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Results 32101-32150 of 184,431 sorted by author
Received of James Madison one hundred and twenty dollars in full of interest on his note up to...
I have just had the pleasure to receive your letter of the 7th, and hasten, agreeably to your...
Having changed our plans so far as to return from Mountvernon to Alexandria last evening, we did...
The enclosed letter from Col: Ch: Todd was recd. to day. I have an imperfect recollection of the...
E. Coles presents his respectful compliments to M r Jefferson, and takes the liberty of informing...
I have recd. your letter of the 3d. instant enclosing me a Check on the Bank of Virginia at...
We the undersigned, conceiving it to be the duty of every Citizen in periods of danger to devote...
20 January 1804. Introduces Thomas Clark, “who is desirous of being appointed Surveyor.” “He is...
Yours of the 25th. inst: came duly to hand, and the Opportunity which it presents of rendering an...
I take the liberty of sending my servant for a few more Aspin trees, & for some cuttings of the...
Yours of the 3d. inst: reached me by the mail of yesterday, inclosing one from my Brother in...
After what has passed in the House of Representatives I feel myself compelled to declare to you,...
I am sorry to inform you that my return brings nothing to satisfy the expectations of the...
I send you enclosed a specimen of Wild Hemp which I find in great abundance on many parts of my...
The inclosed letter for M rs Randolph was sent under cover to the President as well as the parcel...
I now inclose part of a letter in the hand writing of P. Henry in complyance with the promise I...
I received by the mail yesterday yours of the 29th. ult: covering your Bond for $2000 in favor of...
The Broad tail Ram which you have been good enough to send me is particularly Acceptable, as I...
I reached this on the 10 th after a long & fatiguing march, & have ever since been engaged in the...
I have been intending for some days to visit Monticello , & have been prevented from doing so by...
I take the liberty of sending you by this day’s mail, all the private Papers of the late Gov r...
I send you by the Bearer the wild Orange of South Carolina —It grows in the middle & upper parts...
In consequence of the wish which you were good enough to express when I had last the pleasure to...
At the request of Col: Samuel Hawkins I take the liberty of mentioning his name to you as a fit...
This will be handed you by my friend Mr. John Barney of Baltimore, who proposes to call & pay his...
My letter to you of the 30 th Oct: gave you a faithful account of all that had been passing on...
I received a few days ago by the Constitution from my old friend M r Walsh of Cette , the...
I have not an Orchard Grass seed left, but as I think it possible that my Brother may still have...
On my return from Baltimore last fall, Comdore Elliot committed to my care a cane and Vase made...
After detaining the waggon a whole day I have now the mortification of being compelled to Send it...
It has long been my determination if ever the U.S. should be engaged in a war to take an active...
With M r Jefferson I conversed at length on the subject of architecture— Palladio he said “was...
I. A. Coles late col: of the 12th. Regt. of infantry, begs leave to make known to the President,...
The affectionate address of the Republicans of George Town on my retirement from public duty, is...
M r Madison has just given me a Box for you, containing some Books I believe, which shall be sent...
Permit me to return you my best thanks for the Paper Mulberry; which you were kind enough to send...
I take the liberty of introducing to your Acquaintance Lieut Peyton of the 20 th Reg t who has...
I regretted exceedingly that circumstances prevented me from paying my respects to you at...
I have at length been able to steal a few days from my duty in Staunton to spend with my frn ds...
The inclosed letters which have come to hand since you left this, were given me yesterday by M r...
The enclosed narrative was written at the request of a Young friend in Virginia to whom it was...
Having often heard you express a wish to get some fur Gloves, & meeting with the inclosed a few...
This will be handed you by m r Gerry , the Son of your old Acquaintance & friend the Vice...
Store Room in the Garret 7. Pair of best brass andirons. 32. Brass. Carpet rods. 1. Pair Iron...
[ June 7, 1785. According to the catalogue description of this letter, Coles, on Hamilton’s...
I will be at Monticello tomorrow to dinner or in the evening, I was much mortified to disappoint...
Be Pleased Great Father of thy people, to pardon the Presumtion of this Address, and behold thy...
It had been so long since the Cherry was sawed and put away, that I could give you but a very...
I have sent you as measured by Mr. Maddox 88 feet of cherry plank & 53 Ditto of Scantling but for...
I am extreemly sorry it will not be in my power to be at Milton on Monday. Tuesday the 1 st of...