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Results 31951-32000 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The annexed is Duplicate of what I had the Honor to write on the twentieth of May. For your...
Convinced as I have always been My Dear Sir of the sincerity of your friendship towards me, and...
On Saturday week last I arrived at Pha. and very early the next monday morning set out in the...
Treasury Department, June 24, 1793. “… The Collectors have been furnished with all the Sea...
Treasury Department, Register’s Office, June 24, 1793. Encloses “to the Secretary of the Treasury...
Pursuant to your requisition of the 20 inst., I have the honor to submit a statement of the...
These are to Certify that the Sum of Two hundred and Eighty four thousand nine hundred and One...
Dr.   Accot. of Loans made pursuant to the Acts of the 4. & 12. of August 1790. Total amount of...
Th. Jefferson has the honor to submit to the correction & approbation of the Secretaries of the...
The letters to Mr. Hammond & Mr. Pinckney appear to me proper, according to the facts stated in...
I have concluded to direct purchases of distilled spirits to be made on account of the Government...
It is a long while since I have had the pleasure to hear from you, and nothing has occured here...
It appears that the summary of the amount of Duties on Imposts and Tonnage which accrued within...
The Sloop Abigail of this Port, burthen 46 ⁶³⁄₉₅ Tons, Michael Anthony Master, arrived here on...
Proposition de faire un nouveau fonds de 45,000 dollars si Je consens à payer les traites et...
The Quarterly Meeting of the Directors of the Society for estg. usef. Manuf. is postponed from...
[ Philadelphia ] June 27, 1793 . Sends itemized “statement of the Stock remaining on the Books of...
The seventh section of an Act of the 2d. of March last, intitled “An Act supplementary to the Act...
Portsmouth [ New Hampshire ] June 27, 1793 . Asks Hamilton for “a loan of £1000 Sterling for...
[ Philadelphia, June 27, 1793. Directs “surrender of Prize to French Privateer.” Letter not...
[ Philadelphia, June 28, 1793. On July 15, 1793, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “By the last post I...
From an Adjustment of the Quarter Yearly Interest on the Registered Debt which becomes due at the...
[ Philadelphia, June 29, 1793. On July 15, 1793, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “By the last post I...
31974Pacificus No. I, [29 June 1793] (Hamilton Papers)
As attempts are making very dangerous to the peace, and it is to be feared not very friendly to...
Not finding Philadelphia notes to remit, I have directed Specie to be sent to you, by the...
On the 10th ult. I wrote to you concerning the payment of certain warrants of the late Board of...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his Compliments to The Minister Plenipotentiary of France....
Amsterdam, July 1, 1793. States that he had been “appointed by his Imperial Majesty, Muley Isham,...
We had the pleasure on the first May, to advise our having effected a prolongation of the...
I am favored with yours of the 15th June, with a Copy of the Account which accompanied your...
I received your application of yesterday, respecting two warrants drawn by the late Board of...
[ Philadelphia, July 2, 1793. On July 5, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Genet : “I find on my Table this...
I have made the following arrangement, to secure to the Marshall of the District of...
Baltimore, July 2, 1793. “The number of Sea-letters received at this Office have been...
I am obliged by your reply to my Questions relative to the SeaLetters; but if the blank in the...
31986Pacificus No. II, [3 July 1793] (Hamilton Papers)
The second & principal objection to the Proclamation namely that it is inconsistent with the...
Thinking that your Stocks of Madeira might be nearly exausted I have Shiped on Board the Brig...
[ Philadelphia, July 4, 1793. On July 17, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Rawle and referred to “your...
I find on my Table this morning your letter of the 2d instant. As you ground the proposition, it...
Mr. Hamilton presents his Compliments to the Secretary of State—requests to be informed, if it...
31991Pacificus No. III, [6 July 1793] (Hamilton Papers)
France at the time of issuing the proclamation was engaged & likely to be engaged in war, with...
[ Philadelphia, July 6, 1793. On July 8, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Vaughan and referred to...
Your letter of the 21st. of June did not come to hand before the fourth Instant—sometime after...
At a Meeting held at the State House of the City of Philadelphia July the 8. 1793 Present The...
Cadiz, July 8, 1793. Has “brought to a conclusion the depending concerns of the Ship Tartar” and...
I.   Because there can be no doubt, either upon principle or authority that the permitting or...
In reply to your letter of the 6th. Instant, I am to inform you, that the two draughts dated the...
Having received Notice from Mr Clement Biddle notary Public, that four Bills of Exchange on Mr...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his Compliments to the Secretary of State. He has signed...
[ July 10, 1793. “The care of making the survey [of the Miami purchase], in conformity to the act...