James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Isaac A. Coles, 30 November 1827

From Isaac A. Coles

Philadelphia Novr. 30th. 1827.

Dear Sir,

Yours of the 25th. inst:1 came duly to hand, and the Opportunity which it presents of rendering an acceptable service to Mrs. Madison & yourself has been most gratifying to me.

I immediately called on Mr. Todd and offered every assistance in my power to enable him to comply with your wishes, & I am happy to inform you that he has promised to accompany me to Virginia when I go, which I hope will be in the course of eight or ten days, assuring me at the same time that the pecuniary aid required would be inconsiderable. I propose to see him again this evening when I hope we may come to some more distinct & definite arrangement, of which you shall be duly informed.2

My own health is in a way to be speedily restored—Doctor Physick seems no longer to entertain a doubt of complete success. The temtorary [sic] suffering to which I have been subjected is nothing in comparison to the petty, but every day annoyance from which it has relieved me. With best wishes for the continuance of Mrs. Madison’s health & your own—I am Dr. Sir with constant and devoted attachment ever truly yrs.

I. A. Coles

RC (ICHi). Docketed by JM.

1Letter not found.

2For JM’s attempts to bring John Payne Todd home and end his reckless accrual of debt, see James Madison and His Stepson, John Payne Todd, Editorial Note, PJM-RS description begins David B. Mattern et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison: Retirement Series (4 vols. to date; Charlottesville, Va., 2009–). description ends , 3:632–34; JM to Todd, 13 Nov. 1825 and 15 Feb. 1826, ibid., 634, 686; JM to Edward Coles, 23 Feb. 1827.

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