Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Simeon Samson, 28 October 1779

From Simeon Samson

LS: American Philosophical Society

Nants 28th October 1779


As Mr. Watson waited on your Excellency with the Dispatches I had the honor to bring for you from Congress I did not write you untill the 7 Inst:3 when the Mercury was Clean’d and Ready for the Sea then acquainted your excellency with the same and that I was waiting your orders which was my Instructions from the Honble. Navy board at Boston & not having the honor to have an Answer from you I naturely supose my Letter never came to hand— Sr. I take this opportunity to acquaint you with the same & that the Mercury has been dropt down the River this 18 days past ready to Sail at the shortest notice having been Clean’d for some time I find my Ships Bottom begins to fowl very fast the season of the Year approaching that to gett a Passage on the coast of America often is attended with great difficulty the Mercury being a small Vessell & very low in the Water naturly will be more Exposed then a larger Ship these Circumstances considerd makes me Anxious to have your approbation for my Departure—4

Sr. I am Your most Obdt: Huml Servt: at Command—

Simn Samson

To His Excellency Benja: Francklin Esqr:

P.S. I have to acquaint your honor there is severall Americans here that have been lately Prisoners Officers & Seamen being Intirely destitute of Money & short of Clothing supported at the Expence of the Continent while here they would be very glad of a Passage wch: I am freely willing to give them on my part wth: proviser the Continent will aford them Provisions & Stores they are such men as we want in America and about Eight in number. I should be very glad to have some Directions from you with Respect to this Matter—

I have the Honor to be Sr. Your Most Obdt: Servt—

S Samson

Addressed: His Excellency Benja: Francklin Esqr: / Piercy—near— / Paris

Notation: Saml. Sampson 28 Oct 79

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]


4BF’s approval crossed this letter in the mail: BF to Schweighauser, below, Oct. 30.

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