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Results 3211-3240 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Copies: Library of Congress, National Archives, Massachusetts Historical Society Je suis persuadé, qu’il est deja a votre Connoissance, que le Roy des Deux Siciles mon Maitre á ordonné de tenir ouverts les Ports dans tous ses domaines au Pavillion des Etats Unis de L’Amerique au moyen de quoi pour eviter tous espece d’equivoque dans ces tems, que la mer est couverte des armateurs de differente...
Successive circumstances too long to be detailed in a letter, have prevented me hitherto for p from proposing a meeting of the Visitors of the College . that of the Visitors of the University being postponed to the 29 th of March renders our immediate meeting indispensable. I therefore propose to you to be at mr Madison ’s on in the forenoon of Friday next the 26 th
I was this morning honored with your favor of the 7th, & the company of the Count de Custine, & the Marquis de Laval, to breakfast, who have since proceeded on their way to Phila. attended by Lt Colo. Mentges. Major Fishbourn has this moment returned from Elizabethtown, with the Inclosed Intelligence & papers, which is Corroborated by the Information of two Deserters from the 54th who left...
Mr. Cranch informs me that Hones will go to Town tomorrow, and that I may not miss one opportunity, have now taken my pen to thank you for yours by Tom, and also for that which I have just now received by Mr. Ayres. You seem in high Spirits at which you know I rejoice. Your minute description of the persons you have seen, are very entertaining to me. I cannot consent you should omit writing,...
Your letters of {2m#} & of {2m#} were duly recd. The articles referred to in the first were safely delivered & in every respect satisfactory. The sale of the 2 Hhds of Tobo. reported in the second, was as good as could be expected as it did not suit the taste of the Manufacturers; & brought the highest price of exported Tobo. On comparing it with a sample brought us by the Waggoner, of Mr...
I have nothing to communicate to you either interesting or entertaining, the bad weather having cut off all communication with the country. Your favor of the 24th. ultimo really alarms me. Your fears of great britains taking advantage of any slip or neglect of ours are just, and what is still more to be dreaded than their resentment is the falling off of our allies in Europe who will never...
321724th. (Adams Papers)
Committee met again at Mr. Ware’s chamber; after reading all the letters, I was requested to select from them. White went to Boston, and spoke to Mr. Dingley, who sent back my volumes of Gibbon’s roman history. Drank tea and passed the evening in Mead’s chamber, and retired very early. The weather has grown quite moderate. The only extant copy of Edward Gibbon’s The History of the Decline and...
I have received your letter of the 30th Ulto with a Catalogue of my Books—When you go next to Abingdon, see if there is any there with my name or Arms in them, & forwd the list. I am truly unfortunate that after all the expence I have been at about my House, I am to encounter the third Edition, with the trouble & inconvenience of another cover to it, after my return. That there can have been...
3219[Diary entry: 20 April 1798] (Washington Papers)
20. Morning—lowering—wind Southerly & Mer. at 54. Variable weather all day. Mer. 62 at Night, & 64 at highest. Mr. Peter went away after breakfast and Mr. Townshend Dade & Mr. Nichs. Fitzhugh came to Din. Nicholas Fitzhugh’s sister Susannah Fitzhugh Dade (1757–1808) was married to Col. Townshend Dade of King George County.
Your letters are full of aphorisms. Every paragraph in them suggests new ideas, or revives old ones. You have given a true picture of parties in our Country. We have indeed no national Character, and however much we boast of it, there are very few "true Americans" in the United States. We have four distinct parties in Pennsylvania. 1. old tories. 2. honest federalists. 3 violent democrats. 4....
Since my letter of this morning which inclosed the last dispatches I had from General Wilkinson and others, I have thought it proper to write to the General relative to the subject of Mr. Powers’s mission, to prevent should any thing have delayed Cap Guion at Massac, any misconceptions on his part. I submit a copy of it. As I had sent off the original to which this letter refers, it is...
3222Marriage Editorial Note (Jay Papers)
In the spring of 1774, John Jay married and entered politics. At least one contemporary New Yorker, the Loyalist Thomas Jones, saw a link between the two events. According to Jones, Jay was the rejected suitor of two daughters of Peter De Lancey, a member of the family that led conservative forces in New York politics. In retaliation, Jones claimed, Jay “took a wife in . . . the Livingston...
I have omitted writing to you for some time because I had it not in my power to ascertain the number of Volunteers that would enter into the Corps of Cavalry. After taking great pains and riding many Miles to raise this Corps, I am sorry to observe, that I have not hopes of it reaching one hundred, notwithstanding several of the first young Gentlemen in the Country have turn’d out to set the...
Having been on business in York County Pennsylvania at the time of Coll Ballards Death, & being Just return’d I found myself Anticipated in my intention by a Number of Respectable Applicants for the Surveyors Office. But Presuming on your Excellency’s Candour & goodness I have ventured tho’ Late to remind you of my former Application by letter with the Recommendations accompanying it, to which...
I shall be glad hereafter to recieve your daily paper by post, as usual, and instead of sending on the Republican Watch-tower , you will retain it, and at the end of the year send it to me in a volume bound in Blue boards.—it is proper I should know what our opponents say & do; yet really make a matter of conscience of not contributing to the support of their papers. I presume Coleman sends...
Above ten Daies after its date I was honor’d with your favor of the 10 th. instant, & am indeed apprehensive with you, that America has lost the favorable moment for establish g a desirable commercial connection with Great Britain; but this is not the only, nor the greatest, mischief that has flow’d upon us from the same Source. you will by this time be able to judge of the dispositions of the...
An Account of the Lands in the Estate per the Auditors List. In the County of York 3074 Acres New Kent 6264 Northampton 4650 Hanover 911 King William  2880 In all 17779 Acres AD , ViLxW
Being but just now informed that a Vessell is to Sail in a very few days from Bristol for Baltimore Town, I have only time to say, that I have received your favor dated the 30th of June last, and that I immediately applyed to Mr Rack, the Secretary to the Bath Agriculture Society (who corresponds with most of the Societys in this Kingdom) for his friendly assistance in makeing the enquiry for...
Letter not found: Samuel Stanhope Smith to GW, 18 May 1797. On 24 May GW wrote Smith : “Your favour of the 18th instt was received by the last Post.”
Tr ( GEpFAR : RG 21, U.S. Circuit Court, District of Georgia, Savannah, Mixed Cases); copy made from lost original, with minor copying errors as evidenced by the omission of several reference points in Enclosure I above; certified by Secretary of State James Madison on 27 Apr. 1804 (see note to Enclosure i above). A drawing made at the Patent Office on 18 Mch. 1845 and signed by Commissioner...
7 April 1804, New Orleans. “I have received an answer to the letter which I addressed to the Marquis De Casa Calvo on the 28th. ultimo; a translation of the answer and of the documents accompanying it are preparing, and when completed, the originals shall be transmitted to you. It seems La Coquette was fitted out at this place, and was permitted to depart after the receipt of assurances from...
My affairs in Albemarle, requiring my attendance there, again, before the meeting of Congress, & the Phisician deeming the exercise useful to Mrs Monroe’s health, we have resolvd to set out thither in a few days, & to call on you & Mrs Madison on the route. If we go by Loudon, which is not decided, it may be the last of the week (next) before we see you; but if we go direct, about the middle....
L : Historical Society of Pennsylvania L’Ambassadeur de Portugal a l’honneur de faire ses compliments à Monsieur Francklin, et de rapeler à son souvenir le passeport et lettre de recommendation en faveur du Pere Patrice Ôcleary qui se dispose a passer en Amerique relativement à la succession dont il lui a parlé il y a quelque tems: L’Ambassadeur de Portugal auroit été voir lui même Monsieur...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Cover missing. Addressed to “The Hon’ble Mr. Maddison.” Long after JM received the letter, probably he or someone at his bidding placed a bracket at the close of the fourth paragraph. If JM meant that the first four paragraphs should be included in the earliest published collection of his papers, his wish was disregarded by Henry D. Gilpin, perhaps because the...
3235[Diary entry: 10 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
10th. At home all day. After Breakfast Mr. Campbell went away and in the Afternoon Mr. Hugh Stephenson came. Hugh Stephenson, a son of GW’s old friend Richard Stephenson of Frederick County and a half brother to Valentine and William Crawford, lived in the Shenandoah Valley until the Revolution. In response to a request by the Continental Congress in June 1775, Virginia raised two companies of...
Abstract of Monies expended on Account of the Presidents House in the Year 1807 per Report No. 20,567—  To whom paid & for what purpose N. of Voucher Dolls   Cts Ephraim Haines 1 54 95
I am now engaged in the settlement of my account with Inis wherein I do not think he has credited my tobacco at just prices. As this was during the years you had the management of my affairs, I am obliged to trouble you to endeavor to search for any proofs you have of your contracts with him, or to recollect the contracts. I inclose you a list of the tobaccos and prices, as he credits them. Of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Notwithstanding I am confident I left the papers containing the Resolves of Congress in your Book at Passi, after I had finished the Copy for M Lee; Yet I have made diligent search for them; and I do assure you they are not at Chaillot. I have therefore only to request, that you woud be so kind as to reexamine your papers, & I have no doubt but that you...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hope you will forgive my trespassing on your most valuable moments, but I could not forego the Oppertunity by favor of Mosr Du Chateau, to express my great pleasure in hearing of your Health &c. O Sir, how happy shou’d I be, once more to take you by the hand, but from a Line I read of yours at Cheam I have but little hopes as I am confind, but happy...
The Public Papers having announced your arrival in the City; I take the liberty to address you upon a little business I have there which I beg the favor of you to negociate. By a Contract with the Post Master General I am to receive $476 dollars per Ann. for carrying the Mail at quarterly payments; the first quarter will end the last of June; I enclose an order for the Money; which you will...