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Results 31741-31770 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is with the greatest Reluctance that we trouble your Excellency with our Distress’d situation, but as it is likely to become Worse every day unless we can Obtain some Credit or releif, we hope you will excuse us.— When we had the Honour to see you last March, we beg’d the favor of you to Interfere so far between us & Mr. Wharton, that he might be...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr: Maseres presents his compliments to Dr: Franklyn and sends him two more copies of the collection of Quebec instruments and the draught of a toleration-act; of which he desires the doctor to transmit one set to his son, Governour Franklyn of New Jersey, and the other to Mr: Galloway, of Philadelphia, the speaker of the house of Assembly, with Mr: Maseres...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library Mr. Keay presents his Respects to Mr. Franklin, & takes the liberty of enclosing the relation of the Accident at Philadelphia. The Person who mention’d it to Made. de Cheminot had seen Conductors upon the House, & had hastily concluded, that they had been put up previous to the accident, which they certainly were not— Madame de Cheminot presents her...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society John Adams arrived in Paris on the evening of Saturday, October 26, after a ten-day journey from The Hague. The first person he sought out the following morning was Matthew Ridley. Ridley gave him general information on the state of the negotiations, and filled him in on Franklin’s health: the Doctor was still weak and had ceased his custom of...
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society A Letter received of His Excellencÿ Robt. Morris Esqr. induced us to apply to your Excelly., Since we Satisfyed all the demands of Mr. Grand in consequence of the order of Said Mr. Morris, who was pleased to Say that he Should make no further disposal on us till he received our advice. We received a Letter of him dated 5 augt. that the armey being...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Moses Grimmel who called on me this day for the Money of 2 acceptances of yours to two Loan office Bills informed me of his misfortunes. The seizure of the £15000 in Bills he had about him endorsed in blanc is an Irregularity to be sure, but not deserving such an Important Loss. We could therefore prevent part of it if said Gentlman could inform us only...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am desired to lay before your Excellency the Subjoined vouchers to Establish a proof of the atrocious abuse made by Capt Edward Macatter Commander of the black Princess Privateer, of the Power vested in him by the United States of America. The paper No 1 is a regular Protest taken by John McIsaac master of the Brig the John, at Dublin the 13 July last and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je profite de la Lettre que Mr. De Nle. vous écrit aujourd’hui. Autrement j’aurois différé d’un ordinaire, afin de pouvoir vous apprendre ce qui se sera passé aujourd’hui à Lahaie au sujet du second Mémoire de Sir J. Y.— Il y a grande apparence, que la résolution qui sera prise à ce sujet ne plaira guere à ce dernier. Les Libelles séditieux de la part des...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld est chargé par Madame sa mere d’engager Monsieur franklyn à lui faire l’honneur de diner chez elle samedi 14. ou Dimanche 15. ou Lundi 16. à son choix; il est prié de vouloir bien amener Monsieur son petit fils à qui M[essieu]rs de Chabot ne veulent pas manquer de faire leurs adieux, et il est prié aussi de proposer à M. Deane le...
LS : American Philosophical Society As Mr. Watson waited on your Excellency with the Dispatches I had the honor to bring for you from Congress I did not write you untill the 7 Inst: when the Mercury was Clean’d and Ready for the Sea then acquainted your excellency with the same and that I was waiting your orders which was my Instructions from the Honble. Navy board at Boston & not having the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer of this is the Son of a widow (Mrs Curtauld) who belongs to my congregation at Hackney. He is going over to Am—ca not intending to return; and any notice that you may be so good as to take of him will be well bestowed and gratefully received. I rejoyce heartily in the Security which an object which has been long a favourite one with me, Seems...
Draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania When I left Philadelphia and every Friend and Acquaintance that was dear to me it was with a View and, as I then thought, with a study [ sic ] Resolution to lead a quiet and private Life without even so much as thinking of publick Affairs, other than paying Taxes and Fines if any should be imposed upon me for not appearing if at any Time I should be...
L : University of Pennsylvania Library Le Mis De la fayette a l’honneur de presenter Son Respect à Monsieur franklin, et comme il ne doit Voir qu’a onze heures la personne interessée dans la petite affaire dont il la Chargé hier, il pense que le depart d’aujourd’huy pourroit être differé jusqu’a demain au point du jour. Dès qu’il y aura une Réponse Le Mis De la fayette aura lhonneur d’en faire...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I wrote you some time since & sent under Cover a Letter to Mr Necker relative to the Freight Duty demanded on the Aurora but as I have not yet received any answer I take the Liberty of sending a Copy which I request you to send to Mr Necker, if the Original has not come to hand. The Payment of this Freight Duty will much affect this kind of Commerce, &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hop you will pardin my fredom in writin to you, should be glad to have waited on you but never shall see you moer so bad with the stoan not abell to goe to the hall for my penshon but the treasourer is so Cind as to send it god reward him for it, I had a long winter never been out tell march with my breth nor abell to go to bed know mor then a child, and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society After a long Weariness caus’d by not receiving Letters from any of my freinds. I write you to engage you or My Cousin to write me the state of your health. I have heard from Johonnot that our Good General Washington intend’s coming to France. I heard also from the Same that you have made medals for the Liberty of my Dear Country having Said Before Mr...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The inclosed Letter was given me open by Capt Jno Foster Williams who is lately arrived here from Prison. As you may have the Receipt mentioned or an authentic Copy of it I think it my duty to forward this Letter and I hope in consequence 53 of our poor Countrymen will be liberated. I am as ever Yours most dutifully & affecty Notation: Williams Feby. 2....
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Un Jeune homme, Monsieur, nommé Gelé m’a dit qu’il vous avoit offert ses services et demandé de l’employer en qualité de Secretaire. Quoique je ne sois point connu de vous, il desire que j’appuye sa demande de ma recommandation. Je ne connois point personnellement ses qualités et son merite; des personnes en qui j’ai toute confiance m’ont assuré qu’il...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Si vostre Excellence etoit icy, Monsieur Le Docteur, elle verroit avec plaisir Le pavillon americain flotter sur des Vaisseaux franco-americains. J’espere que toutte Cette flotte Legere appareillera du vingt trois au vingt Cinq. Vous devriez venir luy donner vostre Benediction patriarchale, elle en auroit Bezoing, Car les officiers de L’alliance sont prest...
LS : American Philosophical Society Vous futes informé de l’expédition que nous fimes, en Décembre dernier, sous les auspices et l’influence de M. Deane, de trois navires pour le continent des Etats-Unis de l’amérique. Un seul de ces batimens arriva à Edenton, le second perit entre le Cap Hatteras et Ocrecock, et le sort du troisiéme, que nous avons ignoré jusqu’à présent, nous a tenus dans le...
AL : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous envoyer quelques nouvelles conditions que je desirerois entrer dans notre arrangement avec celles que nous avons ecrites hyer. J’en useray de même s’il me vient encore à l’esprit quelque chose d’important qui doive estre arreté d’avance entre nous. Comme il est juste que vous prenièz de votre coté les informations necessaires sur ce...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mde sorin a l’honneur de faire mil compliments a Monsieur franklin Et de le prier De vouloir Bien avoir la complaisance De vouloir Bien Donner une Demie heure De son tems a M. Desouches ami de Mde Sorin, et qui Desire on ne peut plus vivement jouir de ce Bonheur, Dont il proffitera pour L’entretenir d’objets de litterature qui peuvent l’interresser. Elle lui...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hope the time is not at any great distance, when I may Shake of my Gouty foot and make you a Visit. Till that happy event Comes round I must pray leave to referr you to the bearer Mr. Nathl Dowse for all particulars relative me and mine as well as touching Himself. I am with Respect Sir, Your most Obedient Humble Servant Notation: S. Martin March 14 78...
ALS : American Philosophical Society While all our Little World are congratulating each other on your safe arrival in France, Suffer me to assure you that none more Sincerely rejoices in it then I do. To know you are free from danger is an infinite satisfaction, to tell you so is a Pleasure I could not refuse myself. The danger with Which our Coast is surrounded would often have fil’d me with...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I was much affected with your very friendly letter, and the advice which accompanied it. This I should have followed if it had depended upon myself. But not long after Ld. Shelburne told Dr Price, that I was of no use to him, and that he wished to fix me in an academy which he talked of establishing in Ireland. This being communicated to me, I replied,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer is Baron Steieben of whome I had the honor to write to you by the hands of a Friend about a month since. He is a Gentleman of Family, Merit and great experience, well known to some of the First Personages in Europe, and hereby gives you sir a strong proof of his Ambition to make the Acquaintance of Doctor Franklin in actualy performing a Journey...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania May it please your Excellency, as we are ready to expedite to North America a vessel call’d the Kensington, to accept our services you may commit your dispatches to the Care of Samuel Smith Commander of sd. vessel: And at the same time, We beg, you would forward us immediately a Commission for war; you will find here annex’d the usual obligation with its...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did myself the honour of writing to you in the beginning of December to request your advice and assistance. Mr. Laurens, whom I saw on his return from Paris, told me I was not to wonder at your silence, for that your time was so taken up with matters of State, that your private friends must excuse you, nor impute to a seeming inattention to them, what...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The vessel I advised you arrived at Rochelle proved to be a Ship belonging to some Merchants at Baltimore. By Letters yesterday from Bilboa we are advised of the Arrival of two American Vessels at that Port from New England one of them a Brig from Salem took on her Passage a homeward bound Jamaica man estimated at Twenty five Thousand Pounds. The prize I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Herewith you will receive Two Letter which I was requested to deliver to You from Two of Your Friends in England. But My Stay here being rather uncertain I determine to forward them directly. At my Arrival at Paris I shall do Myself the honour of waiting of on You. In the Mean time I am very respectfully Sir Your most humble & obedt Servt Notation: Wm....