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Results 32051-32080 of 184,431 sorted by author
You probably have seen a controver[s]y in the Herald respecting the authorship of the respective individuals who contribute to The Fœderalist. The correspondent of the National Intelligencer claims for M r . Madison several, I believe, nearly 30 numbers, that we have always been led to suppose were written by Hamilton, & upon his own authority; were written & one number, that we have always...
Judge Benson left on my desk this morning your last letter to him containing an editorial paragraph to be adopted by me & published as my own. I need not, Sir, observe, that I should experience no reluctance in acknowledging the mistake alledged to have been committed, nor should I have the least hesitation to say that the original article was written hastily & without due consideration, if I...
After all my strugglings I am compelled to submit at last & avail myself of the Insolvent Act. I will not trouble you with the detail of my affairs: suffice it to say that I have found this measure inevitable. With a view to make up the necessary “three fourths” I have applied to those friends here who joined with you to advance me the $2000, ($100 each) with which I begun the paper, & they...
It is very unhapy, that with the sincerest desire to be useful to my Country, I see myself so forgotten. I flattered me, that deserving under your and General Lees eyes in the last campaign, and having conducted myself in the manner to deserve your and His esteem, I should be distinguished from the croud of the strangers, who I see every day loaded with honours and advantages, without having...
I told you my Dear Cosen that I should not stay very Long here after you was gone we propose Leaveing this next Wednesday for New york. Now for some News all the good Folks in this House are well only Cosen Sally is sikish, Capn Preston is gone, Sukey & Mrs Grenup are all so. Mr Grove is in the Pouts about you, tell Anny I have not seen Mr Porter so I cant tell how he Looks, the General is...
It was my intention to have seen or written to you before this. But I was detained in Richd. by a bilious attack, and since my arrival here I have been in daily expectation of a visit from Mr. Stevenson, who promised me to be here, and to accompany me on a visit to you & Mrs. Madison. By this days mail I got a letter from him in which he informed me he should be compelled to postpone his visit...
Mr. Birkbeck, a very extensive, and one of the most scientific and best practical agriculturalists of England, not liking the present state of things here, and having a very exalted opinion of our Country, and being also a great admirer of its political institutions, has determined to remove to and settle in it with his Family. Knowing your partiality for agriculture, I take the liberty of...
On a recent occasion, when one of the States of the Union promulgated doctrines subversive of the principles of the Constitution, and assumed an attitude which endangered the peace of the Confederation, you stepped forward from your retirement in a manner creditable to your head & heart to correct the aberration, and explain that constitutional Chart of which you had been the chief draftsman....
Since I wrote you from St. Louis I have visited the Lead Mines, and passed on from thence through St. Genevieve and Cape Gerardeau to this place, where I made arrangements to meet and go on board the Boat which has engaged to take me to New Orleans. I should not again so soon have troubled you with another letter, but for the interest I take in the affairs of the Nation, which as a Citizen I...
This will be presented to you by Mr George Emlen of this City, whose relations I believe are known to you. Mr. Russell has promised to take him, with your approbation, to Sweden as his Secretary; and he is desirous previous to his departure to visit Washington and become acquainted with some of the principal members of the Government; he has asked me for a line of introduction to you, which I...
I have been shown the original, and permitted to take a copy, of a Power of Attorney, devised with a view of obtaining Soldiers bounty lands, in despite of the provisions of the law, which withhold from the soldier the power of disposing of his land until after he shall have received his warrant, which I take the liberty of enclosing to you, with the hope that you may thereby be enabled either...
I send you enclosed two communications of the Governor, & a report of a Committee of the Legislature of Illinois, in relation to the right of the States to the public Lands situated within them. The great interest felt by many Citizens in this and other States in which the U. S. claim the soil, and the apprehension of the consequences which may result from a conflict between the States...
Flattering myself with the belief that you and Mrs. M. would be gratified in hearing from me, while on my western excursion, I am encouraged to indulge the partiality acquired by a long and happy residence with you both, to approach, in the only way now in my power, and to communicate in the most free and friendly manner with you. My detention in Richmond prevented me from commencing my...
Thinking it possible, my dear Sir, you may not wish others to see what I am now about to take the liberty of writing to you, and if it should not be entirely agreeable to you that you can the more readily throw it into the fire and think no more of a thing which is known only to you and myself, I am induced to add, on a seperate sheet, that I have frequently thought of what passed in...
I should have had this pleasure sooner, but for a severe cold, which confined me to the house for near a week, prevented me calling on Messrs Key & Biddle, agreeably to the request contained in your letter of the 16th ulto. Enclosed I send you their Receipt for your subscription to the American Quarterly Review for the next year. We were much gratifyed to learn that you and Mrs Madison had...
My friend Mr Robert C. Winthrop, a son of the Lieut: Governor of Massachusetts, being desirous of seeing Virginia, and particularly anxious to become personally acquainted with you, I take the liberty of introducing him, and his Lady, and Miss Gardner, by whom he is accompanyed, to you and Mrs. Madison I avail myself of this occasion to send you and Mrs Madison a lithographic likeness recently...
You will doubtless be surprised to find that I am here. It was my intention to have remained in Illinois until next winter, but circumstances, which I will explain when I have the pleasure of seeing you, induced me very suddenly to change my determination, and to come on by the most direct route to this place. I shall remain here and in NewYork until some time about the first of May, when I...
I have been desired to communicate to you the wishes of Mr. Charles Biddle (Father of my friend Nicholas Biddle) to be appointed to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Gen. Macpherson. It is only thought necessary to apprise you of his desire to obtain the appointment, as he and all his competitors will be known to Mr. Secretary Jones, with whom you will no doubt confer, and whose...
Edward Coles is desired by the President to send M r Jefferson the enclosed papers; and to inform him of the sudden death of the Vice President , who expired after a few moments illness, with a kind of paralytick fit, about one hour since RC ( DLC ); dateline at foot of text; endorsed by TJ as received 26 Nov. 1814 from Washington and so recorded in SJL . Enclosures not found. vice president...
My Brother has transmitted to me your letter to him of May 29., from which I perceive that you are in error in supposing that you are due me any thing on account of the Bank stock sold you, beyond the amount of your Bond. So far from it, that if any thing were due to either, it should be from me to you, & not from you to me. For the Stock has been sold by you for less than I believed it would...
Agreeably to your request I have paid to the printer of the National Gazette the five dollars you sent him, and enclosed I transmit you his receipt. My sister Stevenson has borne her journey so far better than I expected. Her health has evidently improved since her arrival here. Doctor Physick had left the City before our arrival. She has consulted Doctors Chapman & Dewies, who seem confident...
In consequence of the great quantity of rain which fell, and the muddy roads, and high waters, I had an excessively disagreeable journey from Washington, which place I left the morning after I wrote you, and barely reached this State in time to complete the business of my old office, and to be ready to enter upon the duties of my new one, by the meeting of the Legislature. Altho’ there was a...
I had a very warm, fatiguing, and disagreeable journey to Philadelphia, where finding but few of my acquaintances in town, I remained very little longer than was necessary to recover from my fatigue. I had the pleasure of seeing Mrs. Gallatin frequently, and of having much conversation about herself, and husband, and her friends in Washington. She appeared delighted to see me, and really...
Your letter of the 8th of Nov: was recd. in due time, and should have been sooner answered, but for my absence from this place, and the expectation, which has been deferred from time to time, of finding the volumes of Franklins works which you requested me to procure. I enquired at the principal Book stores in the City, and of the persons I thought most likely to possess information, without...
5 October 1812. Sends this letter by his cousin Edward Carrington, son of Judge Paul Carrington. “You will find Mr. Carrington an amiable and intelligent young gentleman; full of indignation at the wrongs and insults under which his Country suffers, and animated with an ardent zeal to avenge them by his personal efforts in the field; he attempted to raise a Volunteer Company, but having failed...
Soon after leaving you I became sick, & continued so for several weeks--indeed I have not yet entirely recovered, and am still quite feeble. It was my intention to have visited you again before I left Va; but finding that Mr Singleton had left his wife sick, & was extremely anxious to return to her, and to attend to some business in Carolina, I was induced to propose that he should return...
10 June 1811, New York. Observes that it is impossible to comply with his promise to write on everything that interests him. “As you expressed some curiosity to know how the Smiths &c would treat me, I requested Payne, who told me he was about to write, to inform you that I was treated quite civilly by them all, but that their displeasure with the President and yourself was very apparent.”...
As you and Mrs. M. were so kind as to say, at the moment of parting, that you would be gratified in hearing from me, of my safe arrival in this Country, and how I was employing myself in it, I take up my pen to comply with a request not less flattering to me than kind in you both. As I expected, when I left you, I overtook my people the day before they reached Brownsville in Pennsylvania, at...
I shiped yesterday on board the schooner Goodintent , Elliott Kirwan , Master, bound for Richmond , the seven Boxes left here by M r Barlow containing your Papers &c, and shall this day forward the Bill of Lading to Mess rs Gibson & Jefferson , to whose care I have directed them. You desired me to return you an estimate of the expences that might be incured before they were shiped, but as they...
In compliance with your request I have procured a copy of Gen: Armstrongs letter to Gen: Jackson, dated July 18, 1814, which, together with the letter enclosing it from the Secretary of War, I herewith transmit you. I have been informed by Mr. Tench Ringgold that he forwarded at the same time to you, Mr. J. Q. Adams, and to Mr Gouverneur the pamphlet containing the review of Mr. J. Q. Adams...