I imagine friday is about the time you thought of coming to town, you perhaps might like to come back...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Your Favour I received relating to Scott and McMichael’s protested Bill, for which am obliged to you, and much approve of your Conduct in that Affair. Bills, at present, are so very high, that I do not know what to do about remitting you; they ask now Seventy-seven and a Half; however, if I don’t hear quickly of your embarking for this Place,...
Press copy of copy: American Philosophical Society Suivant le compte arrêté entre vous et nous, le 17. Novembre 1781, Il reste du à la Ferme Générale, sous le nom de David, une Somme de huit cent quarante Six mille Sept cent soixante dix livres quatorze Sols cinq deniers, et ce Debit, comme vous sçavés, est le restant d’un million que nous avons prêté aux Etats Unis, pour la valeur du quel ils...
LS : American Philosophical Society Extraordinairement convoqué ce jourdhuy 16. du Courant a arreté 1º. que Le Venerable F franklin Lui ayant fait present de Son Buste, L’inauguration S’en fera dans Son assemblée academique du Dix huit. 2º. que Comme cette Ceremonie ne Sauroit être trop Solemnelle il est de La dignité de L.L. que Chacun de Ses Membres y Vienne et y Contribue. 3º. que Le prix...
Three MS accounts: American Philosophical Society Between Franklin and his fellow printer James Parker there existed not only a warm personal friendship but a business relationship of many years’ standing and an official connection through Parker’s position as comptroller of the American postal system. Each man faithfully executed commissions for the other and made or received payments for his...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have done myself the Honor this Day to Transmitt to London the Dispatches herewith, by the desire of my Brother who ordered me in Case I should not have the honor of delivering them myself in person to transmitt them to the French Ambassador— And as the Weather seems very turbulent And my Passage round like to be long I have sent them Accordingly and hope...
ALS : Dartmouth College Library J’esperois trouver le moment de vous rendre mes devoirs et de vous porter le 6e. vole. du Monde Prim. pour lequel vous m’avez fait l’honneur de souscrire, lorsque j’en ai toujours été empeché par une suite d’evenemens de toute espece. Je prens donc la liberté de vous l’envoyer, avec une reconnoissance pour le volume suivant. J’y joins egalement un exemplaire...
AL : American Philosophical Society On November 4 the commissioners learned that the King of Spain, enraged by an American capture of goods belonging to his subjects, had canceled a loan to the United States. Vergennes suggested, according to Arthur Lee’s journal, that a letter to Madrid from the commissioners would doubtless be effective; the King was as quick to forgive as he was to take...