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Results 32011-32040 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Newport [ Rhode Island ] July 15, 1793 . “By the last post I recd. your letters of the 25th, 28th and 29th of the last month.… I shall be attentive to, and inquisitive about the circumstances of vessels which shall sail to foreign ports without delivering up their licenses, as required in the second, and for the answer to my question concerng. captured vessels contained in your letter of the...
[ New York, July 15, 1793. ] Recommend John Tanner for the post of first mate of the New York revenue cutter. LS , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Randall was superintendent of the lighthouse at Sandy Hook, New Jersey. This letter was also signed by eighteen prominent New York City businessmen. This letter, which is undated, has been dated on the basis of Tanner’s other letters...
New York, July 15, 1793. Recommends “Mr. John Tanner of this City” as “First Lieutenant on board the Revenue Cutter” Vigilant . ALS , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Sands, a New York businessman, was a director of the Bank of New York.
New York, July 15, 1793. Recommends John Tanner “as Lieut. for the Cutter” Vigilant . ALS , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Walker was a director of the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures until October, 1793.
[ Philadelphia, July 16, 1793. In writing to Genet on July 18, 1793, Hamilton referred to “the Minister’s Note of the 16th.” Letter not found. ]
I have received your favor of the 13th inst. My letter of the 29th of April last, of which a duplicate is enclosed, will inform you that Mr James Brown as Trustee for William Short Esquire transferred all the Stock standing in his name as Trustee aforesaid to the said William Short to whose Credit it now stands, and is as follows viz. In six per Cen Stock assumed debt, on Int. from 1st Apl...
[ July 17, 1793. Letter not found. ] This letter is listed as No. 31 on a “List of 51 Papers Relative to Contract Between the United States and John C. Symmes” ( Carter, Territorial Papers Clarence E. Carter, ed., The Territorial Papers of the United States (Washington, 1934– ). , II, 389–91). For information on the Symmes purchase, see H to William Rawle, January 6, 1793, note 2 .
32018Pacificus No. VI, [17 July 1793] (Hamilton Papers)
The very men who not long since, with a holy zeal, would have been glad to make an autos de fé of any one who should have presumed to assign bounds to our obligations to Louis the XVI are now ready to consign to the flames those who venture even to think, that he died a proper object of our sympathy or regret. The greatest pains are taken to excite against him our detestation. His supposed...
In answer to your letter of the 4th inst. I would advise to prepare the instruments in regard to Judge Symme’s purchase in the terms of the Act . This in an intermediate transaction must be safe on all sides. The Patents can adjust what may remain to be done and perhaps there may be opportunity in the mean time for an application to the legislature. With great consideration   I am Sir   Your...
Herewith you have your a/c with the Society for establishing useful Manufactures, the Balance due you One thousand, Eight Hundred & Eleven Dolls ten Cents—for which I am to request that you draw on Abijah Hammond Esqr of New York, as cashier to Said Society . He is only notified of the Balance, & that the Board of Directors have directed this mode of payment. The Board of Directors have at...
Dr. Alexander Hamilton Esqr: In A/C with The Society for Establishing useful Manufactures Cr: 1793 1793 Feby. 20 To paid his draft on Benjamin Walker 300.00 Feby. 26 By Cash Advanced Wm. Pearce in Phila. at sundry times 2,340.90 June 8 To Wm. Duer’s Order on F. Ingraham 500  “  “ By ditto ditto George Parkinson
Mr. Hamilton presents his Compliments to the Minister of France, regrets extremely that by a neglect of the person to whom the Minister’s Note of the 16th was delivered it did not get to the hands of Mr. Hamilton till this Morning which has prevented an earlier attention to it. Mr. Hamilton is just going to attend a summons of the President. If he shall find that the object of it will not...
By the President’s command T. Lear has the honor to inform the Secretary of the Treasury, that the President having duly considered the Representation of the Commissioner of the Revenue and the other documents relative to the compensations of the Keepers of the Light Houses, which were put into his hands by the Secretary, Approves of the Alterations of certain compensations as suggested by the...
[ Philadelphia, July 18, 1793. “Wrote this Day, the 18 July 1793, a Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury stating that the Contingent Money of the Treasury deposited in Bank was nearly Expended and that an Advance of Twelve hundred Dollars might be made me to defray Expences.” Letter not found. ] D , RG 53, Register of the Treasury, Estimates and Statements for 1793, Vol. “135-T,” National...
Agreed I   Do the Treaties between the United States and France give to France or her Citizens a right , when at War with a Power with whom the UStates are at peace, to fit out originally, in and from the Ports of the UStates, vessels armed for War, with or without commission? Agreed II   If they give such a right Does it extend to all manner of armed vessels or to particular kinds only? If...
[ Philadelphia, July 19, 1793. On July 23, 1793, Hamilton wrote to George Washington and referred to “a communication from the Commissioner of the Revenue of the 19 instant.” Letter not found. ]
Mr. Jefferson having informed me by his note of the 19th. of last June that it was the desire of the federal Government that I should not issue any drafts, by virtue of the power vested in me, on the debt of the United States to France until we should have concerted this measure together, I have the honour to give you notice that in order to answer the different branches of expense which the...
[ Philadelphia ] July 19, 1793 . Transmits “a letter which he has just received from our Commissioners at Amsterdam.” LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Willink, Van Staphorst, and Hubbard to H, May 1, 1793 .
Cadiz, July 20, 1793. Encloses duplicate of a letter sent to Hamilton on July 8, 1793. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to enclose to the President of the United States a Commission which has been returned by John Finley second mate of the Cutter Vigilant, he having resigned that office. John Tanner of New York is recommended by Capt: Dennis to the office of first Mate in the said Cutter. His recommendations from several merchants & others, which appear...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] July 22, 1793 . “… Inclosed… is a Representation made by our Boatmen, of the rise of provisions and fire wood since the establishment of the Custom House, and of the inadequacy of their present pay to their support, The Representation so far as it respects provisions and fire-wood, is true.…” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island.
[ Philadelphia, July 22, 1793. On August 7, 1793, Olney wrote to Hamilton : “I have received your Letters of the 22nd. 24th. and 27th of July.” Letter of July 22 not found. ]
A variety of matters which have called for immediate attention, have prevented my taking up your letter of the inst: enclosing one from our Commissioners at Amsterdam, dated the 1st of May last. It appears from that letter, that the reimbursement of one million of florins, due on the 1st of June 1793, has been prolonged for ten years; & that you have made considerable remittances to them. I...
The bearer of this is Mr. Taylor, about whom I wrote to you sometime since, is about to go to Patterson to ascertain whether there is any prospect of his being useful to the Society in the Printing Branch. He will explain to you his opportunities and his pretentions—on which I can say no more than I said in a former letter either to Mr. Low or yourself. You will of course inform him what issue...
This may certify, that the following Extract of a Letter I received from Mr. William Woodward, of Hanover, in this State, transmitted to me by the Post, with a written Introduction, at the top of the Letter addressed to me, informing, that it was from Mr John Phillips Ripley, at Philadelphia, dated May 4th. but whether the Treasury department was positively mentioned or not, I do not...
Your “Democratic Society” with whatever good ⟨in⟩tentions it may be instituted by some yet I fear ⟨oth⟩ers may wish and hope to give it the conse⟨que⟩nce & power of a Jacobin Club—indeed the ⟨ver⟩y name of the Society holds out an idea to ⟨th⟩e People of America that there are such defects ⟨in⟩ our Government as to require an association to guard against them and will of course become the...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor to submit to The President a communication from the Commissioner of the Revenue of the 19 instant. The establishment of the compensation to the Keeper of the Portsmouth Light House at the rate therein mentioned appears to the Secretary to be a proper measure. LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. For background to this letter, see H to...
Treasury Department, July 24, 1793. “A certificate of transfer … issued from your Office … for 3606 ¹⁶⁄₁₀₀ Dollars 3 ⅌ Cent assumed debt, and another … for 557 ⁶¹⁄₁₀₀ Dollars deferred debt have been returned to the holders on account of erazures which appear in both certificates. A re-transmission of these papers being attended with inconvenience, it is particularly recommended to guard...
[ Philadelphia, July 24, 1793. At a meeting on August 5, 1793, the cabinet discussed “Mr. Delany’s letter of the 24th of July on the question whether duties are to be paid on prize goods landed for sale.” Letter not found. ] An entry in JPP “Journal of the Proceedings of the President,” George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. for July 26, 1793, reads as follows: “The Secretary of the...
Having laid your letter of the 19th instant before the President for his consideration and direction, I have now the honor to give you the following answer. According to our view of the state of our account with France, the payments already made exceed the installments which have heretofore fallen due; though the want of having ascertained a rule for liquidating those which were made in...