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Results 31741-31770 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The Princess Augusta Packet arrived here the 20th. Inst. in the evening from New York, and...
I have not heard whether Jerry is returned from Bedford with his waggon, but I expect he is, and...
I have the honor to transmit a statement shewing, as far as returns have been received from the...
I do myself the pleasure to Send, for your amusement, a curious production of the Vegetable (not...
I congratulate you, my dear Cornelia, on having acquired the invaluable art of writing. how...
Th: Jefferson presents his respects to the Committee appointed to recieve subscriptions for a...
The Union arrived at Plymouth on the 15th. Instant. She has met with some rough Treatment at Sea...
Several communications from the Ex-Bashaw whose contents nearly correspond with the copy of his...
I return you Dr. Maese’s letter which a pressure of business has occasioned me to keep too long....
Approaching now the end of my administration, I have thought it just to cease making any new...
I thank you, my dear & antient friend, for the two volumes of your translation which you have...
I had anticipated a visit from Mrs Adams, & both her Children, for a few days at least, when she...
Accept my thanks for your friendly Letter of the 10 th . Inst: and for the Papers which you was...
I have just received a Letter from the Wife of William Bassett, whose case was committed to this...
I continue without any letters from your Department since my last under date 15 Ulto. to the...
I have had the Honour to receive, by the British Packet, your Letter of the 9th. & 10th. of last...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Dr. Cutbush and his thanks for the volume on the health...
Sir, the enclosed letter is from an intelligent Capt. who would not write as he does on slight...
Th: Jefferson returns thanks to mr Derbigny for the copy of his Refutation of M. Duponceau which...
The Republican Citizens of the Town of Boston, following the example of their fellow citizens, in...
The cargo, ostensible destination, ownership & other circumstances respecting the ship Lorenzo of...
Nothing had been more fixed than my determination to keep my expences here within the limits of...
At a time like the present when the attention of American Patriots is turned toward Manufactures,...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Price & his thanks for the communications of Dec. 9...
The under signed is the person, who, had the Honour of addressing you in July 1807; as Chairman...
M Sartori of Trenton has sent us Two Boxes of Paste, which he directed us to Ship by a Vessel...
The Committee appointed (at a meeting of the Citizens of Washington) to receive Subscriptions for...
The person who is the Bearer of this, has in his possession specimens of Copper Ore found in...
Your obliging letter of November 30. 1807. I had the pleasure of receiving, soon after its date,...
I thank you for all the fine Speeches you send me and especially for that of Mr Loyd and the...