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I have herewith enclosed Mr. Williamson’s acct. for pens with the balance coming to you from the Ten dollars left with me by your Grand Son, being four dollars.— Hoping that your watch goes to please you I remain Dr Sir With the greatest respect yr. Obt. Servt. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
I transmit to both houses of Congress a Report from the Surveyor of the public buildings, of the progress made on them, during the last season, of their present state, of the expenditures incurred, and of those which may be requisite for their further prosecution. DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
In answer to the enquiries of the benevolent Dr de Carro on the subject of the Upland, or Mountain rice, Oryza Mutica, I will state to you what I know of it. I first became informed of the existence of a rice which would grow in up-lands without any more water than the common rains, by reading a book of Mr. de Poyvre who had been governor of the Isle of France, who mentions it as growing there...
Mr. Peter Cruger, a son in law of Mr. Church, with whom you are acquainted, being on a visit to Washington, I take the liberty of recommending him to your attentions & civilities, & have the honor to be, with great respect, your very obed sert Catalog--Seth Kaller, Inc..
I beg leave to referr to what I had the honour of writing you No. 63 under date of 15t: Inst: & 64 the 16t: Do. P Copys herewith. By the former you will see the particulars of the Schooner Philadelphia Packett, Nathl: Norris Master; all that I have been able to find out since then is that she was cleard from Philadelphia for Boston with the Proofs of Property. Finding some days had elapsed...
The foregoing is a Copy of what I had the honor to address Your Excellency by the Ship Washington, Captn. Case, which Ship after experiencing every possible Difficulty at length put to Sea on the 17th. Inst. On my return h ere from Gluckstadt, I found that the Agent of the Ship Juniata at Paris, by his unremitting Perseverance, seconded by th e solicitation of General Armstrong had obtained...
Since the receipt of your favor of 13 instant I have waited for the return of Col. Humphreys from Philadelphia, upon the suggestion of his agent, that the Col. would be ambitious to select, personally, such cloth as might do justice to his factory & your expectations. The Col. returned this evening, says that four weeks at least will be necessary for finishing a piece in hand of such quality,...
On the reciept of your letter of the 24th. complaining of an unjust detention of money from you in the Navy department, I had the proper enquiries made, and now inclose you the report of the Navy accountant, which you will percieve to differ in essential facts from your statement. should you think it worth while to controvert these facts, the proposal offered by the Accountant in the last...
Prompted by urgent necessity to address Your Excellency, and having two aged Parents dependant on me for Support I trust that this appeal to your excellency’s humanity will not be unavailing., Having been employed as Clerk in a Respectable Mercantile house in this City, but owing to the Embargo, a measure Calculated to rescue our property from the Grasp of Foreign Nations, but severe in its...
Business and indisposition have prevented my sooner acknoleging the recipt of your letter of the 3d. instant, which came to hand on the 10th. mr Granger, before that, had sent here the very elegant ivory staff of which you wished my acceptance. the motives of your wish are honorable to me, and gratifying, as they evidence the approbation of my public conduct by a stranger who has not viewed it...
According to the request of the House of Representatives, expressed in their resolution of the 25th. instant, I now lay before them a copy of my proclamation of the 19th. of April last. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
J G Jackson presents his best respects to the President of the US & has the pleasure to communicate the information he promised to furnish him some time since. the delay is attributable to the absence of Mr. Love who only returned to day—Upon conversing with Mr. Love he stated to me that Dr. Ware is the person to whom my friend Winston referred as eminent for his Surgical talents—that he is...
The impossibility in the present hurry of the Post office of ascertaining correctly the balances of the appropriations & indeed the variation hourly taking place in them by the payment of accounts, induced me to alter in the Report the passage rela tive to them, & to State merely tha t they were so nearly exhausted that the Work must soon close an d Workmen be discharged unless the legislature...
This may at first excite your surprize: but when you see its contents, I am more than certain that you will feel for my situation. Knowing that you are about to retire from the cares of the nation; and seek repose and happiness in the bosom of private and rural life, I have taken upon myself to ask a favor; which, if granted, will throw me under every obligation conceivable. Having always had...
To the best of my recollection, Dr. Barton, Doctr. Wistar and yourself are the Vicepresidents of the Philosophical society; but not being entirely confident in my memory and still less as to the order of the names, I take the liberty of putting the inclosed under a private cover to you, with a request that you will communicate it to your colleagues. I salute you with great friendship and...
Being to remove within a few months from my present residence to one still more distant from the seat of the meetings of the American Philosophical society, I feel it a duty no longer to obstruct it’s service by keeping from it’s chair members whose position, as well as qualifications, may enable them to discharge it’s duties with so much more effect. begging leave therefore to withdraw from...
T. Patterson has heard that the President’s Jaw has suppurative and discharges matter. he has also heard that it is intended to have the tooth extracted as soon as the Ulcer can be healed. But this is not the cause which ought to be pursued. No Surgeon would attempt to cure an Ulcer formed by a Bullet and afterwards extract the Bullet,—nor cure an Abscess formed by a detached piece of carious...
I had the pleasure of recieving your favour with the inclosure—as by the rotatory nature of our constitution I am ineligible again to the Executive here for four years & my time is just expiring I thought I owed it to your administration & to my constituents to make the inclosed communication in order that our citizens may understand the grounds on which You have made a stand against invasions...
In looking over Mr. Duane’s politicks for Farmers and Mecanicks, I was not a little surprised to hear him bosting of his happy country, & the pacifick measures of this government, and decrying all others as barbarous and oppressive. I wrote to him in Sept. last and requested his friendship, & desir’d him to lay before you our exquisit torment, and the inhuman conduct of our masters; but I have...
I have directed Mr. Bonsal, Sir, to transmit to you the second printed Pamphlet on the subject of the Canal which I have the honor to propose from this port to Carolina, by way of Kempsville & the North Landing; embracing also a latteral naval cut from Kempsville to Lynhaven river, designed for bettering the defence of this place & the United States in general. I have also persevered, under...
Appointments made by the President of the U States since the rising of the Senate in April 1808. 10 Robert H. Jones, of North Carolina, Attorney of the U States for the North Carolina District. 16 Charles Minifie, of Washington City, a Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Washington in the District of Columbia.
I shall confine myself for the present to a communication by a private letter. Immediately on my arrival at Paris I came here into the country to pass some days with a friend, in order to repose myself from the fatigues of my voyage. Before my return I was attacked by a severe cold which was attended with a slight fever which I feared would become a serious & lengthy indisposition if I did not...
Several vessels hav’g arrived here from Spain bringing Late and important advices relative to the affairs of that Country I embrace the present opportunity to enclose you the paper of last Even’g, as I could not get a file to forward to you. Several Importt. Documents have been received here from Madrid, and one in particularly from Dn. Pedro Cevallos, giving a particular account of the whole...
I received the enclosed letter a few days ago, and learn from the Secretary of the navy that there is not any vessel which will soon sail for N. Orleans. I have advised the writer to take a passage in a private vessel. I will thank you for any farther information, if you have any. With sincere Esteem Your most Ot: DLC : Papers of James Madison.
Will you be so good as to give the enclosed letter to Mr. Graham your self, as it contains a draft for $1000. to be forwarded to my good old father. We have but little new in this quarter. It is said Gov: Scott H. Taylor & Judge Trumble are three of the electors. It is uncertain who the fourth on this side of the State will be. How ever it will be republicans. Genl. Sandford & Genl. Jos:...
Most honoured & Worthy Presedent of the United States of america; hopeing this Country May Ever injoy So fit & honourable a one, for the futur; in Whome Your poor petetionor is well Sadisfied; With Such adminstration; Hopeing it would Sute your highnes Continue in Same office; I am ashamed to Inform your Exelencey of my poverty but Considering it is not for all men to be Rich in Life present;...
Intended opposition & violations in Massachussets. I have no doubt that 2 or 3 hundred vessels will sail whenever the continuance of the embargo is ascertained: Have the six small vessels of the navy been ordered there? as had been agreed. Can any other measures been adopted? A circular directing vigilance in that particular respect was sent a week ago. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
1. Schooner Concord in which John Bell has an agency. the detention is confirmed for that cause 2. Sloop Rising Sun; unless she has a Governor’s certificate, or can bring herself within the rule of ⅛ th. she should be detained. 3. Brig Ann-Maria and passengers, who pray to change their destination from the islands now blockaded to St. Lucia or Dominica in possession of the English. this being...
Will you be pleased to return Collector Simm’s letter in which he submitted Lamphier’s appointment. Respectfully Your obedt. Sert. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Your favor of the 8th. Inst. concerning a Copy of your Message to Congress, was recd. yesterday, it came at a very proper time.   Both Branches of our Legislature met yesterday, in the Ho. of Representatives we had 105 Members present out of 124, we elected Theodore Gaillard our Speaker—The Senate had 32 Members present out of 37, they elected Colo: Samuel Warren their President, both of the...
Yours of the 18th. has been recieved. I recieved a letter lately from mr Bankhead informing me he & Anne were well and agreeing to come and live with us until the population of the hive shall force a swarm or the concourse of clients call for & afford a separate establishment. I am happy that they think of settling ultimately at Poplar forest. it is a fine establishment & good neighborhood. I...
I nominate William Orr of North Carolina to be Collector for the district, and Inspector of revenue for the port of Washington in North Carolina. Richard S. Briscoe of the county of Washington in the territory of Columbia, to be one of the justices of the peace for the said county. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Several vacancies having happened in the army of the United States, during the last recess of the Senate, I granted commissions as stated in the list hereto annexed marked A. accompanied by a letter from the Secretary at War; which commissions will expire at the end of the present session of the Senate. I now therefore nominate the same persons for the same appointments. I also nominate the...
The enclosed is the report of the Accountant of the Navy upon the case of mr Geo Blount— I have only to remark that I myself saw the sample of the Phila or Cartouch box, & the one made by mr Blount—& that that made by mr. Blount was greatly inferior to the other. I have the honor to be with great respect Sir yr ob St DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Permit me to present to you Mr. Edward Tilghman Junr. a merchant of this City, who has some representation to make to the Treasury Department. He is the Son of a very worthy & respectable Citizen, & is a frank candid honourable young gentleman— With Sentiments of the greatest respect I beg leave to Subscribe Your obliged friend DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
En mí carta ultíma tenía la honra de decìr á V.S. que no ínculcaba en hacerle presente que no recibia repuesta sobre la solícítud de los 21.655.$. que reclamaba el Gobernador de las Provincias ínternas occidentales de Nuevo Mexíco, el Señor Salcedo; y así el escribir á V.S. sobre este asunto nó es otro que envíarle copía de la carta qe. acabo de recíbir de dho. Cavallero, con los documentos...
A friend of mine hearing that you propose to collect documents relative to the Antiquities of North America, has requested me to inform you that he empowers me to send you Colonel Byrd’s Manuscript Journal, should you wish it. The M.S. contains 260 p.p. and is very fairly written in the Colonel’s own autography: The object of his Expedition was to determine the boundary line between North...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation James McGuire to be appointed Captain of Riflemen in the 2d. Legion of the militia of the District of Columbia. Accept, &c. DNA : RG 107--LSP--Letters Sent to the President.
I have the honor herewith to transmit you, a list of promotions and appointments in the Army of the United States made during the last recess of Congress. Accept Sir assurances of my high respect & consideration DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate. A.    Regiment of Artillerists  First Lieut Clarence Mulford to be promoted to the rank of Cap. vice, Josiah Durham, resigned 30 April. 1808....
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation the following appointments in the troops to be raised by virtue of an act entitled “An Act to raise for a limited time an additional military force” passed on the 12th. day of April 1808.— Names Rank Corps New Hampshire Benjamin Hill Second Lieutenant Infantry
J’ai eu l’honneur de vous écrire par l’occasion du jeune Manigault, par celle de l’officier porteur de vos dépêches dans votre avant-dernier parlementaire, et par celle de Mr. Skipwits, trois lettres qui n’êtaient pas sans importance sur la situation politique et militaire de votre Pays. Celle-ci ne s’élevera pas à de si hautes considérations; mais vous y verrez pourtant mon Zêle perséverant...
The inclosed was this day handed to me by a Gentleman who Said it was found but a few hours before, at the former Post office, between the Shutter & window.— With much esteem am mo respectfully Yours DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have recived your letter on the 27th. requesting me to send you an aid of one hundred Dollars. after the duty of setting apart a portion of one’s income for objects of real charity, a duty still remains to distribute this in such way as to relieve the greatest number of suffering objects. an aid which would be a sensible relief to a man in your circumstances, as an hundred dollars, would...
I recieved last night your letter of the 19th. and altho’ I do really consider the sum of 375. D. as double the worth of the property as stated in my letter of Sep. 8. yet for the sake of peace & to consolidate the whole title I should be willing to give that sum for it. but it is totally out of my power to do it on the short notice you give. you know I settle all my pecuniary affairs in the...
Extract of a letter from Mrs. Randolph to Th: Jefferson ‘Looking over some of the Literary magazines the other day, we met with the beginning of a tale by miss Edgeworth which interested us so much that we are all anxious to see the end of it. perhaps mrs H. Smith, who is such a general reader, may be able to tell you from which work of miss Edgeworth’s, it is taken. ‘the modern Griselda’ is...
Permit me to present to you the Bearer Mr. Isaac Roberdeau—The Son of the late Colo. Danl. Roberdeau who was much distinguished here by his activity & patriotism at the commencement of the revolution—Mr. Roberdeau married a niece of our friend the late Dr Shippen Miss Blair of Germantown & has been long engaged in pursuits which must have given him experience in the line of his profession....
I did not expect any medical Gentleman to call upon me in the way you have Stated, & can only conjecture respecting the Person—A Mr. Philip Thornton whose father lives in the district you have mentioned, left Philada in June last, & I believe has settled in Virginia near the Rappahannock— He engaged as a house pupil in the Pennsylvania Hospital, & was to stay Several years, but after a year &...
Your last letter & the accompanying papers were well calculated to support the opinion which I have long entertained that the British pretensions would be supported at the risque of a War; & that like an angry infuriated Lioness when robbed of her Whelps, her Ministry would attack indiscriminately all the Neutral rights in the way of her contemplated greatness- wound & destroy her friends, her...
Yesterday evening a Schooner (which they call Jane and say is an American) arrived here with a Cargo of Cotton and Turpentine; but, having no Papers, has been ordered to perform Quarantine. This circumstance has prevented my having any c ommunication with the Master. I understand she has run from New York, leaving all her Papers behind. I cannot as yet learn the Master’s name. Nor indeed can...
On the 19th. of August last, Arriv’d in these roads the Schooner John of Baltimore, James Chayter Master, and belonging to Mr. John Donnell merchant in that city. Immediately on her coming to Anchor, a french guard was plac’d on board, and both vessel and cargo were seiz’d under a measure of general police. On examination of the Captain by two Imperial Commissaries, who well understand our...