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Results 32011-32040 of 184,431 sorted by author
Draft: New-York Historical Society I received yours of the 23d of April as I was going on board the sloop in my return home from New York and could not take the pleasure of reading it before I left that place. One so much conversant in examining any particular Phoenomenon or of various Phoenomena arising from the same cause must on every occasion give the pleasure of learning something new to...
Draft: New-York Historical Society The season of the year advancing in which our Correspondence from this place with New York becomes more uncertain and my eldest son going now to New York where he proposes to stay 8 or 10 days I hope you’l excuse my interrupting you in your Business which I know allows you little time for trifles or amusements. In your last you gave me hopes that you would...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The want of an opportunity is the only reason why I have not before this acknowleged your favor of the 6th of Decr. and the same cause prevented my having the pleasure of yours of the 1st of last month till a few days since that my son Alexander brought it with him. I am exceedingly pleased with the friendly complement you make me in that of Decr. 6th for...
Draft: New-York Historical Society There is no Question but in the case you mention of a ships being taken up in a Southern latitude and let down in one some degrees more northerly the same moment she would have a degree of Motion Eastward but that it would shorten a Voyage from America to Europe I cannot think because as the alteration is made by insensibly small steps it can only be so much...
I had Desired Doct r : Jones to Speak to You and some other Gent n . of the Council of Safety Concerning a Report I had heard, that I with some other Gent n . ^ now at Lodgings ^ was to be Confined on bord a Vessel, the Doct r Told me Yesterday that You was so kind as to Propose to Call to See me on that Account; But this Moment the Sherriff Sent a Man to inform M r Cumming and Myself to hold...
You are not Unacquainted with my Sentiments in Regard to this Unhappy affair, that has allready Cost so Much Blood and Treasure, and Likely Yet to Cost a Vast Deal More, And notwithstanding my Determin’d Resolution to keep a Clear Conscience by takeing no active Part on Either Side of the Contraversey, Yet it Seems I have a full Share of Punishment— But it is not on my own Account that I am...
Sunday Morning soon after Breakfast Mr. Jay Called in. I told him I was Sorry to have given him that trouble, that I had Desired Mr Sleght to ask Leave for me to have Waited on him. He answered that he Should have been glad to See me at his Lodgeings, however it was no trouble to him to Wait on Me. I then told him that what I wanted to see him for was to know if no Method Could be fallen upon...
I Sent my Son with the forgoing Letter to Mr Jay who was then in Council & he bid him tell me that he would wait on me Emediately— He accordingly soon Came. When he informed me that he had Laid my Letter before the Council, & that they had bid him to tell me that their former Resolution must take Place, I only Reply’d that I thought it exceeding hard, and asked him what was the Charge against...
Draft: New-York Historical Society About the time you left America I was employed in endeavouring with my Fathers assistance to form an Explication of the Phenomena of Electricity, on his Principles of Action in Matter; some conceptions had occurred to me in pursuing the Experiments made by you and Mr. Canton which gave me reason to hope it might be effected, on very simple principles. If you...
Draft: New-York Historical Society You oblidged me very much by communicating your Electrical Experiments made in pursuance of those by Mr. Canton: I shall think myself fully rewarded for my attempts in Electricity if I can thereby procure the notice of one whose Labours always aford agreable instruction to those who are desirous of discovering truth. Altho’ I have not intirely laid aside...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; draft (incomplete): New-York Historical Society About the time you left America, I was employd in endeavouring, with my Fathers assistance, to form an explication of the phenomena of Electricity, on his Principles of action in matter: some conceptions had occur’d to me in pursuing the Experiments made by you and Mr. Canton, which gave me reason to hope it...
Draft: New-York Historical Society In considering the Abbe Nolet’s Letters to Mr. Franklin I am oblidged to pass by all the experiments which are made with or in bottles hermetically Sealed, or exhausted of Air because not being able to repeat the experiments I could not second any thing which occurs to me thereon by experimental proofe. Wherefore the first point of which I can dare to give my...
AL (draft ): New-York Historical Society The attention you pay to every Invention that promises either utility or amusement to Mankind induces Me to communicate to you a very simple Machine which I have made this Year for sowing Seeds in Rows. I am happy in haveing an opportunity of addressing you upon any Thing that may be worth your Notice; If it shall prove of no real value to others, it...
I feel at this moment, that it requires a share of Courage, thus, to solicit your attention, which even the liberality and benevolence of your disposition might fail to inspire; did not the anxieties of a mother surmount feelings, that in other circumstances would have prevented this intrusion; and impel me to address you on a Matter, that lays heavy on my Mind. My Eldest Son (who arrived here...
ALS : American Philosophical Society After congratulating your Excellency, on having established the United States of America on the Basis of Civil, Religious and Commercial Liberty; permit me to Sollicit your Protection of my Infant Sons, Natives of New York, who owe their Allegiance to the New Republick.— After the Death of my Husband Richard Nicholls Colden (eldest Son of Mr Alexander...
I am honor’d with your letter of the 20th. Janry.—If to know your Goodness be to deserve it, I might have some claim to the friendship you have extended to me; but the Benevolence of your Heart is the passport to that attention you have bestowed on my request and situation. In early life, and whilst my Sons were yet in Infancy, the Task to effect their Education, and to extricate their...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <General Post Office, New York, April 6, 1774: Has received Franklin’s letter of January 5 by the Mercury , and assures him he will be diligent in preparing the accounts. Encloses Richard Hanson’s second bill for £50 sterling on Sir Lyonel Lyde & Co.; the first bill was sent of March 2. His father came to town two days ago; he is recovering his strength,...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Inclosed is John Stute’s[?] Bill of Exchange, on Bogle, Somerville & Company, Glasgow, for £31 4 s. 2½ d. Sterling and John Mitchell’s Bill on Anthony Todd Esqr, for £50 4 s. 2 d. Sterling; which please to acknowledge the Rect. of. My Father is getting better, and bids me present his best Compliments to you. I have the honour to be Dear Sir Your most...
I resolvd sometime Ago should I ever come near the President to tell him of a small Mistake made in his Book Notes on Virginia he says in his description of Rockbridg that One Axis is many times longer than the transvers or words to that purpose & that the Bridge has an Elliptical form Now in an Elipse there are only two Axes the transverse & the Conjugate it may have many Conjugate Diameters...
I hope you will excuse my Assurance in Troubling you with these lines But necessity will compel a person to do that he is ashamed of. I do inform you there was a store kept at our Courthouse before the war and when the British Merchts. were ordered out of this state or take the oat[h] to Join use; the Merchant Made himself very busy Amongst his Customers and took every bond he could get, and...
§ From Henry C. Coleman. 20 April 1806, Fredericksburg. “I take the liberty of enclosing you a letter from Judge Pendleton and another from Colo: Brooke. Colo: John Taylor promised to write you which no doubt he has done, but being engaged in a Suit at Richmond, am at this time unable to procure the letter. “Should you think proper to honor me with an appointment in your Office; I trust my...
The Petition of Jacob Coleman of the Borough of Reading in the County of Berks and state of Pennsylvania, Respectfully sheweth, That at a Circuit Court of the United States, held the 11th day of April, in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six, at the City of Philadelphia in and for the Pennsylvania ––District, Your Petitioner was convicted, by his own confession, of taking...
The Petition of Jacob Coleman, of the Borough of Reading, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Cabinet maker Humbly Sheweth That at a Circuit Court of the United States, for the District of Pennsylvania, he was on the Eleventh Instant, convicted of robbing the Mail, which he had been employed to carry from Sunbury to Reading, and for that offence, sentenced to be whipped with Twenty Stripes,...
The petition of Jacob Coleman most respectfully represents That your petitioner was convicted on his own confession at the last Circuit Court of the United States holden for the District of Pennsylvania April Sessions 1806 of having taken from the Mail of the United States the sum of one hundred and thirty dollars, and was sentenced to receive publickly twenty stripes and to be imprisoned for...
I flatter myself that you will not be displeased at the liberty I take of troubling you with this communication—There is at this time an interesting and important political question that agitates to a great degree the body politic of our State —And knowing the sincere and heartfelt interest that you have ever entertained for our common Country; I have concluded that you might not be...
You have probably been informed by Mr Jno., H, Lee of Kentucky of an arrangement which he made with me, in relation to my paying you some money. He sent you by me $400 & requested me to advance six or eight hundred more, which he would replace to me on my return, The business has been delayed in consequence of my funds not being ready when I came. I have now $800 in the hands of Doct H, N,...
May I a stranger & a youth presume to address you a sage & philosopher? if so without futher preface I begin. While there are many men who are at their daily Labour & know naught but to sow & reap; to please themselves with their prateling babes or forget their past toils in the smiles of their Wives; I am searching in the pages of Philosophy for wisdom. While there are many who are plowing...
The Victualers (Butchers) of Philadelphia have long been distinguished among their fellow Citizens, for their support of and attachment to Republican principles; and at the late election they have the satisfaction of seeing one of their own proffession elevated to the dignity of a representative in the State Assembly. This is indeed the triumph of republicanism The Subscribers rejoiced at the...
A report has prevail’d in this State that an attempt will be made to displace Govr. St. Clair from the Government of the N. Western Teritory, his friends here who are all the firm Supporters of the General Government and of your Administration are exceedingly alarm’d at the fate of that good old man, who has devoted the greater part of his life to the Services of his Country—The poor Pittance...
My friend Mr John Dawson wrote to you Last October for Information Respecting Lewis Littlepage, your Answer to him was handed to me, Carter Littlepage haveing a parte of Lewis’es property in possestion, And haveing disposd of a parte And attempting to dispose of the Hole of the Said property he being Insolvent as appears I haveing Lewis Littlepages will in my possestion I have Indeaverd to...