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About a week ago arrived in Brunswick from New york one Crowel formerly a New Jersey man with a Flagg for his Boat from Admiral Gambier, for the sole purpose of his carrying to Brunswick Lewis Costigen & his family; and another pass from General Jones in the like words except the omission of the word, sole . Crowel, after landing his Passengers obtained leave from Justice Neilson to go about...
The fleet I mentiond to Your Excellency in My last coming from the eastward, I have Just been Able to Learn whither they had any troops on board A person imployd for that purpose informs me That on the 18th & 19th they came too off whitestone Where they disembarked, (he thinks) between Five and Seven thousand Men, who incamped on the Ground in That Neighbourhood. they Brought with them and...
By a Flag Just Returned from Newport I find that Admiral Biron in a Ninety gun Ship has Arrived at Newport a Seventy four gun Ship has also Arrived with him: Those Ships were Seperated from the Fleet in a Storm —The Fleet which I mentioned to your Excellencey as going westward have not Since been heard of I then thought New London might be their object but as they have not been Discovered in...
We have considered, with some Attention the Papers which you have laid before Us, containing a Project of a Treaty to be made between the Republic of the United Provinces, and that of the United States of America. As Congress have entrusted to Us the Authority of treating with all the States of Europe, excepting Such as have particular Commissioners designated by Congress to treat with them,...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, September [22–26], 1778: We have considered the papers you submitted, including the project of a treaty between the Netherlands and the United States. As Congress has appointed no commissioner to deal with their High Mightinesses, we have taken and will continue to take all suitable measures to further...
In order that I We may be understand one another, Upon looking over the Account of the Expenditure of the Money for which We have jointly drawn upon the Banker Since my Arrival at Passi, I find some Articles charged, for Similar ones to which I have paid in my seperate Capacity. I dont mean to be difficult about these Things but that each of Us may We may have a Plan, for the future, I beg...
When I had the honour to lay my Accounts before you, I left the general one unfooted intending to compleat it after Examination. I now send it properly closed and settled to the 30th May 1778. You have also inclosed the account of the Magazine, Invoice of Arms repaired, and your general Account since that Period, all settled to the 10th September 1778, Balance in your Favour seven thousand...
Fredericksburg [ New York ] September 22, 1778 . Reports that Major de Chouin will explain to D’Estaing the situation of both the enemy and the American army. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Fredericksburg [ New York ] September 22, 1778 . States that provisions for the French fleet have not arrived. Asks Greene to see “that every possible expedient may be embraced to promote” the forwarding of supplies. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress; LS , in the handwriting of H, Bibliothèque Municipale, Lille, France.
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives Mr. Jonathan Loring Austin who was dispatched the last year by your Honours with the glorious News of the Convention of Saratoga, being about to return home We think it proper to inform your Honours that his Behaviour since his arrival here has been entirely to our Satisfaction and to recommend him as a Gentleman of...
LS : National Archives; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: Massachusetts Archives, National Archives (two); two transcripts: National Archives This will be delivered to you by Mr. Jonathan Loring Austin, who was sent the last Year express to France with the News of the Convention of Saratoga. He has resided chiefly in this Kingdom from that time, and has been employed, in...
Copy: National Archives We have the honor of enclosing to your Excellency a Letter to us from the Honble. Ralph Izard Esqr. Commissioner of Congress to the Grand Duke. We beg the favor of yr. Excellency to give directions for the delivery of the Packages mentiond therein to Monsieur Etienne Cathalan Mercht. at Marseilles, subject to the disposal of Mr. Izard. We have the honor of being with...
Extracts (two): American Philosophical Society We have, as you know, made Overtures to the Grand Pensionary. We took that to be the regular Course of Proceeding. We expect an Answer. If he gives us none, we shall naturally conclude that there is no Disposition in their H. H. M. M. to have any Connection with us, and I believe we shall give them no farther Trouble; at least that would be my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Nantes, September 22, 1778: When I laid my accounts before you, I left the general one open pending its completion; I now send it, closed and settled, up to May 30, 1778. You will also find accounts of the arms magazine, invoice of arms repaired, and the general account from June 1 to September 10, with a balance in your favor of 7,386 l.t. 18 s. 9 d. I...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society <Passy, September 22, 1778: In examining our joint accounts I find some articles for which I have paid separately. For future planning I propose we pay jointly for the wages and expenses of the maître d’hôtel, cook, coachman and other servants, the hire of horses and carriage, postage and expresses, and other common expenses. If Dr. Franklin chooses...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I embrace this opportunity to inform Your Excellency, I was to have been the bearer of the Ratification of the Treaty between France and America together with a large Number of letters and papers from the Congress and the Governor and Counsel of Virginia (of the utmost consequence) to Their Excellencies The Ambassadors at paris; but was unfortunately taken...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Des raisons de santé m’enpechent de me rendre chez vous pour vous communiquer la lettre de mon marÿ qui desire avoir le commendement d’une des fregate que l’on m’a assuré que vous faite construire en hollande. C’est avec l’agrement de m. de Sartine que je vous en fait la demande. Ce ministre rendera justice a ses tallens et moi je me rend garrante de son...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je sens que je vous fatigue, j’en suis réellement confus; mais la cruelle position ou je me trouve fait que j’ai recours à vous pour vous prier de me faire toucher six cents livres, ainsi que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous le marquer dans mes précédentes. M. Lee vient de me marquer qu’il n’étoit point à son pouvoir de fournir à mes depenses pour suivre mes...
I do myself the honor of transmitting you, Copies of two Letters from Colo. Biddle and Charles Pettit Esquire, upon the subject of forage. The representations of these Gentlemen are so full and so well founded, respecting the difficulties that attend the getting this important article, from the reluctance of the Holders to part with it—and the enormous & exorbitant prices they demand for it,...
Your letter of the 20th Inst. I had the pleasure of receiving yesterday. I would wish you to ascertain with as much precision as possible the number of troops that imbark, and the time of their departure from New york, with what other circumstances can be gained respecting them. For this purpose you will use every means in your power, and transmit the result of the enquiry to me with all...
Capt. Smith whome I have pitchd on to go to Boston has been so much indispos’d that he was not able to set out sooner than this morning. I must beg leave to refer you to him for the relation of an affray that has happend here between the civil authority and Major Clough; my motives for troubling you with this dispute is, that complaints have been made to the Governer who will probebly make...
Mr De Chouin has announced to me your desire, that he may pay you a visit to explain more fully than can be done by letter, the state of affairs both with respect to the enemy and to us—their movements and probable designs and our dispositions in consequence—The intelligence, I have received of the former has been imparted to him as it arrived—the latter he has, in a great measure, had an...
I was yesterday favd with yours of the 16th. The exorbitancy of the price of forage to the Eastward exceeds what I had any conception of, and should the seat of War be transferred to that quarter, the prices, high as they are, would no doubt rise with the demand—Mr Pettit and Colo. Biddle, alarmed at the prices of that Article in this quarter, and finding the people every day more unwilling to...
By some late accounts from the Eastward, it appears, that none of the provisions, destined for the use of the French fleet had arrived; nor had they any knowlege of its being near—I shall be glad to know what steps have been taken in consequence of my former directions, and what progress has been made in the business of forwarding supplies for the fleet—This is an object of so great...
I have your favr of the 14th instant. Whatever may be the future intentions of the enemy, it is evident that they have lain aside all designs against Boston for the present: Lord Howe having returned to the Hook with his Fleet, and the Troops under Genl Gray have come down the sound again, and have landed at White Stone upon Long Island. I shall keep the best possible watch upon their motions,...
Lest you should not thoroughly have conceived my intention, as communicated by Lt Colo. Hamilton, I give you the trouble of this Letter. After advancing on the Fish-kill road (by a Colo. Luddingtons) till you have crossed the Mountain, & descended into the Flat land, you will take the first good position on acct of Water—Wood—& Forage to Incamp at, having respect at the sametime to the road...
I have to Inform your Excellency that last Evening above 40 of our Officers that was Prisoners with the Enemy came here besides some Sea Men & Officers that is come since that I have not seen. They all agree in this point that they are either going on some Expeditions or they are going to leave New york. Some says there is two expeditions on foot one up the sound the other up the North River...
Letter not found: to Charles Pettit, 22 Sept. 1778. Pettit wrote in his second letter to GW of 23 Sept. : “I was honoured with the Receipt of your Excellency’s Letter of the 22nd respecting the forwarding of Provisions to the French Fleet.”
Agreable to your Excellency’s request I do myself the honor to Communicate my Ideas on the mode of most Effectually Forwarding an Immediate supply of flour and wheat from this State for the subsistance of an Army In that of the Massachusetts or Rhode Island: Flour and wheat (for I apprehend a sufficient quantity of the former cannot be speedily procured) for that purpose I concieve should be...
I received your letter of yesterdays date this morning. The security of your command makes it in my opinion perfectly expedient to take post five miles above Claps tavern—you should if possible be out of surprizing distance, while your scouts may be made use of to watch the movements of the enemy—I would have you to keep a constant look out on the Sound from the commanding hights near Claps...
I have recd your favs. of the 18th and 19th: I have recd no accounts from the enemy since I wrote to you last, except that the troops under Genl Gray landed at White Stone upon Long Island—Another considerable embarkation is much talked of in N. york, but whether it is really to take place, or what is the destination I cannot learn with precision. I am &c. Df , in Tench Tilghman’s writing,...
Your letter of the 20th Inst. came to hand last night. The different divisions of the army have mostly fixed on their relative positions, where we shall wait the unfoldings of the enemys measures. When you receive intelligence which may throw light on this subject, or information of their motions in your quarter, or of importance enough for a special communication I shall be glad of its speedy...
The Enemy are Still Silent I have no news of the Fleet all the news of this Quarter is in the paper which I have the honor to Inclose. I am Dear General with much Respect & Esteem yr Excellenceys most obedt Servant ALS , DLC:GW . The enclosed newspaper has not been identified. Sullivan apparently had already sent GW a copy of the most recent issue of the Providence Gazette; and Country Journal...
A very idle, vain Conversation, at a Dinner, has produced you this Letter from a venerable old Lady, in this Neighbourhood, the Wife of Monsr. Grand the Banker. As the Subject was introduced, and according to the turn that the Conversation really took, there was not so much Vanity and Ostentation on my Part, as you will suspect from her Account of it. But as I speak french very imperfectly and...
Le soussigné, Conseiller Pensionaire de la Ville d’Amsterdam, a l’honneur de faire savoir à tous les Messieurs qui se trouvent duement qualifiés de la part du Congrès des Etats-Unis de l’Amérique, qu’il se trouve autorisé par Mrs. les Bourguemaîtres de la dite Ville, de déclarer en leur nom, que, dans la supposition que le dit Congrès rientrera pas avec les Commissaires Anglois dans des...
The undersigned, Councilor Pensionary of the City of Amsterdam, has the honor to inform all the gentlemen who find themselves duely commissioned by the congress of the United States of America, that he finds himself authorized by the burgomasters of the city to declare in their name that, assuming the said congress will not enter into any agreement with the English commissioners that would be...
Copy: American Philosophical Society <[Amsterdam, September 23, 1778], in French: The undersigned, counsellor pensionary of Amsterdam, informs the commissioners that the burgomasters of the city authorize the following declaration: assuming Congress will not enter into any agreement with the English commissioners that would be harmful or prejudicial to Dutch trade in Europe either directly or...
31788General Orders, 23 September 1778 (Washington Papers)
The honorable the Congress have passed the following Resolution of the 11th instant. That all Officers of the Army not authorized by the resolutions of Congress or by the special Permission of the Commander in Chief to keep horses—be prohibited, tho’ at their own Expence from keeping any horse or horses within forty miles of the Main Body of the Army, and that General Washington be desired to...
I yesterday receiv’d intiligence from a party of militia which were sent down to Burgen, that lait in the afternoon a number of Transports came as near to Powles hook as they could and landed a considerable boddy of men. other parties have returnd and confirm this account. they (the Enemy) encamped last night in Burgen wood about five miles on this side of the Town—on the road to the liberty...
Letter not found: to John Parke Custis, c.23 Sept. 1778. GW wrote Richard Henry Lee on 23 Sept. : “I think it likely that Mr Custis (& Colo. Bassett) may be in Phila. at the time this Letter may come to your hands—if so, I will thank you for causing to be delivered to him, a Letter herewith addressed to your care” (see also Richard Henry Lee to GW, 5 Oct. 1778 ).
Inclosed is a Letter I received Yesterday by the Bearer Doctor Johnston, from General Stark —From intelligence from different places, corresponding with each Other, there is the Strongest reason to believe, that The Enemy meditate an Attack, both by Sea, & Land, upon Boston, and The French Fleet; indeed, they can now, have no Other Objects; in my Letter to Congress of the 3d June last, I...
Inclosed you have a Warrant for the impress of Teams agreeable to an Act of this State. Be pleased to be as moderate in the use of it as possible, and follow the directions of Govr Clinton in his letter to you of the 23d June, as far as you can consistent with the expedition and good of the Service. I am &c. Df , in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW . The draft of...
I am glad to find by yours of the 19th that such progress had been made in forwarding the Cloathing from Boston to Springfeild &ca. I think you did right under the appearance of matters, to send the unmade Cloathing out of town, and I would recommend it to you to keep the Bulk still there, bringing it in as the Taylers want it. By a letter from Genl Greene of the 19th I am informed that the...
Since I had the honor of addressing you on the 12th Instant, I have received your several Favors of the 10th—12th & 16th with the Resolutions, to which they allude. I transmitted the British Commissioners the Resolve of the 4th Instant, respecting the Convention Troops, the morning after it came to hand; and also wrote to Sr Henry Clinton upon the subject of passports. I have not received his...
Mr Richard Beresford, a Native of South Carolina, a Young Gentleman of family, fortune and good Character who left New York on the 20th Instant called on me at a late hour last Night and delivered a verbal Message from Robert Williams Esquire another Native of that State, a very sensible Man, long a Practitioner in the Law, a respectable Character in general but not well affected to the...
Your favor of the 6th Instt did not get to my hands till the 18th —It found me at our Posts in the Highlands, on my circuit to this place—& at a time when I had neither leizure or oppertunity to write to you. I am so thoroughly impressed with the necessity of reinlisting the Army, that you may depend upon it nothing in my power to effect it, shall be left unessayed. Instructions, and Money,...
Inclosed are the Weekly returns of the Garrison —General Putnam encamp’d on the Opposite shore, last Saturday but we have as yet obtained no fatigue party from his Divission—To morrow he has promised 800 & the boats are waiting for them—they are to work Three days & be relieved by others. I have employd Poor’s men (off duty) to build Hutts in the manner proposed to Your Excellency. My officers...
Mr Torrey who was appointed by Genl Heath Captain of a Company of Bakers, and sent from Boston to the Army in June last, informs me that he finds it not in his Power to render that Service to the Publick, while he continues with the Army, which was the Object of his Appointment. The Camp is an improper Place for the Baking of hard Bread. He expected, on coming to it, to employ his People in...
I had just made up the small Packet which will be delivered herewith, when I was honoured with the Receipt of your Excellency’s Letter of the 22d respecting the forwarding of Provisions to the French Fleet. On the first Intimation that a Number of Teams were at or near King’s Ferry with Provisions from Phila. for the Fleet at Boston, I dispatched Expresses immediatly to Col. Hay at Fish kill,...
I make use of the Freedom to Trouble you with a Few lines with respect to a Command, which I was Orderd out upon by Colo. Butler— sir, youl Be informd by these lines, That Early in the morng of the 24th August, I recd Orders from Colo. Butler to Take a Command of 60 men, with Proper officers & Proceed with All Possible Expedition to Paughatoughton & Perpacton, to Try to fall in with som of the...