Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Edmond Charles Genet, 26 November 1793

To Edmond Charles Genet1

Treasury Department
November 26. 1793


It appears indespensable to adjust disagreeing Ideas with regard to the State of the Account between France and the UStates, that as much as shall be found practicable should be done without loss of time towards a settlement of it. With this view I have instructed the Accounting Officers of the Treasury to proceed in the business as soon as there shall appear some person on your behalf to cooperate in it. And I shall be in other respects ready to concur with you in the requisite means of fulfilling the object. With respect

I have the honor to be   Sir   Your obedient servt

Alex Hamilton
Secy of the Treasy

Minister Plenipotentiary
of The Republic of France

ALS, Arch. des Aff. Etr., Corr. Pol., Etats-Unis description begins Transcripts or photostats from the French Foreign Office deposited in the Library of Congress. description ends , Supplement Vol. 20.

1For background to this letter, see H to George Washington, November 23, 1793.

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