Results 321-330 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
private Since I recd. your letter of the 31st Ulto: requesting in behalf of the Revd Mr. Brooks now in Europe a letter of introduction to the friends of American Colonization in England & France, I have been more than usually indisposed; and for some days I have been suffering under a new malady which makes the use of the pen very painful. With that apology may I ask the favor of you to comply...
I received but recently your letter of March 10th & instantly wrote to a friend in Washington (where the letters are of which you wish copies) to comply with your request. Among the papers of my father in my possession I find but two letters from you. I enclose a copy of one. The other was written in July 1807 in reply to one from my father concerning the outrage on the Chesapeake. As it is...
This is to certify that James Madison has been duly elected an honorary Member of the Columbian Horticultural Society established in the District of Columbia. Printed certificate (ICHi) .
In the communication preceding the enclosed, I suggested some prominent features for a National Bank. After the Present Administration shall have passed away, (may Heaven grant it a short duration) there can be no doubt, but that a National Bank will be established. I would add a few more particulars in elucidation; as, in your hands, they may become subjects of investigation— Supposing each...
J. Madison, with his respects to Mr. Wilde, thanks him for the copy of his speech on the reasons of the Secretary of Treasury for the removal of the Deposites; delivered in the house of Representatives, March 18. =34. The speech is certainly a very able one, and belongs to the first class, on that very distinguished subject. Amid the painful aspects presented in our public affairs, the pride...
I have now on hand a large collection of celebrated orations, addresses, Congressional Speeches, &c upon various subjects, in pamphlet form, which I intend to have handsomely bound together into a number of choice vols.—and should be happy to obtain some of the like productions of your truly eloquent and distinguished pen, to put with them. Should it be convenient, you would do me a particular...
Our Country still bleeds at every pore—The Constitution and Laws violated with impunity—The Treasury laid open and scattered Abroad, without controul, without protection! The Voice of the People slighted and treated with contempt! The Redeeming Power , Congress, rendered Venal, by Corruption, thro’ the Post-Office, in Packing the Representative Chamber; thus rendering every effort abortive, to...
(committee of the Jefferson Democratic Society of Philadelphia) I have received fellow Citizens your letter of the 2d. Inst. inviting me in "behalf of the Jefferson Democratic Society of the City & County of Philadelphia to a dinner to be given by the Society on monday next at Heiskell & Badgers Hotel in commemoration of the birthday of the father of the Democratic Party--& the Author of the...
I have recd. & thank you for your attentive favour of the 3d. and inclose a renewing note for the discount day. I inclose also $30 thirty dolars, out of which be so obliging as to pay to Mr. H. for the Virga. Herald. The balance may pass into the acct between us. I have recd a regular notice, (circular I presume) that Hay Taliaferro’s note payable to J. B. & of which I am an Endorsor is...
J. M. with his respects to Mr. Leigh returns His thanks due for the copy of his Speeches on the "removal of the Deposits, &c. They present the views of the subjects taken by Mr. L, with an ability & eloquence, of which J. M had witnessed too many examples, not to have anticipated. FC (DLC) .