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Results 31731-31740 of 184,431 sorted by author
I thank you for forwarding the Seeds from M r Rodney .—I rec d them safely a few days ago. and hasten to send you herein the few Sea Kale seed I have left.—I am sorry you did not make known your wish to get this seed until I had reduced my stock so low.— I shall make a point of attending the special meeting of the Visitors at the time proposed RC ( CSmH: JF ); endorsed by TJ as received 22...
After acknowledging the rect. of your late favours, the one containing the Bills of D & N. and the other a copy of your communication to the Proctor respecting the reinstatement of the Hotel keepers: permit me to call your attention to the inclosed letter of Mr. Wm. Matthews. I can see no objection to Mr. M. being permitted to make up such a school for Military instruction at the University as...
Being pursuaded you wou’d gladly promote the views, of a practical agriculturist of Education, who is about to go to Europe , chiefly for the purpose of bringing back to his native State , whatever he may find applicable to our wants in the various branches of rural economy;—I take pleasure in introducing to your acquaintance, M r Wilson , who will deliver this.—He designs to embark in the...
In a letter I received from my Friend Mr. Delavan, soon after his late visit to Montpelier, he requested me to inform you, of the success of his application to Mr. Adams and the President to follow your Example in giving their countenance to the temperance reformation: but immediately after getting his letter, I perceived the information referred to, was carried to you through many channels of...
I have taken the liberty to order my Servant to call at Monticello and get (by your permission) a few plants of the scotch broom.— Yours respectfully RC ( CSmH : JF ); at foot of text: “M r Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 12 Mar. 1813 and so recorded in SJL .
Conversations with M r Brockenbrough and other practical Mechanicks, together with estimates made by M r B. & myself have induced me to, suggest some changes in the Hotels & Dormitories designed to be connected with them, which are about to be erected at the University . In the Dormitories upon the upper level, connecting the Pavilions I wou’d propose no change. The beauty & convenience of...
You will receive herein sixty dollars which I understood you to say was the price asked for the Polyglot Bible, offerd to the University. Be so good as to order it, as my donation.— CSmH : Jefferson File.
At the time I united with Mr Johnson, in declining to assent to the immediate appointment of Mr. Ritchie to the vacant Chair of Nat. Philosophy in the U—I consider’d we were in some degree committed by our understanding with Dr. Jones to pursue, this course—I am now informed, by a letter from Dr. Jones that he has accepted the appointment to the patent office, at Washington. And seeing the...
I return you herein the letter to D r Cooper with my signature. According to my understanding of the decision of the board of visitors it contains the fullest expression of their wishes.— I am sorry to hear of your indisposition since I left Monticello — Accept the Assurance of my high respect & friendly regard RC ( CSmH: JF ); endorsed by TJ as received 14 Oct. 1819 and so recorded in SJL . RC (
I send herewith the Horse mentioned to you by M r Patterson & your grandson M r T. J. Randolph He answers the description they have given of his qualities as a Carriage & riding Horse. I have driven him chiefly in double Harness—he has been seldom in a gig but when tried performed very well & I am sure from his docile character may be trusted without risk. You are at liberty to take him on...