Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Andrew G. Fraunces, 18 May 1793

To Andrew G. Fraunces1

Treasury Department, May 18, 1793.


Your letter of the 16th instant has been duly received. The want of sufficient light with regard to the warrants in question must defer the payment of them. I advise the holders to notify them as claims under the act of the last session, entitled, “An Act relative to claims against the United States not barred by any act of limitation, and which have not been already adjusted.”2

I am, Sir, with esteem,   Your most obedient servant,

Alexander Hamilton

Mr. Andrew G. Fraunces,

Fraunces, An Appeal description begins [Andrew G. Fraunces], An Appeal to the Legislature of the United States, and to the Citizens Individually, of the Several States, Against the Conduct of the Secretary of the Treasury. By Andrew G. Fraunces, Citizen of the State of New-York, Late in the Treasury of the United States. “E tenebris elucidit lux.” Printed for Andrew G. Fraunces, Esq. (n.p., 1793). description ends , 4.

1For background to this letter, see Fraunces to H, May 16, 1793.

21 Stat. description begins The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America (Boston, 1845). description ends 301–02 (February 12, 1793).

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