Results 31901-31930 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I am favoured with your Letter of 25th., and agree with you in opinion that there is no necessity...
[ Fredericksburg , New York , September 28, 1778 .] Orders Stirling to New Jersey to take command...
Fredericksburg [ New York ] September 28, 1778 . Sends instructions for Stirling’s command in New...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Vienna, September 28, 1778, in French: A friend and I have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Port Louis, September 28, 1778, in French: We are told here...
31906General Orders, 28 September 1778 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
I must now solicit your good advice on a matter which concerns not only the Army, but the public...
I have the Honor to Inclose your Excellency The proceedings of a General Court Martial held at...
I have yours of this date inclosing the proceedings of a Court Martial upon Colo. Brewer. General...
I have been honored with the receipt of yours of the 22d and 23d Instant. Am confident that your...
The News I have got from france, the Reflexions I have made by myself, and these which have been...
There is nothing new since I wrote to your Excellency yesterday save that near 50 Shallops and...
I was honored with a line from your Excellency dated 16th Inst. which I recieved on my return...
By sergeant Robinson of Col: Bailer’s Regt of Lt Dragoons, I am this moment inform’d, that this...
I recd Your Excellencys favour of Yesterday Late last evening. as I hourly expected some...
I wrote you some time since, for your Opinion, whether a post must be kept at Ft Edward, this...
This moment, Judge Herring, whose residence is near Tappaan, came here, on his flight nortward,...
I have just received letters from Generals Maxwell and Winds, that the Militia of Jersey are...
You will proceed forthwith into the State of New Jersey and take the command of the Troops there....
I receved your orders This Moment and shall set out early in the Morning on the busyness you have...
I am exceeding sorry to be the Author of bad News, but lest a more imperfect account shod reach...
I just now recd yours of Saturday. I have ordered Genl Woodfords Brigade to cross the North...
I Just now receiv’d Intelligence from an Officer Which I sent on a reconnoitering party, this...
It is difficult my dearest Friend at the instant in which the Heart finds itself dissapointed of...
Writing is not A la mode de Paris, I fancy or sure I should have heard from my son; or have you...
I know not but you are upon your return home. If you be a pleasent journey to you but you will...
Le Marquis de lafayette Most Respectful Compliments Wait on Mrs. Adams and is highly sensible of...
Meeting accidentally, when in London, with a Manuscript Book of the Commissioners of the English...
In answer to your favor of this morning, His Excellency desires me to inform you, that the matter...
Fredericksburg [ New York ] September 29, 1778 . Introduces Brigadier General Du Portail who is...