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Results 31751-31800 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
31751 Hamilton, Alexander Davidson, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Davidson, 13 April 1793 1793-04-13 Treasury Department, April 13, 1793. “… I shall regret your final determination to resign at the...
31752 Macomb, Alexander Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Alexander Macomb, 13 April … 1793-04-13 I take the Liberty of enclosing you an order of Mr Udney Hay to receive the Sum allowed to Mr....
31753 Whipple, Joseph Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Joseph Whipple, 13 April … 1793-04-13 Portsmouth [ New Hampshire ] April 13, 1793 . Writes concerning “a Small Seizure in this district...
31754 McHenry, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James McHenry, 14 April 1793 1793-04-14 Though exceedingly mortified and hurt at Mr. Perry’s being refused that inspectorship I did not...
31755 Knox, Henry Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Henry Knox, [15 April 1793] 1793-04-15 [ Philadelphia, April 15, 1793. On April 18, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Knox : “The requests...
31756 Hamilton, Alexander Low, Nicholas From Alexander Hamilton to Nicholas Low, [15 April … 1793-04-15 I send you the inclosed rather because I promised you I would think of the subject than because I...
31757 Hamilton, Alexander President and Directors of the Bank of New York From Alexander Hamilton to the President and Directors … 1793-04-15 [ Philadelphia, April 15, 1793. The catalogue description of this letter reads: “Notifying them...
31758 Olney, Jeremiah Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jeremiah Olney, 15 April … 1793-04-15 I have the Honour to acquaint you that the Suit commenced against me by Mr. Edward Dexter in the...
31759 Holmes, Isaac Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Isaac Holmes, [16 April … 1793-04-16 [ Charleston, South Carolina, April 16, 1793. On May 10, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Edmund Randolph...
31760 Hamilton, Alexander Kean, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Kean, 17 April 1793 1793-04-17 A warrant lately issued for money for the Quarter Master’s department 40000 Dollars which Mr....
31761 Hamilton, Alexander Appleton, Nathaniel From Alexander Hamilton to Nathaniel Appleton, 18 April … 1793-04-18 [ Philadelphia, April 18, 1793. Letter listed in dealer’s catalogue. Letter not found. ] LS ,...
31762 Coxe, Tench Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tench Coxe, 18 April 1793 1793-04-18 [ Philadelphia, April 18, 1793. On May 22, 1793, Hamilton wrote to George Washington : “The...
31763 Hodgdon, Samuel Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Samuel Hodgdon, [18 April … 1793-04-18 [ Philadelphia, April 18, 1793. On April 20, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Hodgdon and referred to...
31764 Hamilton, Alexander Knox, Henry From Alexander Hamilton to Henry Knox, 18 April 1793 1793-04-18 The requests contained in your letter of the 15 of April have been complied with. There are two...
31765 Lear, Tobias Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tobias Lear, 18 April 1793 1793-04-18 T. Lear has the honor to return to the Secretary of the Treasury the Contract made with Abijah...
31766 Olney, Jeremiah Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jeremiah Olney, 18 April … 1793-04-18 I have been honored with your Letter of 2nd. Instant on the Subject of Exportation permits; from...
31767 Ternant, Jean Baptiste de Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jean Baptiste de Ternant, 18 … 1793-04-18 Le M. f. previent le S. d. la t. des E. U. qu’il a donné à Conyngham Nesbit et compe. deux...
31768 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander George Washington to Alexander Hamilton, Thomas … 1793-04-18 The posture of affairs in Europe, particularly between France and Great Britain, places the...
31769 Hamilton, Alexander Enclosure: [Questions in Preparation for a Meeting], 18 … 1793-04-18 Question I. Shall a proclamation issue for the purpose of preventing interferences of the...
31770 Jefferson, Thomas Cabinet Meeting. Opinion on a Proclamation of … 1793-04-19 At a meeting of the heads of departments & the Attorney general at the President’s Apr. 19. 1793....
31771 Hamilton, Alexander Hodgdon, Samuel From Alexander Hamilton to Samuel Hodgdon, 20 April … 1793-04-20 I think it will be proper for you to address the inquiry concerning the public buildings alluded...
31772 Higginson, Stephen Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Stephen Higginson, 21 April … 1793-04-21 The Event of a general War in Europe may give rise to some Questions which the Collectors will...
31773 Hamilton, Alexander Hopkins, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Hopkins, 21 April 1793 1793-04-21 [ Philadelphia, April 21, 1793. On April 29, 1793, Hopkins wrote to Hamilton : “In compliance...
31774 Hamilton, Alexander Coxe, Tench From Alexander Hamilton to Tench Coxe, [22 April 1793] 1793-04-22 The President is of opinion that it will be adviseable to close the purchase & to extend it to a...
31775 Olney, Jeremiah Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jeremiah Olney, 22 April … 1793-04-22 Providence, April 22, 1793. “As it may, in some measure, affect arrangements made at the...
31776 Olney, Jeremiah Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jeremiah Olney, 22 April … 1793-04-22 By the last Post I acknowledged the receipt of your confidential, and very Friendly Letter of the...
31777 Willink, Wilhem Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Wilhem and Jan Willink … 1793-04-22 [ Amsterdam, April 22, 1793. On August 12, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Willink, Van Staphorst, and...
31778 Hamilton, Alexander Lear, Tobias From Alexander Hamilton to Tobias Lear, 23 April 1793 1793-04-23 [ Philadelphia ] April 23, 1793 . Asks “whether Mr Lee’s resignation was purely voluntary on his...
31779 Jefferson, Thomas Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Jefferson, 24 April … 1793-04-24 Philadelphia, April 24, 1793. Requests a warrant “for the sum of six hundred fifty one Dollars,...
31780 King, Rufus Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Rufus King, 24 April 1793 1793-04-24 Averse to any connexion with the war beyound what may be permitted by the laws of strict...
31781 Smith, William Loughton Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Loughton Smith, 24 … 1793-04-24 Allow an old acquaintance to interrupt for a few minutes your attention & to divert it from the...
31782 Olney, Jeremiah Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jeremiah Olney, 25 April … 1793-04-25 Agreeably to the information contained in my Letter of the 15th Instant, I have attended the...
31783 Ross, David Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from David Ross, 25 April 1793 1793-04-25 As it is probable the enclosed might not have come to your knowledge from its contracted...
31784 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, 25 April … 1793-04-25 Treasury Department, April 25, 1793. Submits “two communications from the Commissioner of the...
31785 Carrington, Edward Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Edward Carrington, 26 April … 1793-04-26 I am favored with your[s] of the 10th. Instant. Your determination to persevere with patience in...
31786 Pinckney, Thomas Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Pinckney, 26 April … 1793-04-26 London, April 26, 1793. Introduces “Mr. Archdekne and Mr. Godfrey … Gentlemen of independent...
31787 Hamilton, Alexander Verplanck, Gulian Conveyance by Lease and Release to Gulian Verplanck, 27 … 1793-04-27 [ Philadelphia ] April 27, 1793 . “… Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth his wife for and in...
31788 Lear, Tobias Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tobias Lear, 27 April 1793 1793-04-27 [ Philadelphia ] April 27, 1793 . Returns “with the President’s approbation annexed, the Contract...
31789 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, 27 April … 1793-04-27 Philadelphia, April 27, 1793. “… The enclosed Letter just received from the Collector of...
31790 Coxe, Tench Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tench Coxe, 28 April 1793 1793-04-28 [ Philadelphia, April 28, 1793. On May 4, 1793, Hamilton wrote to George Washington and referred...
31791 Higginson, Stephen Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Stephen Higginson, 28 April … 1793-04-28 In the present State of things new cases every day arise that require a referrence to you. It is...
31792 Thacher, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Thacher, 28 April … 1793-04-28 [ Biddeford, District of Maine, April 28, 1793. On May 18, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Thacher :...
31793 Willink, Wilhem Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Wilhem and Jan Willink … 1793-04-28 [ Amsterdam, April 28, 1793. On May 1, 1793, Willink, Van Staphorst, and Hubbard wrote to...
31794 Ellery, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Ellery, 29 April … 1793-04-29 [ Newport, Rhode Island ] April 29, 1793 . “I acknowledge the Receipt of your Circular Letter of...
31795 Hopkins, John Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John Hopkins, 29 April 1793 1793-04-29 In compliance with your letter of the 21st of April 1792, I have to inform you that James Brown...
31796 Hamilton, Alexander Seton, William From Alexander Hamilton to William Seton, 29 April 1793 1793-04-29 [ Philadelphia, April 29, 1793. On May 3, 1793, Seton wrote to Hamilton : “I did not answer your...
31797 Treasury Department Collectors of the Customs Treasury Department Circular to the Collectors of the … 1793-04-29 It having been deemed expedient, to commit to the Commissioner of the Revenue the business of...
31798 Hamilton, Alexander Randolph, Edmund From Alexander Hamilton to Edmund Randolph, 30 April … 1793-04-30 On a reperusal of the letter from the Governor of Virginia which I mentioned to you, I find that...
31799 Steele, John Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John Steele, 30 April [1793] 1793-04-30 This morning Mr. Genet the French Minister set out from this place for Philada. His route is by...
31800 Ternant, Jean Baptiste de Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jean Baptiste de Ternant, 30 … 1793-04-30 Le Ministre plénipe. soussigné prie le Sécretaire de la tresorerie des Etats Unis, de vouloir lui...