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Results 32151-32200 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
3215119. (Adams Papers)
Spent my time in visiting &c.
Your very flattering answer, to my letter of the 29th. ulto., has been perused with all the...
The inclosed report will I trust make it appear, that there are good reasons relative to the...
I have the pleasure to acquaint You that the House of Burgesses have taken particular Notice of...
I am informed, that my friend D r Bache will be a candidate for the chair of chemistry, in the...
Having had occasion to go to Richmond soon after my arrival here, I took with me the papers...
Copies: Massachusetts Historical Society (two), Library of Congress, National Archives We duly...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Lorsque j’eus hier l’honneur de rendre mes hommages a votre...
Philadelphia, July 5, 1794. “E. Randolph begs the favor of Col. Hamilton to say to him, in answer...
32160[Diary entry: 12 August 1795] (Washington Papers)
12. Wind Easterly cloudy & someti[mes] R[ain].
Permit me to introduce to you Robert Taylor Esqr, lately Speaker of the Senate of Virginia. He is...
Yours of the 30th. Ulto. I recd. yesterday. The particular subject of the dispute between Cap....
[ Philadelphia, 25 May 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “[May] 25. Colo. Monroe. Inclosed the 270....
Copy: Library of Congress The Merchants alluded to in my Letter to your Brother, were Mr. Bayard,...
Your favor of Apr. 25 th is duly recieved. I am very sensible of the partiality with which you...
The History of Queen Ann’s reign and of the Treaty of Utrecht is So instructive, that it is worth...
It appears to me important both to Congress and their officers, that the Duties & Rights of the...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I am glad to learn that the Turnip Seed and the...
The Governor is advised to certify to the Aud[itor] the number of tobacco loan offices...
Your letter dated June the 25 th came duly to hand. I have seen the master commissioner Ladd and...
I am inform’d by a person from New York, that the 27th Regt have sent thayr Baggage on board the...
[ Preakness, New Jersey, October 11, 1780. On October 13, 1780, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth...
I take the liberty of introducing to the acquaintance of General Washington a person highly...
I take the liberty of forwarding to you a Copy of my treatise on Vaccination, which, with many...
32175[Diary entry: 2 March 1771] (Washington Papers)
2d. Lowering & Cloudy Morning (with the Ground frozen & Wind at No. East)—all the Afternoon Snowing.
I have been honored with your Excellency’s favors of the 23d of November and 21st of January...
The enclosed is a duplicate of the letter I had the honor of writing to you the 6th of August....
I am just informed by the President of the Potomac Company, that the application to the Maryland...
J’ai l’honneur de vous adresser le Duplicata de ma Dépeche No. 1r. expédiée by the Indian Chief...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mrs. Strange desires me to continue the Liberty of...
Yours of the 23d. came to hand last night. I am unacquainted with the particular conduct of young...
The Petition of the Directors of the Library Company of Philadelphia and of the Trustees of the...
My Brother, Mr. Christopher Sargeant, the bearer has occasion to travel to South Carolina, he is...
I am authorised by the President of the United States to ask the favor of you, as I accordingly...
LS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to write these few lines to let You know a little...
Charlottesville, 22 Oct. 1792. He has received TJ’s letter of 11 Oct. and is grateful for the...
Letter not found. 1 January 1803. No. 12. Mentioned in Erving to JM, 30 Apr. 1803 . Discusses...
3 November 1809, Baltimore. Introduces Julius de Menou, a young man who wishes “an opportunity of...
AL : American Philosophical Society The Count of Belgioioso presents His best Compliments to Dr....
ALS : American Philosophical Society La protection que vous accordés si généreusement a ceux, qui...
On my arival at this Post I found every thing thrown into great Confusion, by the Troops removing...
Though your Excellency has not honoured me with an answer, though my zeal and my efforts to...
Chesterfield Court House, 13 Jan. 1781. Prevented by urgency of business from coming himself, has...
I had thought that our conversation in Charlottesville was too explicit clear and unambiguous in...
Your letter of the 10th of this month reached me last Tuesday, the 21 st. I immediately forwarded...
Doctor John G. Coffin has applied to me for a furlough. You are desired to grant it on condition...
Beverly Robinson Esq r : appeared before the Committee of ^ appointed by ^ the Convention ^ of...
32198[Diary entry: 27 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
27. Showery all day (misty Showers) & still.
Proportions of 500. as required by the Act of Congress of the 22d. of Nov. 1777. Balances of...
Being on a visit to this place I avail myself of the post wh. goes to morrow yr. way to...