Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to John Vaughan, 8 July 1793

To John Vaughan

Treasury Department
July 8th. 1793


In reply to your letter of the 6th. Instant,1 I am to inform you, that the two draughts dated the 5th. July 1793 and drawn upon me at 30 days sight in your favor by Mr. Genet Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of France; the One for Four Hundred and Thirty one Dollars and Sixty Eight Cents and the Other for Two Thousand, five Hundred and thirty Nine Dollars and forty four Cents, will be punctually paid at the Treasury when they become due.

I am with great consideration   Sir   Your Most Obedient Servant

A Hamilton

John Vaughan Esquire

LS, Library of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia.

1Letter not found. In this letter Vaughan apparently discussed bills issued by the administration of Santo Domingo. See the introductory note to George Latimer to H, January 2, 1793; Jean Baptiste de Ternant to H, January 13, 1793; H to Edmond Charles Genet, June 4, 1793; “Conversation with George Hammond,” June 10–July 6, 1793, note 2.

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