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Results 32101-32150 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
El 30. de Octubre tube la honra de remitir a V.S. la cuenta de parte del Señor Vírrey de Mexíco,...
I take the liberty to forward by post with this letter a pamphlet my friends have encouraged me...
I received the enclosed Print this morning from New York under a blank cover. By whom, or for...
In pursuance of the 5th. Sect. of the Act of March 2d. respecting the lands claimed in the...
Gurdon S Mumford presents his Respects to Mr. Madison & will thank him to cause the proper...
You will doubtless remember, Sir, that some time since you instructed me to purchase of Madame...
I should have answered My Dear Grand Papas letter by the Last post but Mr. Bankhead wrote & as I...
Your favor of the 22d. is recieved, & that to Jefferson forwarded. I have made it the occasion of...
An address from the Head Men of the River Division of the Cherokee Nation To his Excellency...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation the following promotions and appointments in...
With this letter I presume to send you a pamphlet I have just published, on the foreign relations...
Immediately on seeing the military Constitutions of Nations in the Intelligencer, I thought it my...
I have your favour’s of the 12th and 16th: of the month. The letter of President Washington...
I owe you a thousand thanks, to speak in the good old English form of civility, for the Speech...
I have the Honour to send enclosed a co py of a Letter received last Night, from M r. Canning, in...
I have the honor of sending, for your acceptance, a file of the Courier de L’Europe, and one of...
I forwarded to you by the British Packet which sailed from New York on the 17th. instant, the...
I wrote two short private letters by the British Packet, which sailed from N. York on the 17th....
I had the honor of addressing you on the 16th. & 22nd. of April: In the former, I stated the...
Enclosed is a petition in favor of the appointmt of Jordan Shepherd for collector (from the...
Now our Brothers are on the road to the Federal City to see our beloved Father the President, &...
Samuel H. Smith Esqre., of Washington has been so obliging as to offer to become my...
I recd your letter and the spectacles. I was fearfull I should not be able to put Dble glasses in...
Being desirous of serving my country in a Military capacity, and seeing what a crisis my country...
I have the pleasure of addressing you from the country seat of a friend where I have come to...
In the course of the day on which you left us here in July last, a young medical gentleman called...
I have lately shipped to your care in the Sloop John Hand Junr. Master, Twenty six Boxes,...
I have the honor of transmitting to you a statement of all the American vessels, that have been...
I had the honor in a note of the 24th. ultimo to communicate the terms on which it was understood...
It is with the greatest reluctance I find myself compelld, to intrude on your time, & apealing to...
1. the Comet & D.W. Coxe. I see in those papers no evidence but the letters of James Dixey & the...
Th: Jefferson incloses to mr Monroe mr Duval’s opinion on the sale of the city lots under the...
The small pox has broke out in Staunton and spread a general alarm, least through the medium of...
I have just recieved the inclosed letter under cover from mr Bankhead which I presume is from...
I had the honor of writing to you by Capt Woodward, of the Hope , and of sending you a packet,...
This will be delivered by my sons in Law Robert L. and Edward P Livingston. One being a senator...
I observe by the Washington Monitor, that the Clinton character is perfectly understood at the...
Mr. John C. Carr, the Parish Judge of Nachitoches, advises me by letter, bearing date the 9th....
After most humbly apologizing for my not Sooner complying with the law, of which I must confess...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to his friend mr W. Bartram and his thanks for the seeds...
I have received your letter in which you do me the honor to ask my opinion on the case of Thomas...
Jai recu La Lettre que vous m’aves fait l’honneur de m’écrire, en m’adressant Celle du gl. La...
I have the honor to enclose D.W. Coxe’s application & papers respecting the ship “Comet” which...
Thomas Jeffrson in a/c with David Isaacs 1808 To a ball due me per old a/c 2: 9 Octor. 28
Having applied in Persona, and by Letter, with regard to the small sum of $100, and hearing...
This will be handed to you by Doctor George Stevenson of Pittsburgh, who makes his present visit...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Colo. Williams and his thanks for the peice on the...
I beg leave to Communicate to you the following Circumstances whh. took place between Mr....
The preceding’s is a Copy of my last Respects to you of the 11th. u lto Pr. the Brig Alexander &...
Yours of the 17th. is recieved. you may proceed to the purchase of the other 100. barrels of corn...