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Results 32101-32110 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
El 30. de Octubre tube la honra de remitir a V.S. la cuenta de parte del Señor Vírrey de Mexíco, quíen reclama los gastos que han producído los Amerícanos en la Calífornia; y V.S. no ha tenido à bien contextarme. El 3. de Noviembre anuncié á V.S. la abertura de los Puertos de Caracas, è ígnoro sí esta carta ha llegado á sus manos. El mismo día supliqué á V.S. se sírvíera dar las ordenes...
I take the liberty to forward by post with this letter a pamphlet my friends have encouraged me to publish on the foreign relations of the United States, of which I beg your acceptance and perusal. As it is the first effort of the kind of a very young man, I rely on your indulgence for the many errors & imperfections which your superior intimacy with the subject must enable you at a glance to...
I received the enclosed Print this morning from New York under a blank cover. By whom, or for what purpose it has been Sent to me, I cannot tell. But I think that I cannot make a better use of it than by transmitting it to you immediately. Permit me, at the Same time, to communicate to you a Short extract of a Letter which I have received from Robert R. Livingston, Esqr. dated Clermont, the...
In pursuance of the 5th. Sect. of the Act of March 2d. respecting the lands claimed in the Mississippi Territory, I have Sent your letter of the 11th. inst. and the copies of the patents it enclosed, in the names of George Teal and Rebecca Blackwell, to the Register of the Land Office West of Pearl River. The tract described in one of the patents appears to lie in that territory, but it is not...
Gurdon S Mumford presents his Respects to Mr. Madison & will thank him to cause the proper Enquiry to be made respecting the request of Messrs. Henry & W & L Phillips of NewYork agreably to the inclosed Letter, & when the answer is made, G S M will be glad to have their Letter returned DNA : RG 59—ML—Miscellaneous Letters.
You will doubtless remember, Sir, that some time since you instructed me to purchase of Madame Cerachi, the bust in gesso of Genl. Washington, if in her possession; and which was taken by her husband while in the U:States.—The result of my inquiry then was, that she had dispos’d of it to mr Cacauld the late french ambassador at Rome; and who had carried it with him to Paris—From that period...
I should have answered My Dear Grand Papas letter by the Last post but Mr. Bankhead wrote & as I have seldom time we agreed never to write to gether that you might hear from us often—on coming from Edgehill I left all the flowers in Ellens care, however I shall be with you early enough in march to assist about the border, which the old French Gentlemans present if you mean to plant them there,...
Your favor of the 22d. is recieved, & that to Jefferson forwarded. I have made it the occasion of advising him to avoid the subjects of politics in society, and generally indeed to shun dissipation on every subject which never did convince an antagonist, and too often alienates a friend, besides being always an uneasy thing to a good humored society. your letter does not tell me whether Anne &...
An address from the Head Men of the River Division of the Cherokee Nation To his Excellency Thomas Jefferson President of the United States of America, Greeting Honored Father we now beg leave to address you by putting on paper our sentiments, wants & desires, being the sentiments & wish of 13 Towns composing nearly one half of The Cherokee Nation & taking into view our people that are already...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation the following promotions and appointments in the Army of the United States viz. Regiment of Artillerists. First Lieutenant William A. Murray to be promoted to the rank of Captain vice, John Fergus deceased May 21st. 1808. First Lieut. Joseph Cross to be promoted to the rank of Captain, vice, William L Cooper dismissed Novemr. 17th. 1808....