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Results 32051-32100 of 184,431 sorted by author
You probably have seen a controver[s]y in the Herald respecting the authorship of the respective...
Judge Benson left on my desk this morning your last letter to him containing an editorial...
After all my strugglings I am compelled to submit at last & avail myself of the Insolvent Act. I...
It is very unhapy, that with the sincerest desire to be useful to my Country, I see myself so...
I told you my Dear Cosen that I should not stay very Long here after you was gone we propose...
It was my intention to have seen or written to you before this. But I was detained in Richd. by a...
Mr. Birkbeck, a very extensive, and one of the most scientific and best practical...
On a recent occasion, when one of the States of the Union promulgated doctrines subversive of the...
Since I wrote you from St. Louis I have visited the Lead Mines, and passed on from thence through...
This will be presented to you by Mr George Emlen of this City, whose relations I believe are...
I have been shown the original, and permitted to take a copy, of a Power of Attorney, devised...
I send you enclosed two communications of the Governor, & a report of a Committee of the...
Flattering myself with the belief that you and Mrs. M. would be gratified in hearing from me,...
Thinking it possible, my dear Sir, you may not wish others to see what I am now about to take the...
I should have had this pleasure sooner, but for a severe cold, which confined me to the house for...
My friend Mr Robert C. Winthrop, a son of the Lieut: Governor of Massachusetts, being desirous of...
You will doubtless be surprised to find that I am here. It was my intention to have remained in...
I have been desired to communicate to you the wishes of Mr. Charles Biddle (Father of my friend...
Edward Coles is desired by the President to send M r Jefferson the enclosed papers; and to inform...
My Brother has transmitted to me your letter to him of May 29., from which I perceive that you...
Agreeably to your request I have paid to the printer of the National Gazette the five dollars you...
In consequence of the great quantity of rain which fell, and the muddy roads, and high waters, I...
I had a very warm, fatiguing, and disagreeable journey to Philadelphia, where finding but few of...
Your letter of the 8th of Nov: was recd. in due time, and should have been sooner answered, but...
5 October 1812. Sends this letter by his cousin Edward Carrington, son of Judge Paul Carrington....
Soon after leaving you I became sick, & continued so for several weeks--indeed I have not yet...
10 June 1811, New York. Observes that it is impossible to comply with his promise to write on...
As you and Mrs. M. were so kind as to say, at the moment of parting, that you would be gratified...
I shiped yesterday on board the schooner Goodintent , Elliott Kirwan , Master, bound for Richmond...
In compliance with your request I have procured a copy of Gen: Armstrongs letter to Gen: Jackson,...
When I had the pleasure to see you at Montpellier I expected long before this to have been with...
Altho’ I presume Payne wrote to his friends in Washington by the return of the Polot, yet as it...
I enclose you a receipt for the 10$ you sent by me for the Agricultural Society of Albemarle. I...
Agreeably to my intention, made known to you, I should have deposited the $7. you overpaid me in...
A few days after the date of my late letter to you, I heard that Gen: Armstrongs Book was in the...
In returning you my grateful acknowledgements for your highly prized letter of the 15th instant,...
I never took up my pen with more hesitation or felt more embarrassment than I now do in...
I have been anxious ever since I left you to learn the state of your health. I have heard from...
Payne having failed to come into the City, I went out last evening to see him at the Water works....
It was my intention to have made you and Mrs. Madison a visit about this time—but unexpectedly I...
I have this moment received a direct intimation from Dr. Barton, which I am requested to...
It was my intention, as you know, to have remained here but two or three days. But altho’ I have...
I have only time to enclose you my late Message to the Legislature —and to say that I expect to...
I left the Green Mountain this morning, and am this far on my way to Illinois. Altho’ I am...
As a good deal of feeling has been excited here by some military appointments, made during the...
I must be permitted again to trouble you, my dear Sir, to return my grateful thanks for the...
Dr. For a check on the Bank of Va. enclosed I. A. Coles in payment of Bank Stock—being $16:00...
In returning my thanks, which I do most heartily, for your letter of the 29th ulto, I must be...
Believing from all I can learn here that it may, in the course of the winter, become useful to...
When I had the pleasure of seeing you last summer at my Mothers , I informed you, that M r...