George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Alexander Hamilton, 27 July 1793

To Alexander Hamilton

Philada 27. July 1793

Dear Sir,

After giving the subject of Loans the most attentive consideration I am able under the several explanations which have been required & received from you, my mind has resolved itself into the form of the enclosed paper. But if there is any material objection to the measure there directed unadverted to by me, I am ready & willing to hear it—otherwise it may be carried into effect without delay. There is a blank to fill up, to do which I pray you to furnish me with the sum.1 I am &c.

Go. Washington


1For the various documents supporting Hamilton’s request for new U.S. loans, see Hamilton to GW, 3, 15, 24 June, 24 July 1793. For GW’s requests for more information, see GW to Hamilton, 6 June, 22 July 1793. For GW’s approval of new loans, see the enclosure below. The blank does not appear in the letter-book version of the enclosure.

Index Entries