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Results 321-330 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
As the experiment of grinding a hundred bushels of Wheat into flour, is found more profitable than to sell the like quantity in grain; I would have you proceed in the manufactury of what little I have made. and I desire the particulars of the experiment may be sent to me. and the Miller must be careful that he keeps up to it. or I may be deceived thereby. Caution Sally Green against dealing...
The state of our finances continues to fulfill our expectations. eleven millions & an half of Dollars recieved in the course of the year ending on the 30th. of Sep. last, have enabled us, after meeting all the ordinary expences of the year to pay 3,600,000. Dollars of the principal of the public debt. this paiment, with those of the two preceding years, has extinguished upwards of twelve...
323[Diary entry: 28 February 1770] (Washington Papers)
28. Clear and pleasant with but little Wind & that Southwardly.
I have the honor to lay before you a copy of the act of the Legislature of Kentuckey, this day received, ratifying the amendment proposed by Congress to the Constitution of the United States, respecting the suability of States. The amendment having now been ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, has become a part of the Constitution of the United States. MHi :...
I Have Been Honoured with Your favour By Mr̃ Joy to Whom I Will Readily Render Every Service in My power, and am also to thank You for the Valuable Books You took the trouble to Collect for me—in the Cause of My Black Brethren I feel Myself Warmly interested, and Most decidedly Side, so far as Respects them, Against the White part of Mankind— Whatever Be the Complexion of the Enslaved, it does...
I had the pleasure of writing your Excellency, the 12th Inst., which missing the post, was delayed some days, Since which, your Excellencys favors of 9 & 12, are come to hand, The former of which surprized, & paind me very much, The paragraph from Mr Youngs letter to Mr Kemper, respecting the sending forward some Shirts & stockings, which seems to have given your Excellency cause of offence, I...
I received last night your favour of the 8th Instant. I hope General Clinton is now moving by the Routes and according to the Orders he has received from General Sullivan, under whose command he has been entirely placed for some time past—and of which I advised him by Two different conveyances, besides writing to him through the hands of General Sullivan: As it was conceived best, that the...
I can but love & thank you, and I do it sincerely, for your polite & friendly letter of the 11th of November, which came to my hands only the day before yesterday. The sentiments contained in it are such as have uniformly flowed from your pen and are not more pleasing than they are flattering to me. The present Congress can sit no longer than the 3d of March; and should it not be found...
The occasion which led to your favor of this morning merits all our congratulations, and I heartily join in those you have expressed. The terms of the peace will I hope be satisfactory to our Country. With the events of the war, they can not fail to command the respect of every other. … Be so good as to return the two papers after a leisurely perusal. The newspaper is the latest that has...
I wrote You on the 22nd & 23rd. I now set myself down to trouble You once More. As neither Cols. Meades or Harrison’s Depositions may ever reach me & if they do, As they will contain no Information respecting the Papers taken in Andre’s Hand I am to beg you, to be so Obliging, as to send me Your Deposition, by the first Conveyance; Of what my Conduct was, or appeared to be to You, from the...