Thomas Jefferson Papers

Virginia Troops in Continental Service, [30 September 1778]

Virginia Troops in Continental Service

[30 September 1778]

General Washington’s return of Virga. troops Sep. 30. 7[8]

6. Colonels. } Feild
6. Lt. Colonels
6. Majors.
33. Captains } Commission.
38. 1st. Lts.
24. 2d. Lts.
7. Ensigns
2. Chaplains } Staff
10. Adjutants
14. Paymasters.
10. Quarter masters.
13. Surgeons.
6. Mates.
13. Serjt. Majrs. } Non commission
11. Quartr. Mastr. Serjts.
11 drum Majors.
6. Fife majors.
215. Serjeants
105. Dr. & fifers
1753. present, fit for duty } Rank & file
339. sick present.
805. sick absent.
875. On command.
36. on furlough.
[3]808 Total
 Reduced to 11. regiments.

MS (DLC). Entirely in TJ’s hand. In Sep. 1778 the fifteen Virginia regiments in Continental service were reduced by consolidation to eleven; see Gwathmey, Hist. Reg. of Virginians in the Revolution, p. 859.

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