Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from William Watson, 31 July 1772

From William Watson4

AL: American Philosophical Society

Lincoln’s Inn fields 31 July 1772.

Doctor Watson presents his complements to Doctor Franklin. He has twice called at his house in hopes of Seeing him;5 At his convenience if he will call in Henrietta Street, it may be Settled when the expedition to Purfleet may take place; as it Should be, before the Summer is too far advanced. Mr. Cavendish Seldom fails of coming there.6 Whenever the meeting is fixed, Mr. Burrow, our president7 is willing to be of the party.

Addressed: To / Doctor Franklin / Craven Street

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4For the eminent physician, electrician, and naturalist see above, III, 457 n.

5BF had left town for a visit to John Sargent in Kent; see Cavendish to BF below, Aug. 4.

6Henry Cavendish was a member, along with Watson and BF, of the Royal Society’s advisory committee on protecting the Purfleet powder magazine against lightning; the committee met at Purfleet on Aug. 7. Ibid. For its appointment and activities see the headnote on BF to Dawson above, May 29, and the committee’s minutes and report below, Aug. 12 and 21.

7For James Burrow, the ongoing vice president of the Royal Society, see above, XII, 124 n. He served as acting president from the death of James West on July 2 to the election of Sir John Pringle on Nov. 30.

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