John Jay Papers

To John Jay from William Coleman, 14 May 1817

From William Coleman

New York May 14th. 1817

Dear Sir

You probably have seen a controver[s]y in the Herald respecting the authorship of the respective individuals who contribute to The Fœderalist.1 The correspondent of the National Intelligencer claims for Mr. Madison several, I believe, nearly 30 numbers, that we have always been led to suppose were written by Hamilton, & upon his own authority; were written & one number, that we have always upon the same authority, ascribed to your pen; viz, 54. I have just received a letter from Chancellor Kent,2 in answer to one I wrote him on the suggestion of Gen. Lewis, who informed me, that Hamilton told him, that he had given the Chancellor, (then judge) a corrected key, in which two more numbers had been credited to Mr. Madison than had been usually allowed him: the letter, however, which I have received, does not exactly tally with any key I have, (for I have three different ones). Will you have the condescention to communicate to me, then, any information you may possess & on which you can rely; if you should not be able to ascertain either from written documents or recollection, the particular information I am in search of, as respects all the numbers, can you not, at any note, speak with certainty as to the numbers written by yourself, & whether there were 4 or 5.3 I shall not say any further until I have the pleasure to hear from you. Your kindness, I hope, will excuse this intrusion on your retirement. I am, Dear Sir, respectfully, Your very hum. ser.

Wm. Coleman

John Jay Esqr.

ALS, NNC (EJ: 13060). Addressed: “John Jay Esqr. / Bedford / County of West Chester”. Endorsed: “Wm. Coleman Esq— / 14 May 1817 / ansd. —20”.

1On the authorship of The Fœderalist, see the editorial note “ The Fœderalist,JJSP description begins Elizabeth M. Nuxoll et al., eds., The Selected Papers of John Jay (6 vols. to date; Charlottesville, Va., 2010–) description ends , 4: 572–76.

2James Kent (1763–1847), chancellor of New York State (1814–23), former chief justice (1804–14), and scholar of jurisprudence.

3JJ responded: “Between the Commencement and the Conclusion of the Fœderalist, [my] co-operation in that work [illegible] was so interrupted, as that very few of the Papers, compared with the whole number, were written by me. How many they were exactly I do not remember; nor have I any note or memorandum ^of^ respecting them. — Perhaps on reading over the Fœderalist, my Recollection of them might be revived; but at present I am too unwell to undertake it.” JJ to William Coleman, 20 May 1817, Dft, DeU (EJ: 13433).

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