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Results 32101-32110 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
32101[Diary entry: 18 July 1774] (Washington Papers)
18. Morning exceeding Warm. Evening Cooler.
I wrote to you some time past in answer to yr. favor of . Having a moment only by Bisshop Madison I inclose a ps written by Mr. Ross of Bladensburgh in an answer to a Speech of Mercers. Captn. Campbell was obligd to give way to Mercer and supports a Mr Thomas—A wet quaker, of a very fair character—he will from that circumstance & the industry of those opposd to Mercer stand a Chance. The...
Reprinted from Stan V. Henkels, Catalogue No. 1262 (July 1, 1920), item 31; and American Art Association, Sale Catalogue (April 22–4, 1924), item 295. I received your kind Letter of the 23d of December. I rejoice always to hear of your & your good Mother’s Welfare, tho’ I can write but Seldom, Safe Opportunities are Scarce. Looking over some old Papers I find the rough Draft of a Letter which...
Your favors of Aug. 11. and Mar. 4. are just now rec d Age, debility and decay of memory have for some time withdrawn my attention me from attention to matters out of without doors. the grape you enquire after as having gone from this place is not now recollected by me. as some in my vineyard have died, others have been substituted without noting what, so that at present all are unknown. that...
§ To William G. Latimer. 4 July 1806, Department of State. “I have received your letter of the 30th. ult. and enclose, as you desire, a copy of one written on the 11th. January 1803, the observations contained in which remain applicable to the case of La Amigos.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 15). 1 p.; addressed to Latimer at Philadelphia. JM to Robert C. Latimer, 11 Jan. 1803 ,...
By Virtue of the Power and Authority to me given and granted, by the Honorable Robert Dinwiddie Esquire, Governor of Virginia; I do Hereby constitute and appoint you President of a General Court-Martial, to sit between the hours of eight and three; for trial of Lieutenant John Lomax, of the Virginia Regiment; accused of neglect of Duty, in not covering the Retreat of a Detachment under command...
A Committee of Senate to whom the petition of Charles Colvill was refered; together with sundry papers on the subject of a Treaty with the Alegerines, and the redemption of the American Citizens in Captivity at Algiers, have directed me to ask You to Draft a Bill, Authorising the President of the United states, by and with the advice and Consent of senate, to appoint a proper person to treat...
I have in hand between three & four thousand Dollars of the ten thousand recd. 3d. Instant; but as the Expenditures at the Capitol during the present & two next months will be much greater than heretofore    it may. perhaps prevent inconvenience if it should be the Presidents pleasure to leave with the Secretary of the Treasury, or some other person here a warrant for such sum as may be...
I have the honour to enclose a letter which I was desired to forward to you from Mr: Bourne at Amsterdam. A few days before I sailed from Hamburg, I sent you by duplicates, copies of a letter which I received there from the Swedish Minister at the Court of Berlin and of my answer to it. As it contained a proposition from the king of Sweden which may be deemed of some importance to the...
Notes for discount are to be presented to the Bank of the U. S. on Mondays. There will be wanted 2500 Drs. to make up the Sum, which was noted for this week—and any part of the remaining sum of 3000 drs. proposed to be paid in April, which may be convenient. The third sum of 3500 Drs. will not be necessary, but in the course of August. That is the proportion, which was noted as to be paid by...