Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from John Adams, [6?]–13 September 1778: résumé

From John Adams1

AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society

<Passy, September [6?]–13, 1778: In order to understand our affairs and to be able to account to our constituents we should decide which expenses we will pay jointly and which separately. I think we should pay jointly for the rent of the house and furniture, hire of coachman, horses, and carriage, wages of maitre d’hôtel and cook, and table expenses. We should pay separately for our clerks and servants, clothes, books, newspapers, and other expenses. I also feel we should keep an account of our common expenses and take receipts and that each of us should have a copy monthly. Memoir, September 13: This letter, written a week ago, was never sent. This morning, while Mr. Austin was present, Mr. W. T. Franklin brought the accounts for his family and offered that I should in future keep them.2>

1Published in Taylor, Adams Papers, VII, where the dating is explained.

2Listed as Account III above, XXIII, 19. WTF’s last entry is Aug. 24, 1778; he closed it as of Sept. 14, with a balance (later corrected) owed the commission of 286 l.t. 4 s. Subsequent entries are actually copies of those made by JA, beginning Oct. 1: Taylor, Adams Papers, VII.

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