James Madison Papers

John Hartwell Cocke to James Madison, 23 May 1829

Charlottesville May 23d. 1829

Dear Sir,

I have recd. yours of the 8th Instant, with the letters from Mr. Long & Mr. Barbour inclosed—

I send you herein the result of Dr. Harrisons investigation of the deficient parts of "Valpy’s Edition of Stephens’ Thesaurus" by which it appears, the expense will be small to compleat this valuable work and I should concur with you in ordering it to be purchased immediately—The subscription price of the numbers, I believe, is one guinea Each—

From all I can hear at the University, it seems probable that we shall not be able to do better than to act upon Mr. Longs advice, as to his successor—

My health, thank God, is improving, though from the nature of my Complaint I cannot expect an entire recovery speedily if ever—I hope your influenza has not given you serious annoyance—With high respect & esteem—I am Dr. Sir Your obedt. Servt.

John H. Cocke Senr.


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