James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Michel du Moulin, 23 November 1808

Philadelphia November 23d. 1808.

Honorable Sir,

After most humbly apologizing for my not Sooner complying with the law, of which I must confess my ignorance, I have the honor to forward the two copies of my French Tutor, adding another one of which I respectfully request the favour of your acceptance.

Permit me, Honorable Sir, to avail myself of this opportunity to express to you how much I am pleased to See you called at the helm of a State which, in concert with So whorty a President, you have So wisely & manly conducted. I have the honor to be, with the greatest respect & regard Honorable Sir, Your most humble Servant

Mel. du Moulin

DNA: RG 59—ML—Miscellaneous Letters.

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