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Results 32131-32160 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
1. the Comet & D.W. Coxe. I see in those papers no evidence but the letters of James Dixey & the...
Th: Jefferson incloses to mr Monroe mr Duval’s opinion on the sale of the city lots under the...
The small pox has broke out in Staunton and spread a general alarm, least through the medium of...
I have just recieved the inclosed letter under cover from mr Bankhead which I presume is from...
I had the honor of writing to you by Capt Woodward, of the Hope , and of sending you a packet,...
This will be delivered by my sons in Law Robert L. and Edward P Livingston. One being a senator...
I observe by the Washington Monitor, that the Clinton character is perfectly understood at the...
Mr. John C. Carr, the Parish Judge of Nachitoches, advises me by letter, bearing date the 9th....
After most humbly apologizing for my not Sooner complying with the law, of which I must confess...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to his friend mr W. Bartram and his thanks for the seeds...
I have received your letter in which you do me the honor to ask my opinion on the case of Thomas...
Jai recu La Lettre que vous m’aves fait l’honneur de m’écrire, en m’adressant Celle du gl. La...
I have the honor to enclose D.W. Coxe’s application & papers respecting the ship “Comet” which...
Thomas Jeffrson in a/c with David Isaacs 1808 To a ball due me per old a/c 2: 9 Octor. 28
Having applied in Persona, and by Letter, with regard to the small sum of $100, and hearing...
This will be handed to you by Doctor George Stevenson of Pittsburgh, who makes his present visit...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Colo. Williams and his thanks for the peice on the...
I beg leave to Communicate to you the following Circumstances whh. took place between Mr....
The preceding’s is a Copy of my last Respects to you of the 11th. u lto Pr. the Brig Alexander &...
Yours of the 17th. is recieved. you may proceed to the purchase of the other 100. barrels of corn...
I feel considerable diffidence my dear sir, in complying with your request so friendly & so...
Your friendly intimations to me as to matters respecting myself, never need an apology. I know...
I enclose sundry letters which will I hope be sufficiently intelligible. Indisposition prevents...
The Consulate at Tunis, being Vacant as informed by a friend, solicituous to serve, and Releive...
I have recieved your letter of the 15th. and by this post desire mr Bacon to let you take roots...
I hope thou duly received my letter of 22d 7 mon. last covering a Copy of the Second Report to...
I inclose a letter from Jefferson to Ellen which I presume will inform the family of his health....
Did any Station of mankind preclude The test of friendship, or of gratitude, Did Servile dread...
I enclose you certain communications from the Register Treay which I presume will meet your...
Your letter of the 14th: did not come to hand till Saturday, and could not therefore be answered...