Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from St. George Tucker, 28 December 1808

Williamsburg Decr. 28. 1808.

Dear Sir,

Your favor of the 8th. Inst. was duely recieved, and has been considered with the Attention due to your friendship & Confidence, which you may rely on not being abused. I waited until I could avail myself of public rumour before I Should venture to mention the Circumstance you allude to. The Spirit of 76. furnish’d the opportunity last week: I have now the satisfactory hope of recommending a Gentleman every way worthy of your Confidence & approbation, & that of the public in general. I mean Mr. Thomas Nelson of York, eldest Son of the late Mr. Hugh Nelson: he is a married man, between eight & twenty & thirty years of age; has a family, and is at present the naval Officer, or Collector, of the district of little York; an office in which he has more than once exerted himself to detect, and to prevent violations, & Evasions of the Embargo, & other Laws relative to the Customs. He is of unblemish’d Character & morals, a sound republican, and as I am informed a good Accountant. I have known him from early Youth, & in addition to my own favourable Impressions, have the opinion of those who know him well, & on whose information I can safely rely.

I am with the greatest respect, and esteem, Dear Sir, Yours very truly

S G Tucker

DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.

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