James Madison Papers

To James Madison from William R. Cole and Others, Ca. 19 December 1814 (Abstract)

From William R. Cole and Others, Ca. 19 December 1814 (Abstract)

§ From William R. Cole and Others. Ca. 19 December 1814. “We the Undersigned Citizens of the State of Ohio do hereby recommend to your Notice Mr. Jacob Kelly of the County of Clinton in the State afsd. as a suitable person to fill the Office of Captain Lieut. or Ensign in the U.S. Army. And wish that if any Vacancy at present exists or hereafter shortly occurs that he the said J: Kelly, may be nominated to fill either of the Offices before mentioned.”

RC (DNA: RG 94, Letters Received, filed under “Kelly”). Enclosed in John Alexander to James Monroe, 26 Dec. 1814 (ibid.), which states: “Mr. Cole the first Subscriber to the petition I am but little acquaint⟨e⟩d with. I have no acquaintance with Mr. Kelly. But I know the highest confidence may be placed in the mere Statement of Jesse Hug[h]es, Warren Sabin, George Mc.Mannis and Isaiah Morris.” Undated; conjectural date assigned based on Alexander’s letter and evidence that in 1814, mail from Ohio generally took approximately one week to arrive in Washington.

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